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 madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back

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Madison Kwanteen
Madison Kwanteen
le trop-plein
le trop-plein
En ligne
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 7vHkInU Présent
ÂGE : 27 ans (12 mars 1996)
SURNOM : Mad, Mads, Madi, les classiques. Archie l'appelle sa petite souris.
STATUT : Elle a enfin plaqué Oliver, son petit-ami, après qu'il ai levé la main sur elle, mettant fin à deux ans de disputes, de crises de jalousie et d'abus émotionnel. Elle a essayé d'être amoureuse d'un garçon, elle se retrouve traumatisée, toujours lesbienne, et un portable rempli de messages qui supplie de le pardonner.
MÉTIER : Photographe, elle explore les banlieues rangées de Brisbane et chasse les espaces liminaux. On lui fait souvent remarquer que ses clichés sont mystérieux voire oppressants, et qu'ils semblent détenir un secret.
LOGEMENT : Un appartement confortable et lumineux au 72 Kent Street à Fortitude Valley, le loyer a longtemps été payé par Archie quand les fins de mois étaient difficiles.
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D2d0f20a4de421b71d96655be5f73fad
POSTS : 758 POINTS : 250

TW IN RP : Alcoolisme, addiction, homophobie internalisée, religion, catholic guilt, parents homophobes, viol conjugal, relation abusive, abus émotionnel, verbal et physique.
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : J'aime les jolies filles.
PETIT PLUS : infj ❀ lesbienne dans le placard en couple avec un garçon pour se convaincre ❀ boit beaucoup trop depuis beaucoup trop longtemps et se promet qu'elle gère ❀ photographe aux clichés mystérieux et sombres ❀ passionnée d'art et de littérature depuis son enfance ❀ perspicace, perfectionniste et people-pleaser ❀ éducation religieuse et pression familiale ❀ légèrement hypocondriaque malgré sa santé dégradée par l'alcool ❀ grande timide qui combat l'anxiété sociale par l'alcool ❀ « i thought i saw the devil this morning, looking in the mirror, drop of rum on my tongue »
CODE COULEUR : Madison bredouille en #990033
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 0172b0a4c1d3da8e75196daf3063fb9f96e1f91c
archie ❀ « we were young and drinking in the park, there was nowhere else to go, and you said you always had my back, ohh but how were we to know » | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 034115cad07b3462b60f5c7440941a7682278687
saddie ❀ « we all look for heaven and we put love first, somethin' that we'd die for, it's a curse, don't cry about it, don't cry about it | this is what makes us girls, we don't stick together 'cause we put love first » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ddf279af53c46a8f1e69744e9d2752c1c7c24b56
maxine ❀ « we're going to the five and dime, the only open place at this time of night, you're dancing in the aisle, cause the radio is singing you a song you know and the kid at the counter is gawking at your grace, ican tell what he's thinking by the look on his face, it's not his fault, i'm sure I look the same, it's what you do, but it's not you i blame » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 63fb8d0c73386e02e3b374b84ea88085c6479e81
shiloh ❀ « i've been having a hard time adjusting, i had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting (...) pulled the car off the road to the lookout, could've followed my fears all the way down » | 01

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-1-590d02e274
jo ❀ « if i could force my heart, my ears, my mind and eyes to get in line, maybe i'll find something real, not a fantasy so divine | let myself down each time, let myself down each time | how could you be what i wanna see? when my reality could never live up, could never live up to my fantasy » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D408eaa73192ac9c1e9976a7b2068d02bcfd7f63finnley ❀ « what a year and what a night, what terryifying final sights, put out your beating heart | the night was all you had; you ran into the night from all you had | found yourself a path upon the ground, you ran into the night, you can't be found » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Hedlund-smileCarmine ❀ « i'll give you one more time, we'll give you one more fight, said one more line, will I know you? » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 42008c7a14a0e87b170da89b3d26a676920f3d4fkwanteen family ❀ « no child is born knowing there's an ugly or evil thing, when did my folks stop covering my eyes? was it my brother who taught me about jealousy? was it my sister who taught me about vanity? »

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-4-05ebdf455a
charlie ❀ « I don't want to be anywhere else, then anywhere else but here | cause I've got better luck in my head, we're just ghosts inside my bed | I've got better luck in my head, playing poker with the dead » » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 96fj
albane ❀ « i can be a handful nut that's why you have two hands | i'm not ever careful and i can be rude, yeah, you can be a red light stop or run right through | i can be a danger, danger for you, yoo many issues, so i wouldn't blame you, bearer of bad news, i've got no excuse » |01 02 03

Bellamy 01 | Oliver 01 | Oliver 02 | Jenna 01

UA : Louis 01 02 03 | Maxine V1 : 01 02

Abandonnés : Reese | Nabi

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Kbcb
AVATAR : Kaitlyn Dever
CRÉDITS : ©bbberry (av) | ©loonywaltz (ub) | ©harleystuff (gif) | ©hannahcommissions (gif) | ©mapartche (dessin) | tumblr & pinterest
DC : Marceline la tornade & Scarlett le requin
PSEUDO : ©bbberry
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 19/09/2022

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptySam 1 Oct 2022 - 14:37

Hello @Bellamy Shin madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 1949770018
Ça fait maintenant cinq ans que je me teinds les cheveux en rose donc je pense que légalement je suis obligée d'accepter un lien avec un personnage qui les cheveux roses madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 4251317097 et j'adore l'idée des duos extraverti/introverti qui se complètent bien.
Mon seul souci c'est... @Archie Kwanteen madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 2427219151 Dans le sens où si Bellamy est très proche de Madi, il connaît forcément Archie au moins physiquement (elle a déjà posté des photos de lui sur Instagram, par exemple), et il me semble que dans tes RPs avec lui il s'agit d'un inconnu que Bellamy ne reconnaît pas : ça me paraît créer une incohérence scénaristique ?
Donc est-ce qu'il ne vaut mieux pas qu'ils se rapprochent petit à petit (de type ils se connaissaient à la fac viteuf et se recroisent en soirée et accrochent bien ?) et justement il finira par comprendre que le frère de sa nouvelle pote n'est autre qu'Archie ? Mais je ne sais pas ce que vous avez prévu comme intrigue ensemble, car je ne veux pas qu'un lien avec Madison embrouille ou complique vos idées I love you

and every night, I wake up from this one recurrin' dream, where I'm drivin' through the city and the brakes go out on me, I can't stop at the red light, I can't swerve off the road, I read somewhere it's 'cause my life feels so out of control, and I tell someone I love them just as a distraction, they tell me that they love me like I'm some tourist attraction, they're changin' my machinery and I just let it happen, I got the things I wanted, it's just not what I imagined

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 FximBIO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 YtxTUla
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 OfFbxmO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 RTpjgBd
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Bbi5jU8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EIhyBXy
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 NCLDdV8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 LLynPRd

:l: :

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madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptySam 1 Oct 2022 - 14:56

@Madison Kwanteen a écrit:
Ça fait maintenant cinq ans que je me teinds les cheveux en rose
I'm a fan of you then madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 3960333884

ah mais oui vrai que les réseaux gâchent tout :drama: je m'étais dit vu qu'il connaît pas le nom d'Archie il risque pas de faire le rapprochement mais j'avais pas considéré ça sous cet angle Arrow

du coup si ça te dit je propose qu'on garde le fait que Bellamy ait traîné dans les pattes de Madi à la BU, à la cafet, whatever mais du coup sans que ça dépasse le stade de potes de fac, donc ils auraient perdu contact quand ils ont eu leurs diplômes, puis ouais ils se recroisent dans le présent et (re)deviennent potes madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 1f44c
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Madison Kwanteen
Madison Kwanteen
le trop-plein
le trop-plein
En ligne
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 7vHkInU Présent
ÂGE : 27 ans (12 mars 1996)
SURNOM : Mad, Mads, Madi, les classiques. Archie l'appelle sa petite souris.
STATUT : Elle a enfin plaqué Oliver, son petit-ami, après qu'il ai levé la main sur elle, mettant fin à deux ans de disputes, de crises de jalousie et d'abus émotionnel. Elle a essayé d'être amoureuse d'un garçon, elle se retrouve traumatisée, toujours lesbienne, et un portable rempli de messages qui supplie de le pardonner.
MÉTIER : Photographe, elle explore les banlieues rangées de Brisbane et chasse les espaces liminaux. On lui fait souvent remarquer que ses clichés sont mystérieux voire oppressants, et qu'ils semblent détenir un secret.
LOGEMENT : Un appartement confortable et lumineux au 72 Kent Street à Fortitude Valley, le loyer a longtemps été payé par Archie quand les fins de mois étaient difficiles.
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D2d0f20a4de421b71d96655be5f73fad
POSTS : 758 POINTS : 250

