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 Zoya › i'm just a free spirit with a wild heart and an open road ahead

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Zoya Lewis
Zoya Lewis
l'oeil du cyclone
l'oeil du cyclone
Zoya › i'm just a free spirit with a wild heart and an open road ahead - Page 2 IAeu3cF Présent
ÂGE : trente et un hivers, née le 20 août 1992.
SURNOM : Zozo c'est bon signe, Zoya c'est qu'elle énerve le monde, Lewis c'est la fin du monde
STATUT : Ils ont officiellement posé un nom sur leur relation, souhaitant tous deux construire une histoire digne de ce nom ensemble. Zoya est la plus heureuse et vous le verrez par ses yeux qui pétillent à l'évocation du nom de Mickey Reeves.
MÉTIER : Photographe à son compte, elle travaille aussi en parallèle pour la maison Weatherton.
LOGEMENT : #86 Agnes Street, avec son frère Cameron (qu'est-ce que le manque d'argent ne vous pousse pas à faire) et sa fille Chloe.
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POSTS : 5188 POINTS : 0

TW IN RP : abandon d'enfant - stérilité - vulgarité - perte d'enfants - blessures physiques - addiction
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : Originaire de Brisbane ♡ A trois frères ♡ Passionnée par la photographie mais aussi la peinture et la cuisine ♡ Les voyages sont sa raison d'être ♡ A 25 ans, on lui annonce qu'elle ne pourra pas avoir d'enfants ♡ A 28 ans, elle tombe enceinte après une histoire d'un soir ♡ Sa fille nait en février 2021, Chloe, qu'elle élève seule (par choix) ♡ Elle tâtonne encore dans son rôle de mère.
CODE COULEUR : Elle tape des crises en #cc6699
RPs EN COURS : (11)Leeves (rp permanent) ♡ Caleb 3Leeves 7Birdoya 15James 2Penelope 1Lexie 3Lewaine 5Anthony 2Birdoya 16 Leyang 2.

(conversations téléphoniques)


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lewis family ♡ The family. We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
camya12345678. anthoya1
Zoya › i'm just a free spirit with a wild heart and an open road ahead - Page 2 8lzq
caleboya ♡ if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, i'll sail the world to find you, if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ♡

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leeves ♡ the last few months, i've been working on me, baby, there's so much trauma in my life, i've been so cold to the ones who loved me, baby, i look back now and i realize, i remember when i held you, you begged me with your drowning eyes to stay and i regret i didn't tell you, now i can't keep you from loving him, you made up your mind ♡ 1234567.
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amya ♡ i love my eyes when you look into them. i love my name when you say it. i love my heart when you touch it. i love my life when you are in it. ♡ 12345678910111213
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birdoya ♡ we laugh at the dumbest jokes, put up with each others worst moods, go along with the craziest ideas , that's what make us the most amazing friends ♡ 1234567891011121314 15
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lewaine ♡ Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down ♡ 1234.
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floya ♡ woo girl, need to kick off your shoes, got to take a deep breath, time to focus on you, all the big fights, long nights that you been through,i got a bottle of Tequila i been saving for you, boss up and change your life, you can have it all, no sacrifice, t know he did you wrong, we can make it right, so go and let it all hang out tonight ♡ 12.
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ediya ♡ count me in unannounced, drag my nails on the tile, i just follow your scent, you can't just follow my smile, all of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine, cutting me to the bone, nothing left to leave behind, you ought to keep me concealed just like i was a weapon, i didn't come for a fight but I will fight till the end, this might be your battle, might not turn out okay ♡ 12345.
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zoyanwar ♡ i don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul? i don't know where i'm going but i don't think I'm coming home and i said, i'll check in tomorrow if i don't wake up dead, this is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end. ♡ 12.
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eliya ♡ You got me fucked up in the head, boy, never doubted myself so much, like, am I pretty? Am I fun, boy?, I hate that I give you power over that kind of stuff. It's always one step forward and three steps back, do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand. No, I don't understand ♡ 1234.

RPs EN ATTENTE : Elijah 5 ♡
RPs TERMINÉS : FBWill #1 (janv. 2014) ♡ Zinnley #1 (oct. 2014) ♡ Birdoya #6 (nov. 2014) ♡ Zinnley 3 (sept. 2015) ♡ Eliya #3 (juil. 2017) ♡ Camya #3 (nov. 2017) ♡ Zoeya #1 (août 2018) ♡ Rhett 1 (sept.) ♡ Ediya #1 (oct. 2018) ♡ Ediya 4 (déc. 2018) ♡ Birdoya #4 (fb) (fév.2019) ♡ Zoyanwar #1 (fb) (oct.2019) .

2020Mila #1 (janv.) ♡ Lewaine #1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #1 (juin).

