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 ≈ lucas allen

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Lucas Allen
Lucas Allen
l'accident de parcours
l'accident de parcours
ÂGE : 33 ans ≈ né à brisbane le 10.04.1991, luke est un bon bélier comme il faut
SURNOM : luke, mais il ne tire pas plus vite que son ombre, t'as capté - une jolie blonde aime l'appeler looser - il arrive que deux petites tornades l'appellent tonton
STATUT : célibataire, briseur de coeur parfois, même du sien
MÉTIER : ex-pompier, en reconversion
LOGEMENT : fortitude valley, james street #30
≈ lucas allen 1Q6MwzS
POSTS : 624 POINTS : 170

TW IN RP : addictions
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis un homme
ORIENTATION : J'aime les jolies filles.
PETIT PLUS : écolo et végé ≈ passe plus souvent ses nuits avec son chien jazz qu'avec de jolies filles ces derniers temps ≈ cordon bleu hors pair, il te fera le meilleur houmous que t'aies jamais mangé ≈ fume presque pas comme un pompier ≈ god save the queen est sa chanson préférée (mais pas l'hymne anglais) ≈ engagé dans une asso, toujours prêt à servir son prochain ≈ tatoué ≈ tromboniste amateur
DISPONIBILITÉ RP : Je suis disponible pour RP
CODE COULEUR : #003333
RPs EN COURS : répertoire téléphonique : greta - joaquin - joshua - olive

04/10 ≈ louis #2 - millie #1 - mabel #4 - olive #3

≈ lucas allen EOI7gty
how can you just walk away from me? when all I can do is watch you leave 'cos we've shared the laughter and the pain and even shared the tears ≈ mallen #6
≈ lucas allen F8aec3f355ea8bcb41af2ae99e31afff06735848
just take my hand hold it tight i will protect you from all around you i will be here don't you cry ≈ millie #1
≈ lucas allen FHKNTZb
if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ≈ louis #2
≈ lucas allen LUBEL-2
lady, running down to the riptide taken away to the dark side i wanna be your left-hand man ≈ mabel #4
≈ lucas allen Kjm5yMq
can it be that it was all so simple then? or has time re-written every line? if we had the chance to do it all again, tell me, would we? could we? ≈ olive #3
≈ lucas allen Tumblr_inline_ow5hlg6ztA1ucuavm_250
we've taken different paths and travelled different roads i know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old ≈ joshua #1

≈ 2024 ≈

jan. joyce #1 - olive #2 - mabel #3

≈ 2023 ≈

jan. mallen #3 - lucalex #3 mar. mabel #1 jun. mallen #4 dec. mallen #5 - swann #1 - mabel #2 - mallen #6 - louis #1

≈ 2022 ≈

feb. greta #1 (fb) aug. lucalex #1 - caleb #1 - jiyeon #1 sept. lucalex #2 oct. sofia #1 nov. mallen #2

≈ flashbacks ≈

2008 olive #1 (fb) - 2011 lucalex #4 (fb)
AVATAR : josh hutcherson
CRÉDITS : zazou (avatar) / zazou (gif) / solosland (sign)
DC : /
PSEUDO : zazou
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 01/08/2022

≈ lucas allen Empty
Message(#)≈ lucas allen EmptyVen 26 Jan - 22:57

dream on
every time that i look in the mirror all these lines on my face getting clearer the past is gone oh, it went by like dusk to dawn isn't that the way?

≈ lucas allen ScQI7k3
≈ lucas allen UurrdU0

≈ lucas allen ODaK2fa

Dernière édition par Lucas Allen le Lun 22 Avr - 17:45, édité 4 fois
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Lucas Allen
Lucas Allen
l'accident de parcours
l'accident de parcours
ÂGE : 33 ans ≈ né à brisbane le 10.04.1991, luke est un bon bélier comme il faut
SURNOM : luke, mais il ne tire pas plus vite que son ombre, t'as capté - une jolie blonde aime l'appeler looser - il arrive que deux petites tornades l'appellent tonton
STATUT : célibataire, briseur de coeur parfois, même du sien
MÉTIER : ex-pompier, en reconversion
LOGEMENT : fortitude valley, james street #30
≈ lucas allen 1Q6MwzS
POSTS : 624 POINTS : 170

