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 ≈ zoya lewis (instagram)

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Zoya Lewis
Zoya Lewis
l'oeil du cyclone
l'oeil du cyclone
En ligne
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 IAeu3cF Présent
ÂGE : trente et un hivers, née le 20 août 1992.
SURNOM : Zozo c'est bon signe, Zoya c'est qu'elle énerve le monde, Lewis c'est la fin du monde
STATUT : Ils ont officiellement posé un nom sur leur relation, souhaitant tous deux construire une histoire digne de ce nom ensemble. Zoya est la plus heureuse et vous le verrez par ses yeux qui pétillent à l'évocation du nom de Mickey Reeves.
MÉTIER : Photographe à son compte, elle travaille aussi en parallèle pour la maison Weatherton.
LOGEMENT : #86 Agnes Street, avec son frère Cameron (qu'est-ce que le manque d'argent ne vous pousse pas à faire) et sa fille Chloe.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4c0544d589d41272466e3f945902342897a7b422
POSTS : 5188 POINTS : 0

TW IN RP : abandon d'enfant - stérilité - vulgarité - perte d'enfants - blessures physiques - addiction
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : Originaire de Brisbane ♡ A trois frères ♡ Passionnée par la photographie mais aussi la peinture et la cuisine ♡ Les voyages sont sa raison d'être ♡ A 25 ans, on lui annonce qu'elle ne pourra pas avoir d'enfants ♡ A 28 ans, elle tombe enceinte après une histoire d'un soir ♡ Sa fille nait en février 2021, Chloe, qu'elle élève seule (par choix) ♡ Elle tâtonne encore dans son rôle de mère.
CODE COULEUR : Elle tape des crises en #cc6699
RPs EN COURS : (11)Leeves (rp permanent) ♡ Caleb 3Leeves 7Birdoya 15James 2Penelope 1Lexie 3Lewaine 5Anthony 2Birdoya 16 Leyang 2.

(conversations téléphoniques)


professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7f564f5f389c4170aaaadfdbfaafd4fc
lewis family ♡ The family. We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
camya12345678. anthoya1
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8lzq
caleboya ♡ if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, i'll sail the world to find you, if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ♡

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 D3525088fea0a84cb9c9501c562e4a43604d5779
leeves ♡ the last few months, i've been working on me, baby, there's so much trauma in my life, i've been so cold to the ones who loved me, baby, i look back now and i realize, i remember when i held you, you begged me with your drowning eyes to stay and i regret i didn't tell you, now i can't keep you from loving him, you made up your mind ♡ 1234567.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 32a7ab9e558068384111fcf2a81c7546cd3b0656
amya ♡ i love my eyes when you look into them. i love my name when you say it. i love my heart when you touch it. i love my life when you are in it. ♡ 12345678910111213
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 C1bd6cd6c1ffd7a2ca048efefa6819e35333a5ca
birdoya ♡ we laugh at the dumbest jokes, put up with each others worst moods, go along with the craziest ideas , that's what make us the most amazing friends ♡ 1234567891011121314 15
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 443dd3854fca3f9e12908cc0c159b20df09b0502
lewaine ♡ Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down ♡ 1234.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_ncl5vcXzRA1ttqlr0o5_250
floya ♡ woo girl, need to kick off your shoes, got to take a deep breath, time to focus on you, all the big fights, long nights that you been through,i got a bottle of Tequila i been saving for you, boss up and change your life, you can have it all, no sacrifice, t know he did you wrong, we can make it right, so go and let it all hang out tonight ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f8349ebcea3bc535161a0bde8a0b2ca10616fe7
ediya ♡ count me in unannounced, drag my nails on the tile, i just follow your scent, you can't just follow my smile, all of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine, cutting me to the bone, nothing left to leave behind, you ought to keep me concealed just like i was a weapon, i didn't come for a fight but I will fight till the end, this might be your battle, might not turn out okay ♡ 12345.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 489aa9c4de0e59e16fc15e1a70066509f42cd95f
zoyanwar ♡ i don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul? i don't know where i'm going but i don't think I'm coming home and i said, i'll check in tomorrow if i don't wake up dead, this is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end. ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 940fc693f40073a47b0324fea64d0968125f1d62
eliya ♡ You got me fucked up in the head, boy, never doubted myself so much, like, am I pretty? Am I fun, boy?, I hate that I give you power over that kind of stuff. It's always one step forward and three steps back, do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand. No, I don't understand ♡ 1234.

RPs EN ATTENTE : Elijah 5 ♡
RPs TERMINÉS : FBWill #1 (janv. 2014) ♡ Zinnley #1 (oct. 2014) ♡ Birdoya #6 (nov. 2014) ♡ Zinnley 3 (sept. 2015) ♡ Eliya #3 (juil. 2017) ♡ Camya #3 (nov. 2017) ♡ Zoeya #1 (août 2018) ♡ Rhett 1 (sept.) ♡ Ediya #1 (oct. 2018) ♡ Ediya 4 (déc. 2018) ♡ Birdoya #4 (fb) (fév.2019) ♡ Zoyanwar #1 (fb) (oct.2019) .

