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 (rhett) i had a demon up in my head, he was chewing up my life away

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Rhett Hartfield
Rhett Hartfield
le cœur de lion
le cœur de lion
(rhett) i had a demon up in my head, he was chewing up my life away - Page 4 Hu5cwsy Présent
ÂGE : Quarante ET UN ans. (17/11/1982) Aïe.
SURNOM : Son numéro sur le terrain est devenu un véritable surnom : nine. C'est aussi le nom de sa biographie, parue en janvier 2023.
STATUT : Ils ont passé le cap des deux ans et cela leur a peut-être redonné un espoir nouveau. Evelyn et lui rêvent d'une famille, maintenant.
MÉTIER : Tête d'affiche de sa biographie, Nine, qui est un succès mondial et dont l'adaptation au grand écran est arrivée en février 2024.
LOGEMENT : #414 bayside, auprès d'Evelyn et de Ruben le chien (le vrai chien, pas le surnom, parce que c'est vrai que ça porte à confusion).
(rhett) i had a demon up in my head, he was chewing up my life away - Page 4 451d3dfb599ce2d6361627ab84f3d99c9f3400d7
POSTS : 23940 POINTS : 630

TW IN RP : addiction aux opioïdes (oxycodone), deuil
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : Ancien joueur pro de rugby, il a accumulé les coupes d'Europe et du monde au sein d’un club londonien › Il a avancé sous les roues d’une voiture fin 2017, ce qui a causé la fin de sa carrière autant que le début d’une addiction à l’Oxycodone › Overdose et TS n°2 début 2020 › Bon coeur mais égoïste et égocentrique, il place sa passion pour le sport et ses ambitions avant tout le reste › A du mal à gérer sa colère, surtout depuis qu’il ne se défoule plus sur les terrains › Aime être le centre de l’attention › Incapable de confier ses sentiments, c’est pas un truc d’HOmMe
CODE COULEUR : darkgoldenrod (tan pour design sombre)
RPs EN COURS : (06)amos #3louisnorahevelyn #32 › mickey #11 › hassan #11

(rhett) i had a demon up in my head, he was chewing up my life away - Page 4 B014821e7e9c3a0069baf6c3d0f89b37748c5b25
hartfield family: ruben #23 & ethel #5 › nothin' to say when everything gets in the way. seems you cannot be replaced and i'm the one who will stay. answer the phone: "Harry, you're no good alone. why are you sittin' at home on the floor? what kind of pills are you on?" in this world, it's just us, you know it's not the same as it was.

(rhett) i had a demon up in my head, he was chewing up my life away - Page 4 4bdb6afc84c1bc57bed090f2fc66341cc23613fc
everhett #32 › i never believed in heroes but darkness can turn into light. i know this ain't never say never but i'll never, ever. i won't stop fighting, but not fighting with you. i'll be fighting for you like i'm born again.

(rhett) i had a demon up in my head, he was chewing up my life away - Page 4 Db5b8bf0bbfcd63bdfa5cb19d2b31e6bb618d6cd
rhessan #11 › we've taken different paths and traveled different road. i know we'll always end up on the same one and when you're under fire i will cover you. if i was dying on my knees you would be the one to rescue me and if you were drowned at sea i'd give you my lungs so you could breathe. i've got you brother.

(rhett) i had a demon up in my head, he was chewing up my life away - Page 4 0158b9f9e4a73c529cba207714ed288486105eea
miett #11 › things we lost to the flames, things we'll never see again. all that we've amassed sits before us, shattered into ash. i was the match and you were the rock. maybe, we started this fire. you said, "We were born with nothing and we sure as hell have nothing now". the future's in our hands and we will never be the same again. these are the things we lost in the fire.

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RPs TERMINÉS : (beaucoup)
cf. fiche de liens
AVATAR : Chace Crawford
CRÉDITS : ssoveia (avatar) › ssoveia (gif) › nairobi (gif mickey) › loonywaltz (userbars)
DC : Auden, Lily, Swann & Ambrose
PSEUDO : Kaelice
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 14/07/2020

(rhett) i had a demon up in my head, he was chewing up my life away - Page 4 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: (rhett) i had a demon up in my head, he was chewing up my life away (rhett) i had a demon up in my head, he was chewing up my life away - Page 4 EmptySam 13 Jan 2024 - 17:14

Mise à jour de (presque) fin d'année. :l:

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(rhett) i had a demon up in my head, he was chewing up my life away

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