TW IN RP : addictions
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis un homme
ORIENTATION : J'aime les jolies filles.
PETIT PLUS : écolo et végé ≈ passe plus souvent ses nuits avec son chien jazz qu'avec de jolies filles ces derniers temps ≈ cordon bleu hors pair, il te fera le meilleur houmous que t'aies jamais mangé ≈ fume presque pas comme un pompier ≈ god save the queen est sa chanson préférée (mais pas l'hymne anglais) ≈ engagé dans une asso, toujours prêt à servir son prochain ≈ tatoué ≈ tromboniste amateur
DISPONIBILITÉ RP : Je suis disponible pour RP
CODE COULEUR : #003333
RPs EN COURS : répertoire téléphonique : greta - joaquin - joshua - olive

04/10 ≈ louis #2 - millie #1 - mabel #4 - olive #3

≈ lucas allen EOI7gty
how can you just walk away from me? when all I can do is watch you leave 'cos we've shared the laughter and the pain and even shared the tears ≈ mallen #6
≈ lucas allen F8aec3f355ea8bcb41af2ae99e31afff06735848
just take my hand hold it tight i will protect you from all around you i will be here don't you cry ≈ millie #1
≈ lucas allen FHKNTZb
if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ≈ louis #2
≈ lucas allen LUBEL-2
lady, running down to the riptide taken away to the dark side i wanna be your left-hand man ≈ mabel #4
≈ lucas allen Kjm5yMq
can it be that it was all so simple then? or has time re-written every line? if we had the chance to do it all again, tell me, would we? could we? ≈ olive #3
≈ lucas allen Tumblr_inline_ow5hlg6ztA1ucuavm_250
we've taken different paths and travelled different roads i know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old ≈ joshua #1

≈ 2024 ≈

jan. joyce #1 - olive #2 - mabel #3

≈ 2023 ≈

jan. mallen #3 - lucalex #3 mar. mabel #1 jun. mallen #4 dec. mallen #5 - swann #1 - mabel #2 - mallen #6 - louis #1

≈ 2022 ≈

feb. greta #1 (fb) aug. lucalex #1 - caleb #1 - jiyeon #1 sept. lucalex #2 oct. sofia #1 nov. mallen #2

≈ flashbacks ≈

2008 olive #1 (fb) - 2011 lucalex #4 (fb)
AVATAR : josh hutcherson
CRÉDITS : zazou (avatar) / zazou (gif) / solosland (sign)
DC : /
PSEUDO : zazou
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 01/08/2022

≈ lucas allen Empty
Message(#)≈ lucas allen EmptyVen 26 Jan - 23:56

more about


≈ lucas allen 890120099-NebelungCat
nebelung cat

house ≈ Gryffindor house is where you would find the pluckiest and most daring students (there’s a reason the house symbol is the brave lion). The house colours are scarlet and gold, the common room lies up in Gryffindor Tower and the Head of House is Professor Minerva McGonagall. If the Sorting Hat placed you here, you would have demonstrated qualities like courage, bravery and determination. Some of the wizarding world’s best and brightest belonged to this house – Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore are just a couple that spring to mind! If you are lucky enough to end up in Gryffindor, we imagine you’re the type of person who likes to stand up for the little guy, challenges authority, has a tendency to act first and think later, is known as a class clown and takes board games very seriously.

patronus ≈ the patronus of a nebelung cat symbolizes curiosity and kindness. One would never expect from the sweet mild mannered caster that they are fairly competitive. They are fond of friendly competition and up for a good challenge.