TW IN RP : Alcoolisme, addiction, homophobie internalisée, religion, catholic guilt, parents homophobes, viol conjugal, relation abusive, abus émotionnel, verbal et physique.
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : J'aime les jolies filles.
PETIT PLUS : infj ❀ lesbienne dans le placard en couple avec un garçon pour se convaincre ❀ boit beaucoup trop depuis beaucoup trop longtemps et se promet qu'elle gère ❀ photographe aux clichés mystérieux et sombres ❀ passionnée d'art et de littérature depuis son enfance ❀ perspicace, perfectionniste et people-pleaser ❀ éducation religieuse et pression familiale ❀ légèrement hypocondriaque malgré sa santé dégradée par l'alcool ❀ grande timide qui combat l'anxiété sociale par l'alcool ❀ « i thought i saw the devil this morning, looking in the mirror, drop of rum on my tongue »
CODE COULEUR : Madison bredouille en #990033
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 0172b0a4c1d3da8e75196daf3063fb9f96e1f91c
archie ❀ « we were young and drinking in the park, there was nowhere else to go, and you said you always had my back, ohh but how were we to know » | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 034115cad07b3462b60f5c7440941a7682278687
saddie ❀ « we all look for heaven and we put love first, somethin' that we'd die for, it's a curse, don't cry about it, don't cry about it | this is what makes us girls, we don't stick together 'cause we put love first » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ddf279af53c46a8f1e69744e9d2752c1c7c24b56
maxine ❀ « we're going to the five and dime, the only open place at this time of night, you're dancing in the aisle, cause the radio is singing you a song you know and the kid at the counter is gawking at your grace, ican tell what he's thinking by the look on his face, it's not his fault, i'm sure I look the same, it's what you do, but it's not you i blame » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 63fb8d0c73386e02e3b374b84ea88085c6479e81
shiloh ❀ « i've been having a hard time adjusting, i had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting (...) pulled the car off the road to the lookout, could've followed my fears all the way down » | 01

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-1-590d02e274
jo ❀ « if i could force my heart, my ears, my mind and eyes to get in line, maybe i'll find something real, not a fantasy so divine | let myself down each time, let myself down each time | how could you be what i wanna see? when my reality could never live up, could never live up to my fantasy » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D408eaa73192ac9c1e9976a7b2068d02bcfd7f63finnley ❀ « what a year and what a night, what terryifying final sights, put out your beating heart | the night was all you had; you ran into the night from all you had | found yourself a path upon the ground, you ran into the night, you can't be found » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Hedlund-smileCarmine ❀ « i'll give you one more time, we'll give you one more fight, said one more line, will I know you? » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 42008c7a14a0e87b170da89b3d26a676920f3d4fkwanteen family ❀ « no child is born knowing there's an ugly or evil thing, when did my folks stop covering my eyes? was it my brother who taught me about jealousy? was it my sister who taught me about vanity? »

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-4-05ebdf455a
charlie ❀ « I don't want to be anywhere else, then anywhere else but here | cause I've got better luck in my head, we're just ghosts inside my bed | I've got better luck in my head, playing poker with the dead » » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 96fj
albane ❀ « i can be a handful nut that's why you have two hands | i'm not ever careful and i can be rude, yeah, you can be a red light stop or run right through | i can be a danger, danger for you, yoo many issues, so i wouldn't blame you, bearer of bad news, i've got no excuse » |01 02 03

Bellamy 01 | Oliver 01 | Oliver 02 | Jenna 01

UA : Louis 01 02 03 | Maxine V1 : 01 02

Abandonnés : Reese | Nabi

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Kbcb
AVATAR : Kaitlyn Dever
CRÉDITS : ©bbberry (av) | ©loonywaltz (ub) | ©harleystuff (gif) | ©hannahcommissions (gif) | ©mapartche (dessin) | tumblr & pinterest
DC : Marceline la tornade & Scarlett le requin
PSEUDO : ©bbberry
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 19/09/2022

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptySam 1 Oct 2022 - 15:22

@Bellamy Shin je viens même de penser à quelque chose qui pourrait être intéressant à jouer : ils s'entendaient bien à la fac mais alors que leur amitié commence à se développer, Bellamy commence à s'interroger sur la sexualité de Madison et même la questionne dessus, et elle panique complètement se met à l'éviter, du coup ils se perdent petit à petit de vue ? Alors qu'ils s'entendaient bien ? :drama:
Du coup ils pourraient se recroiser, par exemple Madi pourrait faire un photoshoot avec des fringues de la maison Weatherton et Bellamy se trouve là, ou alors un photoshoot de danse auquel il participe ou tout simplement en soirée alumni de la fac, quelque chose comme ça ? Du coup l'eau a coulé sous les ponts depuis leur éloignement, et ils peuvent à nouveau devenir amis, mais y a un peu ce non-dit qui plane ?

and every night, I wake up from this one recurrin' dream, where I'm drivin' through the city and the brakes go out on me, I can't stop at the red light, I can't swerve off the road, I read somewhere it's 'cause my life feels so out of control, and I tell someone I love them just as a distraction, they tell me that they love me like I'm some tourist attraction, they're changin' my machinery and I just let it happen, I got the things I wanted, it's just not what I imagined

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 FximBIO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 YtxTUla
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 OfFbxmO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 RTpjgBd
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Bbi5jU8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EIhyBXy
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 NCLDdV8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 LLynPRd

:l: :

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madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptySam 1 Oct 2022 - 15:42

@Madison Kwanteen a écrit:
ils s'entendaient bien à la fac mais alors que leur amitié commence à se développer, Bellamy commence à s'interroger sur la sexualité de Madison et même la questionne dessus, et elle panique complètement se met à l'éviter, du coup ils se perdent petit à petit de vue ? Alors qu'ils s'entendaient bien ? :drama:
ça me va ! Bellamy est grave taquin alors il aurait pu embêter un peu Madi avec ça sans capter qu'il la mettait vraiment mal à l'aise puis du coup ouais, si elle l'évite il comprendrait pas trop et il essayerait de talk it out mais si ça prend pas il va juste pas insister sisi

Peut-être que la soirée alumni serait plus propice à ce qu'ils se posent vraiment pour parler mais ils peuvent carrément se revoir après quand Madi fait un shoot pour Weatherton madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 1f44c ça leur fera une raison de plus de recréer du lien :drama:

Comme je te disais du coup, Bella avait juste pas capté qu'il était queer avant 2020 mais maintenant qu'il est lui-même concerné, ya moyen qu'il soit plus délicat et qu'il garde ses doutes pour lui pour pas braquer (encore) Madi sisi du coup elle devrait être safe à ce propos I love you
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Madison Kwanteen
Madison Kwanteen
le trop-plein
le trop-plein
En ligne
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 7vHkInU Présent
ÂGE : 27 ans (12 mars 1996)
SURNOM : Mad, Mads, Madi, les classiques. Archie l'appelle sa petite souris.
STATUT : Elle a enfin plaqué Oliver, son petit-ami, après qu'il ai levé la main sur elle, mettant fin à deux ans de disputes, de crises de jalousie et d'abus émotionnel. Elle a essayé d'être amoureuse d'un garçon, elle se retrouve traumatisée, toujours lesbienne, et un portable rempli de messages qui supplie de le pardonner.
MÉTIER : Photographe, elle explore les banlieues rangées de Brisbane et chasse les espaces liminaux. On lui fait souvent remarquer que ses clichés sont mystérieux voire oppressants, et qu'ils semblent détenir un secret.
LOGEMENT : Un appartement confortable et lumineux au 72 Kent Street à Fortitude Valley, le loyer a longtemps été payé par Archie quand les fins de mois étaient difficiles.
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D2d0f20a4de421b71d96655be5f73fad
POSTS : 758 POINTS : 250