2021Troya #1 (août) ♡ Leeves #1Camya #1 (sept.) ♡ Zotumn #1 (oct.) ♡ Trent #2 (nov.) ♡ Swann #1 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya #2 (nov.) ♡ Zoeya #2 (nov.) ♡ Eliya #1 (nov.) ♡ Lewaine #2 (déc.) ♡ Lewis family #1 (déc.) ♡ Zoeya #3 (déc.) ♡ Birdoya #3 (déc.) ♡ Tesya #1 (déc.)

2022 Birdoya #5 & Troya #3 (fév.) ♡ Lexie #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #2 (mars) ♡ Jorbir #63 & Birdoya #8 (mai) ♡ Eliya #2 (juil.) ♡ James #1 (sept.) ♡ Amya #3 (sept) ♡ Camya #4Amya #5 (sept) ♡ Birdoya 9 (oct.) ♡ Zoyanwar 2 (déc.) ♡ Las Posadas (dec.) ♡ Mason #1 (déc.) ♡ Amya #6 (déc.) ♡ Jorbirdoya #2 (déc.) ♡ Troya #4 (déc.).

2023 Chelsea #1 (janv.) ♡ Amya #7 (janv.) ♡ Ediya #2 (fév.) ♡ Eliya 4 (fév.) ♡ Floya 1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #12 (mars) ♡ Amya #8 (mars) ♡ Camya #5 (mars) ♡ Caleboya #1 (mars) ♡ Lewaine 3Ediya #3 (avril) ♡ Leeves #2 (mai) ♡ Tesya 2 (mai) ♡ mariage Rowann (juin) ♡ Amya #9 (juin) ♡ Leeves 3 (juin) ♡ Lexie 2 (juin) ♡ Camya 6 (juin) ♡ Kieran (août) ♡ Damon #1 (août) ♡ Zinnley 2 (août) ♡ Carl 1 (août) ♡ Ediya 5 (août) ♡ Camya 7 (août) ♡ Kieran 2 (août) ♡ Leeves 4 (août) ♡ Birdoya 13 (août) ♡ Caleboya 2 (août) ♡ Damon 3 (sept) ♡ Floya 2 (sept.) ♡ Charlie 1 (sept) ♡ Amya 12 (sept) ♡ Leeves 5 (sept) ♡ Jiyeon & Mickey (sept) ♡ Lewaine 4 (sept) ♡ Leeves 6 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya 14 (nov.) ♡ Camya 8 (déc) ♡ Anthony 1 (déc.).

2024 Amya 13 (janv.) ♡ Eddie 1 (janv.) ♡ Jordan 3 (mars) ♡ Ruben 2 (mars) ♡ Kieran 3 (mars)

UAChanoya #1Rhett (slasher) ♡ Camya 2Isaac (HP) ♡ Amya #4 (bunyip) ♡ Corey 1 (bunyip) ♡ Amya 10 (momies) ♡ Damon 2 (spatial) ♡ Rhett 3 (slasher) ♡ Rhett 4 (slasher) ♡ Amya 11 (momies) ♡ Amya 13 (momies) ♡ ♡ Ruben 1 (bunyip) ♡ Damon 4 (spatial) ♡ Chanoya 2 (zombies).

Zoya › i'm just a free spirit with a wild heart and an open road ahead - Page 2 Giphy
zoddy ♡ I hate how you don't even try. I hate how you don't care. I hate how i still try to keep you in our life. ♡ 1234567#8#9.

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zoeya ♡ once in a while someone comes into your life and changes everything, they will cheer you up when you are down, laugh with you until your stomach hurts and make you feel at home when you are far away. No matter the distance, she will follow your arrow - wherever it may go ♡ 1234.

les anciennes histoires:

AVATAR : Phoebe Tonkin
CRÉDITS : @jo-tag (avatar) @lonelywolfgifs (gifs); UB : @loonywaltz.
DC : Gabrielle & August
PSEUDO : ellialola
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 15/08/2021

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Message(#) Sujet: Re: Zoya › i'm just a free spirit with a wild heart and an open road ahead Zoya › i'm just a free spirit with a wild heart and an open road ahead - Page 2 EmptyMar 2 Jan - 15:30

Ettt fiche à jour pour ma petite peste aussi Zoya › i'm just a free spirit with a wild heart and an open road ahead - Page 2 1949770018 Zoya › i'm just a free spirit with a wild heart and an open road ahead - Page 2 3070942404

but they're watching me, judging me, making me feel so used, can't you see that all i wanna do is get a little wild, get a little high, kiss a hundred boys and not feel like i'm tied to them. if you wanna judge me, then go and load the gun, i've done nothing wrong, i'm young. s. smith + @aeairiel.

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Message(#) Sujet: Re: Zoya › i'm just a free spirit with a wild heart and an open road ahead Zoya › i'm just a free spirit with a wild heart and an open road ahead - Page 2 EmptyLun 22 Jan - 22:57

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Zoya › i'm just a free spirit with a wild heart and an open road ahead

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