≈ lucas allen Pybw29g≈ lucas allen 8Exyr8Q

sun in aries ≈ The sun determines your ego, identity, and "role" in life. It's the core of who you are, and is the sign you're most likely to already know. Your Sun is in Aries, meaning you are fundamentally assertive, and persistent, and courageous.
Naturally competitive and fiercely independent, you push things forward with energy and enthusiasm and persevere through anything. You need to learn to understand other people as complex wholes.
It's in your second house, meaning you feel the need to distinguish yourself from others through material possessions and security.

moon in aquarius ≈ The moon rules your emotions, moods, and feelings. This is likely the sign you most think of yourself as, since it reflects your personality when you're alone or deeply comfortable.
Your Moon is in Aquarius, meaning your emotional self is intuitive, observant, detached, and rational. You are often in your own world, but are scared of how you truly feel.
It's in your twelfth house, meaning you find security and safety through privacy, secrets, and introspection.

ascendant in pisces ≈ Your ascendant is the "mask" you present to people. It can be seen in your personal style and how you come off to people when you first meet. Some say it becomes less relevant as you get older. It changes every two hours, so if it doesn't make sense, reconfirm your birth time to be sure. Your Ascendant is in Pisces, meaning you come across as kind, dreamy, imaginative, and sensitive. Most of your actions seem subtle and non-aggressive, and you may sometimes come off as indecisive.

mercury in aries ≈ Mercury determines how you communicate, talk, think, and process information. It also indicates how you learn. It is the mind's planet. Your Mercury is in Aries, meaning your intellect is quick, independent, impatient, energetic, and direct. You think fast and start conversations with enthusiasm. You're likely to yell.
It's in your second house, meaning you are curious about and inclined to analyze what is valuable to you, the resources (talents, money, self-worth) you have, and the resources you want.

venus in taurus ≈ Venus determines how and what you love. It indicates how you express affection and the qualities you're attracted to. Your Venus is in Taurus, meaning your romantic side is oriented toward comfort and stability. You move slowly and deliberately at the beginning of relationships; that timidity sometimes comes off as intimidating. You just want something sweet and simple.
It's in your third house, meaning that for you, love is often expressed in the things you know and are familiar with.

mars in cancer ≈ Mars is the planet of aggression. It determines how you assert yourself, take action, and the energy that surrounds you— particularly in your sex life, your ambitiousness, and when you're angry. Your Mars is in Cancer, meaning you assert yourself in a way that is emotional and somewhat passive-aggressive, and you push things forward only when you feel safe and secure.
It's in your fourth house, meaning you put a lot of energy into your home and family.

jupiter in leo ≈ One of the two social planets, Jupiter rules idealism, optimism, and expansion. It's also very philosophical. Your Jupiter is in Leo, meaning you grow and find understanding through magnanimity, inspiring confidence, thinking big, and feeling good about yourself.
It's in your fifth house, meaning you find success through romance, self-expression, creativity, and pleasure.

saturn in aquarius ≈ The other social planet, Saturn rules responsibility, restrictions, limits, boundaries, fears, and self-discipline. Your Saturn is in Aquarius, meaning you struggle with obstinacy, a superiority complex, and being overly detached.
It's in your eleventh house, meaning you have had difficulties with social status, including platonic and casual friends, along with your hopes, wishes, and dreams.

uranus in capricorn ≈ Uranus stays in each sign for seven years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person. It rules innovation, rebellion, and progress. Your Uranus is in Capricorn, meaning other generations are shocked by your generation's sense of responsibility, seriousness, rationality, and hunger for power.
It's in your eleventh house, meaning that for you, this manifests in rebelling against dated expectations about social status, including platonic and casual friends, along with your hopes, wishes, and dreams.

neptune in capricorn ≈ Neptune stays in each sign for around fourteen years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person. It rules dreams, imagination, and the unconscious. Your Neptune is in Capricorn, meaning your entire generation finds inspiration through hard work, responsibility, seriousness, and ambition.
It's in your eleventh house, meaning that for you, this manifests in your ideal-verging on unrealistic and impractical-about social status, including platonic and casual friends, along with your hopes, wishes, and dreams.

pluto in scorpio ≈ Pluto stays in each sign for up to thirty years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person. It rules power, intensity, obsession, and control. Your Pluto is in Scorpio, meaning your generation's psyche is comparatively passionate, intense, serious, private, self-obsessed, and perceptive.
It's in your ninth house, meaning you personally are transforming outdated forms of meaning through philosophy, faith, education, politics, and travel.

dream on
every time that i look in the mirror all these lines on my face getting clearer the past is gone oh, it went by like dusk to dawn isn't that the way?