TW IN RP : Alcoolisme, addiction, homophobie internalisée, religion, catholic guilt, parents homophobes, viol conjugal, relation abusive, abus émotionnel, verbal et physique.
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : J'aime les jolies filles.
PETIT PLUS : infj ❀ lesbienne dans le placard en couple avec un garçon pour se convaincre ❀ boit beaucoup trop depuis beaucoup trop longtemps et se promet qu'elle gère ❀ photographe aux clichés mystérieux et sombres ❀ passionnée d'art et de littérature depuis son enfance ❀ perspicace, perfectionniste et people-pleaser ❀ éducation religieuse et pression familiale ❀ légèrement hypocondriaque malgré sa santé dégradée par l'alcool ❀ grande timide qui combat l'anxiété sociale par l'alcool ❀ « i thought i saw the devil this morning, looking in the mirror, drop of rum on my tongue »
CODE COULEUR : Madison bredouille en #990033
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 0172b0a4c1d3da8e75196daf3063fb9f96e1f91c
archie ❀ « we were young and drinking in the park, there was nowhere else to go, and you said you always had my back, ohh but how were we to know » | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 034115cad07b3462b60f5c7440941a7682278687
saddie ❀ « we all look for heaven and we put love first, somethin' that we'd die for, it's a curse, don't cry about it, don't cry about it | this is what makes us girls, we don't stick together 'cause we put love first » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ddf279af53c46a8f1e69744e9d2752c1c7c24b56
maxine ❀ « we're going to the five and dime, the only open place at this time of night, you're dancing in the aisle, cause the radio is singing you a song you know and the kid at the counter is gawking at your grace, ican tell what he's thinking by the look on his face, it's not his fault, i'm sure I look the same, it's what you do, but it's not you i blame » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 63fb8d0c73386e02e3b374b84ea88085c6479e81
shiloh ❀ « i've been having a hard time adjusting, i had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting (...) pulled the car off the road to the lookout, could've followed my fears all the way down » | 01

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-1-590d02e274
jo ❀ « if i could force my heart, my ears, my mind and eyes to get in line, maybe i'll find something real, not a fantasy so divine | let myself down each time, let myself down each time | how could you be what i wanna see? when my reality could never live up, could never live up to my fantasy » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D408eaa73192ac9c1e9976a7b2068d02bcfd7f63finnley ❀ « what a year and what a night, what terryifying final sights, put out your beating heart | the night was all you had; you ran into the night from all you had | found yourself a path upon the ground, you ran into the night, you can't be found » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Hedlund-smileCarmine ❀ « i'll give you one more time, we'll give you one more fight, said one more line, will I know you? » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 42008c7a14a0e87b170da89b3d26a676920f3d4fkwanteen family ❀ « no child is born knowing there's an ugly or evil thing, when did my folks stop covering my eyes? was it my brother who taught me about jealousy? was it my sister who taught me about vanity? »

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-4-05ebdf455a
charlie ❀ « I don't want to be anywhere else, then anywhere else but here | cause I've got better luck in my head, we're just ghosts inside my bed | I've got better luck in my head, playing poker with the dead » » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 96fj
albane ❀ « i can be a handful nut that's why you have two hands | i'm not ever careful and i can be rude, yeah, you can be a red light stop or run right through | i can be a danger, danger for you, yoo many issues, so i wouldn't blame you, bearer of bad news, i've got no excuse » |01 02 03

Bellamy 01 | Oliver 01 | Oliver 02 | Jenna 01

UA : Louis 01 02 03 | Maxine V1 : 01 02

Abandonnés : Reese | Nabi

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Kbcb
AVATAR : Kaitlyn Dever
CRÉDITS : ©bbberry (av) | ©loonywaltz (ub) | ©harleystuff (gif) | ©hannahcommissions (gif) | ©mapartche (dessin) | tumblr & pinterest
DC : Marceline la tornade & Scarlett le requin
PSEUDO : ©bbberry
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 19/09/2022

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptySam 1 Oct 2022 - 16:18

@Bellamy Shin : Madison sera du genre à éviter / nier non seulement son orientation sexuelle mais aussi le fait qu'ils se soient éloignés et qu'elle ai évité Bellamy, elle aura un peu des excuses nulles madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 4222248358 Mais du coup j'aime beaucoup l'idée qu'ils se recroisent à la soirée des alumni puis plus tard dans d'autres circonstances, comme ça petit à petit la vie les remet sur le chemin l'un de l'autre et ça les rapproche. Et puis qui sait dans le futur comment ça évoluera avec le rapport de Madi à sa propre sexualité, le fait qu'Archie soit dans le mix peut-être plus tard, ce genre là de choses hihihi.
Du coup ça te dit de RP ça ? I love you Je peux lancer le RP de la soirée alumni si tu veux !

and every night, I wake up from this one recurrin' dream, where I'm drivin' through the city and the brakes go out on me, I can't stop at the red light, I can't swerve off the road, I read somewhere it's 'cause my life feels so out of control, and I tell someone I love them just as a distraction, they tell me that they love me like I'm some tourist attraction, they're changin' my machinery and I just let it happen, I got the things I wanted, it's just not what I imagined

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 FximBIO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 YtxTUla
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 OfFbxmO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 RTpjgBd
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Bbi5jU8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EIhyBXy
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 NCLDdV8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 LLynPRd

:l: :

Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Archie Kwanteen
Archie Kwanteen
le parasite
le parasite
En ligne
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Hu5cwsy Présence réduite
ÂGE : Le trentenaire ayant accompli la vie d'un soixantenaire qui a gagné au loto. 12 août 1991. (32)
SURNOM : Les gens s'amusent à ajouter un adjectif à son prénom, tout simplement. Il peut être archi-con, archi-faux, archi-[...]lamentable. C'est comme vous voulez.
STATUT : Ouch. Aïe ! Ouille ! AAAAAAA AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ! fr fr fr la mort, la mort
MÉTIER : Directeur général de Lola's Waterfall, un parc d'attraction aquatique à deux visages. Actionnaire/investisseur on the side chez le Walker Group + The Royal Queensland Golf Club + 2 ou 3 autres entreprises fleurissantes.
LOGEMENT : Une maison très humble à Bayside. Seulement quatre salles de bains. L'une d'elles a été emménagée pour son chien Bucky, de toute façon.
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Mnnq
POSTS : 8478 POINTS : 460

TW IN RP : Homophobie, propos conservateurs, misogynie/sexualisation de la femme, harcèlement scolaire.
GENRE : Je suis un homme
ORIENTATION : J'aime tout le monde.
PETIT PLUS : De nature arrogante, il a passé toute son enfance et son adolescence à se moquer des gens différents. • Il a été éduqué comme un « vrai » homme ; pourtant, il cache en lui une petite lumière rose • Multimillionnaire, il passe la majorité de son temps à dépenser son argent à séduire pour obtenir • Il priorise toujours les mots aux poings, surtout les plus convaincants • Il est très tactile – c’est un réflexe de manipulateur expérimenté • Il n’a eu qu’une seule petite amie mais il n'a pas été amoureux. • Pour ne pas décevoir ses parents, il lutte contre sa véritable nature tous les jours
RPs EN COURS : LA CONFISERIE (commandes de dessins)
Préliens parc aquatique

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 F276842e26704550bb547de0610f78fb49019a88
KWANTEEN's - Madison [8]Saddie [3]
But those are the days that bind us together, forever
And those little things define us forever, forever

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 ARMINE8
ARMINE - Carmine [8]
Nothing better to do when I'm stuck on you
I'm still in here trying to figure it out

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 K9ij
Autumn [5]
I swear you were beautiful to see
You could dance on fire with me

(8) Bear Kai - Jonah [UA] - Olive - Spencer [2]

RPs TERMINÉS : Jarchie [1] - Jarchie [3] - Dani - Jarchie [4] - Jarchie [6] - Mad - Jarchie [2][FB] - Kieran - Jameson - Mad [2] - Jarchie [8] - Jarchie [7] - Bennett - Jo - Jarchie [5][UA] - Kieran [2] - Mad [3] - Jarchie [10] - Autumn [1][FB] - Jarchie [9] & Mad [4] - Jo [2] - Lily - Jarchie [11] - Mad [4] + Saddie [1] - Gina - Kieran [3] - Jarchie [12][FB] - Jarchie [13] - Autumn [2] - Mad [5] - Jo [3] - Jarchie [14] - Aleisha - Basile - Aleisha [2][FB] - Jo [4] - Bellamy - Caitriona - Bellamy [2] - Autumn [3] - Madison [FB] - Jo [5] -Theodora - Jameson [2] - Carmine - Madison [2] - Tessa [FB] - Bellamy [3] - Mila [Noël] - Lincoln [FB] - Theo [2] - Kieran [4] - Jo [6] - Max [FB] - Carmine [2] - Madison [3] - Ambrose [Slasher 01] - Jameson [3] - Madison [4] - Cody [FB] - Caitriona [2] - Bear Birdie - Autumn [4] - Kieran [5] - Spencer - Madison [5] - Carmine [3] - Carmine [4] - Madison [6] - Channing - Finn - Carmine [5] - Carmine [7][FB] - Saddie [1] - Saddie [2] et Carmine [6] - Carmine [7] - Chad - Madison [7]


madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 VHpgJrlH_o
AVATAR : Jack O'Connell.
CRÉDITS : Harley pour les crackships et le vava ! ♥ Cette personne est incroyable et je lui dois la vie. Astra pour la signa ; loonywaltz pour les ubs
DC : Jo le raton, Raph le flamant et Sami l'ocelot.
PSEUDO : Mapartche.
INSCRIT LE : 22/11/2020

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptySam 1 Oct 2022 - 17:46

@Bellamy Shin  @Madison Kwanteen Je passe juste pour dire que je suis contente que vous ayez trouvé un lien et ça ne me dérange pas du tout que Bellamy connaisse Madison et Archie, alors have fun :l: mais j'avoue que je préfère qu'on évite de fermer le triangle de liens car je trouve ça trop improbable qu'ils se rendent compte qu'ils se connaissent tous les trois, je suis pas très à l'aise avec les rps "ah bah tien le premier garçon que j'ai embrassé connait ma petite soeur !" madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 3217047551 Du coup je crois que ce serait mieux que vous jouiez vos trucs de votre côté sans m'inclure pour le moment, si possible ? madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 2954228499 Je veux rien forcer pour Archie, il est toujours très coincé en ce moment et je veux pas le décoincer trop rapidement parce que j'aime le jouer ainsi. madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 3217047551 En tout cas, amusez-vous, je vais lire vos rps de loin mais pour l'instant Archie reste à part, d'accord ? :l: En plus, comme a dit Bellamy, il sait seulement que son frère s'appelle A, donc Madison peut parler d'Archie et il ne pourra pas faire de liens. madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 4251317097

Venomous bite
Une couche de pierre sur un coeur de verre ☽ Je vois là un homme qui se brûle sans feu, qui se noie sans eau et qui se pend sans corde.

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 RTpjgBd
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 NJB97Z9
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 8BCRpvL
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 GZFHSTH
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 ZsxbA8o
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 LLynPRd
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Madison Kwanteen
Madison Kwanteen
le trop-plein
le trop-plein
En ligne
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 7vHkInU Présent
ÂGE : 27 ans (12 mars 1996)
SURNOM : Mad, Mads, Madi, les classiques. Archie l'appelle sa petite souris.
STATUT : Elle a enfin plaqué Oliver, son petit-ami, après qu'il ai levé la main sur elle, mettant fin à deux ans de disputes, de crises de jalousie et d'abus émotionnel. Elle a essayé d'être amoureuse d'un garçon, elle se retrouve traumatisée, toujours lesbienne, et un portable rempli de messages qui supplie de le pardonner.
MÉTIER : Photographe, elle explore les banlieues rangées de Brisbane et chasse les espaces liminaux. On lui fait souvent remarquer que ses clichés sont mystérieux voire oppressants, et qu'ils semblent détenir un secret.
LOGEMENT : Un appartement confortable et lumineux au 72 Kent Street à Fortitude Valley, le loyer a longtemps été payé par Archie quand les fins de mois étaient difficiles.
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D2d0f20a4de421b71d96655be5f73fad
POSTS : 758 POINTS : 250

TW IN RP : Alcoolisme, addiction, homophobie internalisée, religion, catholic guilt, parents homophobes, viol conjugal, relation abusive, abus émotionnel, verbal et physique.
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : J'aime les jolies filles.
PETIT PLUS : infj ❀ lesbienne dans le placard en couple avec un garçon pour se convaincre ❀ boit beaucoup trop depuis beaucoup trop longtemps et se promet qu'elle gère ❀ photographe aux clichés mystérieux et sombres ❀ passionnée d'art et de littérature depuis son enfance ❀ perspicace, perfectionniste et people-pleaser ❀ éducation religieuse et pression familiale ❀ légèrement hypocondriaque malgré sa santé dégradée par l'alcool ❀ grande timide qui combat l'anxiété sociale par l'alcool ❀ « i thought i saw the devil this morning, looking in the mirror, drop of rum on my tongue »
CODE COULEUR : Madison bredouille en #990033
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 0172b0a4c1d3da8e75196daf3063fb9f96e1f91c
archie ❀ « we were young and drinking in the park, there was nowhere else to go, and you said you always had my back, ohh but how were we to know » | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 034115cad07b3462b60f5c7440941a7682278687
saddie ❀ « we all look for heaven and we put love first, somethin' that we'd die for, it's a curse, don't cry about it, don't cry about it | this is what makes us girls, we don't stick together 'cause we put love first » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ddf279af53c46a8f1e69744e9d2752c1c7c24b56
maxine ❀ « we're going to the five and dime, the only open place at this time of night, you're dancing in the aisle, cause the radio is singing you a song you know and the kid at the counter is gawking at your grace, ican tell what he's thinking by the look on his face, it's not his fault, i'm sure I look the same, it's what you do, but it's not you i blame » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 63fb8d0c73386e02e3b374b84ea88085c6479e81
shiloh ❀ « i've been having a hard time adjusting, i had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting (...) pulled the car off the road to the lookout, could've followed my fears all the way down » | 01

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-1-590d02e274
jo ❀ « if i could force my heart, my ears, my mind and eyes to get in line, maybe i'll find something real, not a fantasy so divine | let myself down each time, let myself down each time | how could you be what i wanna see? when my reality could never live up, could never live up to my fantasy » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D408eaa73192ac9c1e9976a7b2068d02bcfd7f63finnley ❀ « what a year and what a night, what terryifying final sights, put out your beating heart | the night was all you had; you ran into the night from all you had | found yourself a path upon the ground, you ran into the night, you can't be found » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Hedlund-smileCarmine ❀ « i'll give you one more time, we'll give you one more fight, said one more line, will I know you? » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 42008c7a14a0e87b170da89b3d26a676920f3d4fkwanteen family ❀ « no child is born knowing there's an ugly or evil thing, when did my folks stop covering my eyes? was it my brother who taught me about jealousy? was it my sister who taught me about vanity? »

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-4-05ebdf455a
charlie ❀ « I don't want to be anywhere else, then anywhere else but here | cause I've got better luck in my head, we're just ghosts inside my bed | I've got better luck in my head, playing poker with the dead » » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 96fj
albane ❀ « i can be a handful nut that's why you have two hands | i'm not ever careful and i can be rude, yeah, you can be a red light stop or run right through | i can be a danger, danger for you, yoo many issues, so i wouldn't blame you, bearer of bad news, i've got no excuse » |01 02 03