≈ lucas allen ScQI7k3
≈ lucas allen UurrdU0

≈ lucas allen ODaK2fa

Dernière édition par Lucas Allen le Sam 27 Jan - 17:54, édité 2 fois
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Lucas Allen
Lucas Allen
l'accident de parcours
l'accident de parcours
ÂGE : 33 ans ≈ né à brisbane le 10.04.1991, luke est un bon bélier comme il faut
SURNOM : luke, mais il ne tire pas plus vite que son ombre, t'as capté - une jolie blonde aime l'appeler looser - il arrive que deux petites tornades l'appellent tonton
STATUT : célibataire, briseur de coeur parfois, même du sien
MÉTIER : ex-pompier, en reconversion
LOGEMENT : fortitude valley, james street #30
≈ lucas allen 1Q6MwzS
POSTS : 624 POINTS : 170

TW IN RP : addictions
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis un homme
ORIENTATION : J'aime les jolies filles.
PETIT PLUS : écolo et végé ≈ passe plus souvent ses nuits avec son chien jazz qu'avec de jolies filles ces derniers temps ≈ cordon bleu hors pair, il te fera le meilleur houmous que t'aies jamais mangé ≈ fume presque pas comme un pompier ≈ god save the queen est sa chanson préférée (mais pas l'hymne anglais) ≈ engagé dans une asso, toujours prêt à servir son prochain ≈ tatoué ≈ tromboniste amateur
DISPONIBILITÉ RP : Je suis disponible pour RP
CODE COULEUR : #003333
RPs EN COURS : répertoire téléphonique : greta - joaquin - joshua - olive

04/10 ≈ louis #2 - millie #1 - mabel #4 - olive #3

≈ lucas allen EOI7gty
how can you just walk away from me? when all I can do is watch you leave 'cos we've shared the laughter and the pain and even shared the tears ≈ mallen #6
≈ lucas allen F8aec3f355ea8bcb41af2ae99e31afff06735848
just take my hand hold it tight i will protect you from all around you i will be here don't you cry ≈ millie #1
≈ lucas allen FHKNTZb
if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ≈ louis #2
≈ lucas allen LUBEL-2
lady, running down to the riptide taken away to the dark side i wanna be your left-hand man ≈ mabel #4
≈ lucas allen Kjm5yMq
can it be that it was all so simple then? or has time re-written every line? if we had the chance to do it all again, tell me, would we? could we? ≈ olive #3
≈ lucas allen Tumblr_inline_ow5hlg6ztA1ucuavm_250
we've taken different paths and travelled different roads i know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old ≈ joshua #1

≈ 2024 ≈

jan. joyce #1 - olive #2 - mabel #3

≈ 2023 ≈

jan. mallen #3 - lucalex #3 mar. mabel #1 jun. mallen #4 dec. mallen #5 - swann #1 - mabel #2 - mallen #6 - louis #1

≈ 2022 ≈

feb. greta #1 (fb) aug. lucalex #1 - caleb #1 - jiyeon #1 sept. lucalex #2 oct. sofia #1 nov. mallen #2

≈ flashbacks ≈

2008 olive #1 (fb) - 2011 lucalex #4 (fb)
AVATAR : josh hutcherson
CRÉDITS : zazou (avatar) / zazou (gif) / solosland (sign)
DC : /
PSEUDO : zazou
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 01/08/2022

≈ lucas allen Empty
Message(#)≈ lucas allen EmptySam 27 Jan - 0:08

dream on
every time that i look in the mirror all these lines on my face getting clearer the past is gone oh, it went by like dusk to dawn isn't that the way?