Bellamy 01 | Oliver 01 | Oliver 02 | Jenna 01

UA : Louis 01 02 03 | Maxine V1 : 01 02

Abandonnés : Reese | Nabi

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Kbcb
AVATAR : Kaitlyn Dever
CRÉDITS : ©bbberry (av) | ©loonywaltz (ub) | ©harleystuff (gif) | ©hannahcommissions (gif) | ©mapartche (dessin) | tumblr & pinterest
DC : Marceline la tornade & Scarlett le requin
PSEUDO : ©bbberry
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 19/09/2022

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptySam 1 Oct 2022 - 17:58

Je comprends tout à fait @Archie Kwanteen, comme je disais plus haut je ne veux pas du tout que ce lien empiète sur ce que vous jouez ou avez en tête, pour votre intrigue mais aussi votre cohérence avec votre perso I love you
Surtout qu'on a pas encore RP les liens de Madi et Archie sur leur sexualité à eux, et je ne veux pas qu'on aille trop vite non plus (j'imagine également Madison coincée pendant un moment) donc tu as raison, gardons Archie loin de ça, ça me paraît plus simple.
D'ailleurs, si jamais ça complique trop, @Bellamy Shin je peux te proposer à la place un lien avec mon DC @Marceline Griffiths qui aurait bien besoin d'un bon bff également, je te laisse voir et me dire ce que tu préfères madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 826475116

and every night, I wake up from this one recurrin' dream, where I'm drivin' through the city and the brakes go out on me, I can't stop at the red light, I can't swerve off the road, I read somewhere it's 'cause my life feels so out of control, and I tell someone I love them just as a distraction, they tell me that they love me like I'm some tourist attraction, they're changin' my machinery and I just let it happen, I got the things I wanted, it's just not what I imagined

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 FximBIO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 YtxTUla
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 OfFbxmO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 RTpjgBd
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Bbi5jU8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EIhyBXy
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 NCLDdV8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 LLynPRd

:l: :

Revenir en haut Aller en bas

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptySam 1 Oct 2022 - 20:17

@Archie Kwanteen
bah alors justement j'ai jamais mentionné Archie dans ma demande parce que je considère que Bellamy fera pas le lien (pcq il réfléchit pas genre, alors de là à ce qu'il fasse un rapprochement pareil alors qu'il lui manque des infos, well nope :drama:)

du coup nan perso jsuis toujours opé pour le lien avec Madi sans qu'Archie intervienne dans l'histoire si tu l'es aussi @Madison Kwanteen
(et jsuis pas fermée à un lien avec Marceline of course I love you)
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Madison Kwanteen
Madison Kwanteen
le trop-plein
le trop-plein
En ligne
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 7vHkInU Présent
ÂGE : 27 ans (12 mars 1996)
SURNOM : Mad, Mads, Madi, les classiques. Archie l'appelle sa petite souris.
STATUT : Elle a enfin plaqué Oliver, son petit-ami, après qu'il ai levé la main sur elle, mettant fin à deux ans de disputes, de crises de jalousie et d'abus émotionnel. Elle a essayé d'être amoureuse d'un garçon, elle se retrouve traumatisée, toujours lesbienne, et un portable rempli de messages qui supplie de le pardonner.
MÉTIER : Photographe, elle explore les banlieues rangées de Brisbane et chasse les espaces liminaux. On lui fait souvent remarquer que ses clichés sont mystérieux voire oppressants, et qu'ils semblent détenir un secret.
LOGEMENT : Un appartement confortable et lumineux au 72 Kent Street à Fortitude Valley, le loyer a longtemps été payé par Archie quand les fins de mois étaient difficiles.
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D2d0f20a4de421b71d96655be5f73fad
POSTS : 758 POINTS : 250

TW IN RP : Alcoolisme, addiction, homophobie internalisée, religion, catholic guilt, parents homophobes, viol conjugal, relation abusive, abus émotionnel, verbal et physique.
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : J'aime les jolies filles.
PETIT PLUS : infj ❀ lesbienne dans le placard en couple avec un garçon pour se convaincre ❀ boit beaucoup trop depuis beaucoup trop longtemps et se promet qu'elle gère ❀ photographe aux clichés mystérieux et sombres ❀ passionnée d'art et de littérature depuis son enfance ❀ perspicace, perfectionniste et people-pleaser ❀ éducation religieuse et pression familiale ❀ légèrement hypocondriaque malgré sa santé dégradée par l'alcool ❀ grande timide qui combat l'anxiété sociale par l'alcool ❀ « i thought i saw the devil this morning, looking in the mirror, drop of rum on my tongue »
CODE COULEUR : Madison bredouille en #990033
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 0172b0a4c1d3da8e75196daf3063fb9f96e1f91c
archie ❀ « we were young and drinking in the park, there was nowhere else to go, and you said you always had my back, ohh but how were we to know » | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 034115cad07b3462b60f5c7440941a7682278687
saddie ❀ « we all look for heaven and we put love first, somethin' that we'd die for, it's a curse, don't cry about it, don't cry about it | this is what makes us girls, we don't stick together 'cause we put love first » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ddf279af53c46a8f1e69744e9d2752c1c7c24b56
maxine ❀ « we're going to the five and dime, the only open place at this time of night, you're dancing in the aisle, cause the radio is singing you a song you know and the kid at the counter is gawking at your grace, ican tell what he's thinking by the look on his face, it's not his fault, i'm sure I look the same, it's what you do, but it's not you i blame » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 63fb8d0c73386e02e3b374b84ea88085c6479e81
shiloh ❀ « i've been having a hard time adjusting, i had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting (...) pulled the car off the road to the lookout, could've followed my fears all the way down » | 01

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-1-590d02e274
jo ❀ « if i could force my heart, my ears, my mind and eyes to get in line, maybe i'll find something real, not a fantasy so divine | let myself down each time, let myself down each time | how could you be what i wanna see? when my reality could never live up, could never live up to my fantasy » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D408eaa73192ac9c1e9976a7b2068d02bcfd7f63finnley ❀ « what a year and what a night, what terryifying final sights, put out your beating heart | the night was all you had; you ran into the night from all you had | found yourself a path upon the ground, you ran into the night, you can't be found » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Hedlund-smileCarmine ❀ « i'll give you one more time, we'll give you one more fight, said one more line, will I know you? » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 42008c7a14a0e87b170da89b3d26a676920f3d4fkwanteen family ❀ « no child is born knowing there's an ugly or evil thing, when did my folks stop covering my eyes? was it my brother who taught me about jealousy? was it my sister who taught me about vanity? »

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-4-05ebdf455a
charlie ❀ « I don't want to be anywhere else, then anywhere else but here | cause I've got better luck in my head, we're just ghosts inside my bed | I've got better luck in my head, playing poker with the dead » » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 96fj
albane ❀ « i can be a handful nut that's why you have two hands | i'm not ever careful and i can be rude, yeah, you can be a red light stop or run right through | i can be a danger, danger for you, yoo many issues, so i wouldn't blame you, bearer of bad news, i've got no excuse » |01 02 03

Bellamy 01 | Oliver 01 | Oliver 02 | Jenna 01

UA : Louis 01 02 03 | Maxine V1 : 01 02

Abandonnés : Reese | Nabi

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Kbcb
AVATAR : Kaitlyn Dever
CRÉDITS : ©bbberry (av) | ©loonywaltz (ub) | ©harleystuff (gif) | ©hannahcommissions (gif) | ©mapartche (dessin) | tumblr & pinterest
DC : Marceline la tornade & Scarlett le requin
PSEUDO : ©bbberry
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 19/09/2022

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptySam 1 Oct 2022 - 20:35

Aaaah bah parfait @Bellamy Shin si ça correspond aussi à la personnalité de Bella de ne pas capter, moi j'avais peur que ça fasse des incohérences dans les RPs ou les personnages ou quoi mais du coup c'est paaaarfait ; désolée d'avoir compliqué mais on est sur la même longueur d'onde maintenant I love you Je lance donc le RP de la soirée alumni madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 1949770018

and every night, I wake up from this one recurrin' dream, where I'm drivin' through the city and the brakes go out on me, I can't stop at the red light, I can't swerve off the road, I read somewhere it's 'cause my life feels so out of control, and I tell someone I love them just as a distraction, they tell me that they love me like I'm some tourist attraction, they're changin' my machinery and I just let it happen, I got the things I wanted, it's just not what I imagined

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 FximBIO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 YtxTUla
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 OfFbxmO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 RTpjgBd
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Bbi5jU8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EIhyBXy
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 NCLDdV8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 LLynPRd

:l: :

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madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptyDim 2 Oct 2022 - 9:30

Bonjour @Madison Kwanteen :hrt

Je m'en viens postuler pour le rôle du BFF ! Théo est loin, TRES LOINS d'être un addict, il aime bien sortir mais c'est plus le SAM, celui qui ramène les gens chez eux que ceux qui vomissent sur la banquette arrière d'une voiture madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 613854477
Théo, ici, il est (un peu trop) gentil, (un peu trop) naïf et déborde de bienveillance et de patience. Il fait passer le bonheur des autres avant le sien, adore faire plaisir et est l'épaule sur laquelle on peut s'épancher sans risquer de se faire juger. En plus ils ont le même âge, donc ... madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 4251317097

Bon, il y a juste le 'problème' du fait que Théo a quitté Brisbane à 18 ans pour s'installer à Perth et y faire ses études et il n'est de retour en ville que depuis début août 2022.

Si cette précision ne pose pas de soucis pour ce lien, je suis absolument opé ! Et si ça pose problème, on peut toujours se trouver autre chose si tu veux madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 1949770018
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Madison Kwanteen
Madison Kwanteen
le trop-plein
le trop-plein
En ligne
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 7vHkInU Présent
ÂGE : 27 ans (12 mars 1996)
SURNOM : Mad, Mads, Madi, les classiques. Archie l'appelle sa petite souris.
STATUT : Elle a enfin plaqué Oliver, son petit-ami, après qu'il ai levé la main sur elle, mettant fin à deux ans de disputes, de crises de jalousie et d'abus émotionnel. Elle a essayé d'être amoureuse d'un garçon, elle se retrouve traumatisée, toujours lesbienne, et un portable rempli de messages qui supplie de le pardonner.
MÉTIER : Photographe, elle explore les banlieues rangées de Brisbane et chasse les espaces liminaux. On lui fait souvent remarquer que ses clichés sont mystérieux voire oppressants, et qu'ils semblent détenir un secret.
LOGEMENT : Un appartement confortable et lumineux au 72 Kent Street à Fortitude Valley, le loyer a longtemps été payé par Archie quand les fins de mois étaient difficiles.
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D2d0f20a4de421b71d96655be5f73fad
POSTS : 758 POINTS : 250

TW IN RP : Alcoolisme, addiction, homophobie internalisée, religion, catholic guilt, parents homophobes, viol conjugal, relation abusive, abus émotionnel, verbal et physique.
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : J'aime les jolies filles.
PETIT PLUS : infj ❀ lesbienne dans le placard en couple avec un garçon pour se convaincre ❀ boit beaucoup trop depuis beaucoup trop longtemps et se promet qu'elle gère ❀ photographe aux clichés mystérieux et sombres ❀ passionnée d'art et de littérature depuis son enfance ❀ perspicace, perfectionniste et people-pleaser ❀ éducation religieuse et pression familiale ❀ légèrement hypocondriaque malgré sa santé dégradée par l'alcool ❀ grande timide qui combat l'anxiété sociale par l'alcool ❀ « i thought i saw the devil this morning, looking in the mirror, drop of rum on my tongue »
CODE COULEUR : Madison bredouille en #990033
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 0172b0a4c1d3da8e75196daf3063fb9f96e1f91c
archie ❀ « we were young and drinking in the park, there was nowhere else to go, and you said you always had my back, ohh but how were we to know » | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 034115cad07b3462b60f5c7440941a7682278687
saddie ❀ « we all look for heaven and we put love first, somethin' that we'd die for, it's a curse, don't cry about it, don't cry about it | this is what makes us girls, we don't stick together 'cause we put love first » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ddf279af53c46a8f1e69744e9d2752c1c7c24b56
maxine ❀ « we're going to the five and dime, the only open place at this time of night, you're dancing in the aisle, cause the radio is singing you a song you know and the kid at the counter is gawking at your grace, ican tell what he's thinking by the look on his face, it's not his fault, i'm sure I look the same, it's what you do, but it's not you i blame » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 63fb8d0c73386e02e3b374b84ea88085c6479e81
shiloh ❀ « i've been having a hard time adjusting, i had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting (...) pulled the car off the road to the lookout, could've followed my fears all the way down » | 01

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-1-590d02e274
jo ❀ « if i could force my heart, my ears, my mind and eyes to get in line, maybe i'll find something real, not a fantasy so divine | let myself down each time, let myself down each time | how could you be what i wanna see? when my reality could never live up, could never live up to my fantasy » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D408eaa73192ac9c1e9976a7b2068d02bcfd7f63finnley ❀ « what a year and what a night, what terryifying final sights, put out your beating heart | the night was all you had; you ran into the night from all you had | found yourself a path upon the ground, you ran into the night, you can't be found » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Hedlund-smileCarmine ❀ « i'll give you one more time, we'll give you one more fight, said one more line, will I know you? » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 42008c7a14a0e87b170da89b3d26a676920f3d4fkwanteen family ❀ « no child is born knowing there's an ugly or evil thing, when did my folks stop covering my eyes? was it my brother who taught me about jealousy? was it my sister who taught me about vanity? »

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-4-05ebdf455a
charlie ❀ « I don't want to be anywhere else, then anywhere else but here | cause I've got better luck in my head, we're just ghosts inside my bed | I've got better luck in my head, playing poker with the dead » » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 96fj
albane ❀ « i can be a handful nut that's why you have two hands | i'm not ever careful and i can be rude, yeah, you can be a red light stop or run right through | i can be a danger, danger for you, yoo many issues, so i wouldn't blame you, bearer of bad news, i've got no excuse » |01 02 03

Bellamy 01 | Oliver 01 | Oliver 02 | Jenna 01

UA : Louis 01 02 03 | Maxine V1 : 01 02

Abandonnés : Reese | Nabi

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Kbcb
AVATAR : Kaitlyn Dever
CRÉDITS : ©bbberry (av) | ©loonywaltz (ub) | ©harleystuff (gif) | ©hannahcommissions (gif) | ©mapartche (dessin) | tumblr & pinterest
DC : Marceline la tornade & Scarlett le requin
PSEUDO : ©bbberry
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 19/09/2022

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptyDim 2 Oct 2022 - 15:27

Hello @Théodore Higgins I love you

Quelqu'un qui a des paroles de Bastille en signature va direct dans mon cœur, et le personnage de Théo a l'air beaucoup trop chou, et je le vois totalement matcher avec Madison : ils viennent d'une grande famille, ils ont un rapport particulier avec leur grand-frère, ce genre de choses, hihihi.... Et pour le déménagement de Théo, au contraire, je pense que ça aurait pu les rapprocher : comme il est loin, Madison a moins besoin de se cacher/mentir au quotidien (sur l'alcool notamment) et donc c'est facile pour elle d'avoir une relation avec lui. Je l'imagine bien venir en weekend à Perth, ce genre de choses.