≈ lucas allen ScQI7k3
≈ lucas allen UurrdU0

≈ lucas allen ODaK2fa
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Lucas Allen
Lucas Allen
l'accident de parcours
l'accident de parcours
ÂGE : 33 ans ≈ né à brisbane le 10.04.1991, luke est un bon bélier comme il faut
SURNOM : luke, mais il ne tire pas plus vite que son ombre, t'as capté - une jolie blonde aime l'appeler looser - il arrive que deux petites tornades l'appellent tonton
STATUT : célibataire, briseur de coeur parfois, même du sien
MÉTIER : ex-pompier, en reconversion
LOGEMENT : fortitude valley, james street #30
≈ lucas allen 1Q6MwzS
POSTS : 624 POINTS : 170

TW IN RP : addictions
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis un homme
ORIENTATION : J'aime les jolies filles.
PETIT PLUS : écolo et végé ≈ passe plus souvent ses nuits avec son chien jazz qu'avec de jolies filles ces derniers temps ≈ cordon bleu hors pair, il te fera le meilleur houmous que t'aies jamais mangé ≈ fume presque pas comme un pompier ≈ god save the queen est sa chanson préférée (mais pas l'hymne anglais) ≈ engagé dans une asso, toujours prêt à servir son prochain ≈ tatoué ≈ tromboniste amateur
DISPONIBILITÉ RP : Je suis disponible pour RP
CODE COULEUR : #003333
RPs EN COURS : répertoire téléphonique : greta - joaquin - joshua - olive

04/10 ≈ louis #2 - millie #1 - mabel #4 - olive #3

≈ lucas allen EOI7gty
how can you just walk away from me? when all I can do is watch you leave 'cos we've shared the laughter and the pain and even shared the tears ≈ mallen #6
≈ lucas allen F8aec3f355ea8bcb41af2ae99e31afff06735848
just take my hand hold it tight i will protect you from all around you i will be here don't you cry ≈ millie #1
≈ lucas allen FHKNTZb
if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ≈ louis #2
≈ lucas allen LUBEL-2
lady, running down to the riptide taken away to the dark side i wanna be your left-hand man ≈ mabel #4
≈ lucas allen Kjm5yMq
can it be that it was all so simple then? or has time re-written every line? if we had the chance to do it all again, tell me, would we? could we? ≈ olive #3
≈ lucas allen Tumblr_inline_ow5hlg6ztA1ucuavm_250
we've taken different paths and travelled different roads i know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old ≈ joshua #1

≈ 2024 ≈

jan. joyce #1 - olive #2 - mabel #3

≈ 2023 ≈

jan. mallen #3 - lucalex #3 mar. mabel #1 jun. mallen #4 dec. mallen #5 - swann #1 - mabel #2 - mallen #6 - louis #1

≈ 2022 ≈

feb. greta #1 (fb) aug. lucalex #1 - caleb #1 - jiyeon #1 sept. lucalex #2 oct. sofia #1 nov. mallen #2

≈ flashbacks ≈

2008 olive #1 (fb) - 2011 lucalex #4 (fb)
AVATAR : josh hutcherson
CRÉDITS : zazou (avatar) / zazou (gif) / solosland (sign)
DC : /
PSEUDO : zazou
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 01/08/2022

≈ lucas allen Empty
Message(#)≈ lucas allen EmptySam 27 Jan - 18:12

bonnes résolutions 2024

1. monter un groupe de jazz

2. arrêter diminuer la clope

3. aller à plus de concerts

4. lire plus de livres

5. trouver une nouvelle activité

6. apprendre une nouvelle langue

7. faire mes exercices de kiné plus assidument

8. arrêter les médocs POUR DE BON

9. acheter d'occasion dès que c'est possible

10. être heureux 

dream on
every time that i look in the mirror all these lines on my face getting clearer the past is gone oh, it went by like dusk to dawn isn't that the way?

≈ lucas allen ScQI7k3
≈ lucas allen UurrdU0

≈ lucas allen ODaK2fa
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Contenu sponsorisé

≈ lucas allen Empty
Message(#)≈ lucas allen Empty

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≈ lucas allen

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