Tu penses qu'ils seraient connus au collège/lycée (et si oui, est-ce que du coup Madison connaît Shiloh par exemple, puisque j'ai cru comprendre qu'ils étaient eux bff à l'école ?) ou alors peut-être qu'ils avaient une activité en commun (genre je sais pas, club de tennis, natation, poterie, etc, n'importe quoi haha) et justement ils se connaissaient en dehors de leur cercle de vie et ils étaient un peu la petite bulle d'air de chacun ? En tout cas j'imagine bien Madison l'aider à déménager à Brisbane, qu'ils soient trop contents d'être de nouveau dans la vie l'un de l'autre, même si petit à petit les soucis de Madison (et peut-être de Théo) pourraient venir compliquer leur amitié, etc.
Qu'en penses-tu ? madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 826475116

and every night, I wake up from this one recurrin' dream, where I'm drivin' through the city and the brakes go out on me, I can't stop at the red light, I can't swerve off the road, I read somewhere it's 'cause my life feels so out of control, and I tell someone I love them just as a distraction, they tell me that they love me like I'm some tourist attraction, they're changin' my machinery and I just let it happen, I got the things I wanted, it's just not what I imagined

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 FximBIO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 YtxTUla
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 OfFbxmO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 RTpjgBd
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Bbi5jU8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EIhyBXy
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 NCLDdV8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 LLynPRd

:l: :

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madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptyDim 2 Oct 2022 - 15:53

@Madison Kwanteen coool :maah:
Alors oui, Théo et Shiloh étaient BFF quand ils étaient jeunes, ils ont découvert leurs 'premières fois' ensemble mais se sont quitté (en bon terme) lorsque Théo est parti à Perth.

J'aurais bien imaginé que Théo et Madison se soient connu à peine quelques avant qu'il ne parte (genre quand ils avaient 15-16 ans). Ils auraient pu être de bons amis sans être super proche, genre les bons potes de la dé se seraient rapproché lorsque Théo, à Perth, a de moins en moins de contact avec Shiloh. Il se serait un peu 'rabattu' sur Madison avec qui il est toujours resté en contact et petit à petit elle aurait prit beaucoup d'importance pour lui et dans sa vie. Sans aller jusqu'au flirt, of course, juste la bonne vieille amitié du lycée qui tient malgré les années qui passent et la distance, là où celle avec sa meilleure amie s'est effrité.

On peut dire que Madison était la seule à être au courant de l'envie de Théo à revenir en ville et, effectivement, elle aurait pu l'aider, tout en promettant de ne rien dire à personne :OO: Tu vois ce que je veux dire? madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 674657830
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madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptyLun 3 Oct 2022 - 10:21

@Madison Kwanteen je suis trop contente que mes idées te plaisent :l:
partons sur le lien professionnel dans un premier temps madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 674657830 jenna sera très enthousiaste par rapport au travail de madison et l'encouragera naturellement. elles pourront tout à fait parler d'art toutes les deux madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 2523491165 jenna peut tout à fait être le safe space de madi et la soutenir par rapport à sa sexualité ! jenna est très ouverte sur ces sujets, cela ne la dérange vraiment pas et si madison se confie à elle, elle essaiera de lui faire comprendre ça au mieux madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 2954228499 donc ça me va aussi madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 206649278
on garde le potentiel drama avec finn sous le coude pour plus tard madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 3922047296 il sera toujours temps d'envenimer la situation quand on aura tous un peu joué nos liens et que tu auras fait avancer l'intrigue de madi madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 4251317097 pour l'instand, c'est logique que jenna ne se doute pas de son addiction vu que madi le dissimule à son entourage professionnel et qu'elles ne se connaissent pas assez madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 1081788520

yes je suis dispo pour un rp madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 394614564 je me dis qu'on peut peut-être sauter la première rencontre mais jouer la deuxième fois où elles se voient. on peut faire un déjeuner où jenna lui présenterait plus en détail ce qu'elle compte faire de la galerie et madison lui parlerait de son art et des photos qu'elle se verrait exposer ? puis la conversation pourrait dériver un peu par la suite si madison se sent de se confier ? :OO:
qui le commence ? :l:
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Madison Kwanteen
Madison Kwanteen
le trop-plein
le trop-plein
En ligne
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 7vHkInU Présent
ÂGE : 27 ans (12 mars 1996)
SURNOM : Mad, Mads, Madi, les classiques. Archie l'appelle sa petite souris.
STATUT : Elle a enfin plaqué Oliver, son petit-ami, après qu'il ai levé la main sur elle, mettant fin à deux ans de disputes, de crises de jalousie et d'abus émotionnel. Elle a essayé d'être amoureuse d'un garçon, elle se retrouve traumatisée, toujours lesbienne, et un portable rempli de messages qui supplie de le pardonner.
MÉTIER : Photographe, elle explore les banlieues rangées de Brisbane et chasse les espaces liminaux. On lui fait souvent remarquer que ses clichés sont mystérieux voire oppressants, et qu'ils semblent détenir un secret.
LOGEMENT : Un appartement confortable et lumineux au 72 Kent Street à Fortitude Valley, le loyer a longtemps été payé par Archie quand les fins de mois étaient difficiles.
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D2d0f20a4de421b71d96655be5f73fad
POSTS : 758 POINTS : 250

TW IN RP : Alcoolisme, addiction, homophobie internalisée, religion, catholic guilt, parents homophobes, viol conjugal, relation abusive, abus émotionnel, verbal et physique.
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : J'aime les jolies filles.
PETIT PLUS : infj ❀ lesbienne dans le placard en couple avec un garçon pour se convaincre ❀ boit beaucoup trop depuis beaucoup trop longtemps et se promet qu'elle gère ❀ photographe aux clichés mystérieux et sombres ❀ passionnée d'art et de littérature depuis son enfance ❀ perspicace, perfectionniste et people-pleaser ❀ éducation religieuse et pression familiale ❀ légèrement hypocondriaque malgré sa santé dégradée par l'alcool ❀ grande timide qui combat l'anxiété sociale par l'alcool ❀ « i thought i saw the devil this morning, looking in the mirror, drop of rum on my tongue »
CODE COULEUR : Madison bredouille en #990033
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 0172b0a4c1d3da8e75196daf3063fb9f96e1f91c
archie ❀ « we were young and drinking in the park, there was nowhere else to go, and you said you always had my back, ohh but how were we to know » | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 034115cad07b3462b60f5c7440941a7682278687
saddie ❀ « we all look for heaven and we put love first, somethin' that we'd die for, it's a curse, don't cry about it, don't cry about it | this is what makes us girls, we don't stick together 'cause we put love first » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ddf279af53c46a8f1e69744e9d2752c1c7c24b56
maxine ❀ « we're going to the five and dime, the only open place at this time of night, you're dancing in the aisle, cause the radio is singing you a song you know and the kid at the counter is gawking at your grace, ican tell what he's thinking by the look on his face, it's not his fault, i'm sure I look the same, it's what you do, but it's not you i blame » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 63fb8d0c73386e02e3b374b84ea88085c6479e81
shiloh ❀ « i've been having a hard time adjusting, i had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting (...) pulled the car off the road to the lookout, could've followed my fears all the way down » | 01

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-1-590d02e274
jo ❀ « if i could force my heart, my ears, my mind and eyes to get in line, maybe i'll find something real, not a fantasy so divine | let myself down each time, let myself down each time | how could you be what i wanna see? when my reality could never live up, could never live up to my fantasy » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D408eaa73192ac9c1e9976a7b2068d02bcfd7f63finnley ❀ « what a year and what a night, what terryifying final sights, put out your beating heart | the night was all you had; you ran into the night from all you had | found yourself a path upon the ground, you ran into the night, you can't be found » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Hedlund-smileCarmine ❀ « i'll give you one more time, we'll give you one more fight, said one more line, will I know you? » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 42008c7a14a0e87b170da89b3d26a676920f3d4fkwanteen family ❀ « no child is born knowing there's an ugly or evil thing, when did my folks stop covering my eyes? was it my brother who taught me about jealousy? was it my sister who taught me about vanity? »

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Ezgif-4-05ebdf455a
charlie ❀ « I don't want to be anywhere else, then anywhere else but here | cause I've got better luck in my head, we're just ghosts inside my bed | I've got better luck in my head, playing poker with the dead » » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 96fj
albane ❀ « i can be a handful nut that's why you have two hands | i'm not ever careful and i can be rude, yeah, you can be a red light stop or run right through | i can be a danger, danger for you, yoo many issues, so i wouldn't blame you, bearer of bad news, i've got no excuse » |01 02 03

Bellamy 01 | Oliver 01 | Oliver 02 | Jenna 01

UA : Louis 01 02 03 | Maxine V1 : 01 02

Abandonnés : Reese | Nabi

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Kbcb
AVATAR : Kaitlyn Dever
CRÉDITS : ©bbberry (av) | ©loonywaltz (ub) | ©harleystuff (gif) | ©hannahcommissions (gif) | ©mapartche (dessin) | tumblr & pinterest
DC : Marceline la tornade & Scarlett le requin
PSEUDO : ©bbberry
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 19/09/2022

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptyLun 3 Oct 2022 - 12:23

@Théodore Higgins : je vibe complètement avec ta vision, ça me va très bien I love you J'allais te dire, oui évidemment aucun flirt vu que Madi est lesbienne mais j'avais oublié l'espace de cinq secondes qu'elle était si profondément dans le placard madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 4014933344 Après pour moi y a clairement pas d'ambiguïté avec Théo, elle a un mec en ce moment, et je les imagine tous les deux vraiment sur la même longueur d'onde amicale de toute façon. Et j'adore l'idée qu'elle l'ai aidé à déménager. Si ça te dit, on pourrait faire un RP où elle vient à Perth l'aider à faire ses cartons ? Ou alors elle pourrait venir le chercher à l'aéroport à Brisbane quand il arrive ? Ou je sais pas s'il a fait Perth/Brisbane en voiture avec ses cartons (c'est quand même assez loin mdr) mais ils auraient pu en faire un roadtrip aussi.. Je sais pas comment était le déménagement de Théo, tu me diras ? Mais j'imagine complètement Madison arriver avec la boisson préférée de Théo, des snacks, et de la bonne humeur pour l'aider dans cette nouvelle étape de vie madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 3518815507

and every night, I wake up from this one recurrin' dream, where I'm drivin' through the city and the brakes go out on me, I can't stop at the red light, I can't swerve off the road, I read somewhere it's 'cause my life feels so out of control, and I tell someone I love them just as a distraction, they tell me that they love me like I'm some tourist attraction, they're changin' my machinery and I just let it happen, I got the things I wanted, it's just not what I imagined

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 FximBIO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 YtxTUla
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 OfFbxmO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 RTpjgBd
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Bbi5jU8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EIhyBXy
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 NCLDdV8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 LLynPRd

:l: :

Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Madison Kwanteen
Madison Kwanteen
le trop-plein
le trop-plein
En ligne
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 7vHkInU Présent
ÂGE : 27 ans (12 mars 1996)
SURNOM : Mad, Mads, Madi, les classiques. Archie l'appelle sa petite souris.
STATUT : Elle a enfin plaqué Oliver, son petit-ami, après qu'il ai levé la main sur elle, mettant fin à deux ans de disputes, de crises de jalousie et d'abus émotionnel. Elle a essayé d'être amoureuse d'un garçon, elle se retrouve traumatisée, toujours lesbienne, et un portable rempli de messages qui supplie de le pardonner.
MÉTIER : Photographe, elle explore les banlieues rangées de Brisbane et chasse les espaces liminaux. On lui fait souvent remarquer que ses clichés sont mystérieux voire oppressants, et qu'ils semblent détenir un secret.
LOGEMENT : Un appartement confortable et lumineux au 72 Kent Street à Fortitude Valley, le loyer a longtemps été payé par Archie quand les fins de mois étaient difficiles.
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POSTS : 758 POINTS : 250

TW IN RP : Alcoolisme, addiction, homophobie internalisée, religion, catholic guilt, parents homophobes, viol conjugal, relation abusive, abus émotionnel, verbal et physique.
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : J'aime les jolies filles.
PETIT PLUS : infj ❀ lesbienne dans le placard en couple avec un garçon pour se convaincre ❀ boit beaucoup trop depuis beaucoup trop longtemps et se promet qu'elle gère ❀ photographe aux clichés mystérieux et sombres ❀ passionnée d'art et de littérature depuis son enfance ❀ perspicace, perfectionniste et people-pleaser ❀ éducation religieuse et pression familiale ❀ légèrement hypocondriaque malgré sa santé dégradée par l'alcool ❀ grande timide qui combat l'anxiété sociale par l'alcool ❀ « i thought i saw the devil this morning, looking in the mirror, drop of rum on my tongue »
CODE COULEUR : Madison bredouille en #990033
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archie ❀ « we were young and drinking in the park, there was nowhere else to go, and you said you always had my back, ohh but how were we to know » | 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

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saddie ❀ « we all look for heaven and we put love first, somethin' that we'd die for, it's a curse, don't cry about it, don't cry about it | this is what makes us girls, we don't stick together 'cause we put love first » | 01 02 03

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maxine ❀ « we're going to the five and dime, the only open place at this time of night, you're dancing in the aisle, cause the radio is singing you a song you know and the kid at the counter is gawking at your grace, ican tell what he's thinking by the look on his face, it's not his fault, i'm sure I look the same, it's what you do, but it's not you i blame » | 01 02

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shiloh ❀ « i've been having a hard time adjusting, i had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting (...) pulled the car off the road to the lookout, could've followed my fears all the way down » | 01

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jo ❀ « if i could force my heart, my ears, my mind and eyes to get in line, maybe i'll find something real, not a fantasy so divine | let myself down each time, let myself down each time | how could you be what i wanna see? when my reality could never live up, could never live up to my fantasy » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 D408eaa73192ac9c1e9976a7b2068d02bcfd7f63finnley ❀ « what a year and what a night, what terryifying final sights, put out your beating heart | the night was all you had; you ran into the night from all you had | found yourself a path upon the ground, you ran into the night, you can't be found » | 01 02 03

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Hedlund-smileCarmine ❀ « i'll give you one more time, we'll give you one more fight, said one more line, will I know you? » | 01 02

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 42008c7a14a0e87b170da89b3d26a676920f3d4fkwanteen family ❀ « no child is born knowing there's an ugly or evil thing, when did my folks stop covering my eyes? was it my brother who taught me about jealousy? was it my sister who taught me about vanity? »

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charlie ❀ « I don't want to be anywhere else, then anywhere else but here | cause I've got better luck in my head, we're just ghosts inside my bed | I've got better luck in my head, playing poker with the dead » » | 01 02 03 04 05 06

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albane ❀ « i can be a handful nut that's why you have two hands | i'm not ever careful and i can be rude, yeah, you can be a red light stop or run right through | i can be a danger, danger for you, yoo many issues, so i wouldn't blame you, bearer of bad news, i've got no excuse » |01 02 03

Bellamy 01 | Oliver 01 | Oliver 02 | Jenna 01

UA : Louis 01 02 03 | Maxine V1 : 01 02

Abandonnés : Reese | Nabi

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Kbcb
AVATAR : Kaitlyn Dever
CRÉDITS : ©bbberry (av) | ©loonywaltz (ub) | ©harleystuff (gif) | ©hannahcommissions (gif) | ©mapartche (dessin) | tumblr & pinterest
DC : Marceline la tornade & Scarlett le requin
PSEUDO : ©bbberry
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 19/09/2022

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Message(#) Sujet: Re: madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EmptyLun 3 Oct 2022 - 12:25

@Jenna Caldwell : j'adore ce que tu proposes et je suis grave sur la même longueur d'onde madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 206649278 J'aime l'idée de passer direct à un RP repas où elles se connaissent et où la conversation peut un peu dériver. Je veux bien que tu commences le RP, puisqu'il est question aussi de la galerie de Jenna et que c'est elle qui est plus le moteur de la relation au début, ça me parait logique pour impulser le début du RP si ça te va madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 1949770018

and every night, I wake up from this one recurrin' dream, where I'm drivin' through the city and the brakes go out on me, I can't stop at the red light, I can't swerve off the road, I read somewhere it's 'cause my life feels so out of control, and I tell someone I love them just as a distraction, they tell me that they love me like I'm some tourist attraction, they're changin' my machinery and I just let it happen, I got the things I wanted, it's just not what I imagined

madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 FximBIO
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 YtxTUla
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 OfFbxmO
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madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 Bbi5jU8
madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 EIhyBXy
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madison ❀ didn't know where we were running to, but don't look back - Page 2 LLynPRd

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