2020Mila #1 (janv.) ♡ Lewaine #1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #1 (juin).

2021Troya #1 (août) ♡ Leeves #1Camya #1 (sept.) ♡ Zotumn #1 (oct.) ♡ Trent #2 (nov.) ♡ Swann #1 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya #2 (nov.) ♡ Zoeya #2 (nov.) ♡ Eliya #1 (nov.) ♡ Lewaine #2 (déc.) ♡ Lewis family #1 (déc.) ♡ Zoeya #3 (déc.) ♡ Birdoya #3 (déc.) ♡ Tesya #1 (déc.)

2022 Birdoya #5 & Troya #3 (fév.) ♡ Lexie #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #2 (mars) ♡ Jorbir #63 & Birdoya #8 (mai) ♡ Eliya #2 (juil.) ♡ James #1 (sept.) ♡ Amya #3 (sept) ♡ Camya #4Amya #5 (sept) ♡ Birdoya 9 (oct.) ♡ Zoyanwar 2 (déc.) ♡ Las Posadas (dec.) ♡ Mason #1 (déc.) ♡ Amya #6 (déc.) ♡ Jorbirdoya #2 (déc.) ♡ Troya #4 (déc.).

2023 Chelsea #1 (janv.) ♡ Amya #7 (janv.) ♡ Ediya #2 (fév.) ♡ Eliya 4 (fév.) ♡ Floya 1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #12 (mars) ♡ Amya #8 (mars) ♡ Camya #5 (mars) ♡ Caleboya #1 (mars) ♡ Lewaine 3Ediya #3 (avril) ♡ Leeves #2 (mai) ♡ Tesya 2 (mai) ♡ mariage Rowann (juin) ♡ Amya #9 (juin) ♡ Leeves 3 (juin) ♡ Lexie 2 (juin) ♡ Camya 6 (juin) ♡ Kieran (août) ♡ Damon #1 (août) ♡ Zinnley 2 (août) ♡ Carl 1 (août) ♡ Ediya 5 (août) ♡ Camya 7 (août) ♡ Kieran 2 (août) ♡ Leeves 4 (août) ♡ Birdoya 13 (août) ♡ Caleboya 2 (août) ♡ Damon 3 (sept) ♡ Floya 2 (sept.) ♡ Charlie 1 (sept) ♡ Amya 12 (sept) ♡ Leeves 5 (sept) ♡ Jiyeon & Mickey (sept) ♡ Lewaine 4 (sept) ♡ Leeves 6 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya 14 (nov.) ♡ Camya 8 (déc) ♡ Anthony 1 (déc.).

2024 Amya 13 (janv.) ♡ Eddie 1 (janv.) ♡ Jordan 3 (mars) ♡ Ruben 2 (mars) ♡ Kieran 3 (mars)

UAChanoya #1Rhett (slasher) ♡ Camya 2Isaac (HP) ♡ Amya #4 (bunyip) ♡ Corey 1 (bunyip) ♡ Amya 10 (momies) ♡ Damon 2 (spatial) ♡ Rhett 3 (slasher) ♡ Rhett 4 (slasher) ♡ Amya 11 (momies) ♡ Amya 13 (momies) ♡ ♡ Ruben 1 (bunyip) ♡ Damon 4 (spatial) ♡ Chanoya 2 (zombies).

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Giphy
zoddy ♡ I hate how you don't even try. I hate how you don't care. I hate how i still try to keep you in our life. ♡ 1234567#8#9.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 0b9c4fa2fe0db9e43b2d6b8afbbd5b848918cf1f
zoeya ♡ once in a while someone comes into your life and changes everything, they will cheer you up when you are down, laugh with you until your stomach hurts and make you feel at home when you are far away. No matter the distance, she will follow your arrow - wherever it may go ♡ 1234.

les anciennes histoires:

AVATAR : Phoebe Tonkin
CRÉDITS : @jo-tag (avatar) @lonelywolfgifs (gifs); UB : @loonywaltz.
DC : Gabrielle & August
PSEUDO : ellialola
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 15/08/2021

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptyMar 31 Oct 2023 - 22:34 • following
1045 Likes Memories 2: La vie de château. #Parisfashionweek #Paris #Versailles

october, 5th

but they're watching me, judging me, making me feel so used, can't you see that all i wanna do is get a little wild, get a little high, kiss a hundred boys and not feel like i'm tied to them. if you wanna judge me, then go and load the gun, i've done nothing wrong, i'm young. s. smith + @aeairiel.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 I7IpUTV
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8UJb5dM
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4o1MzC3
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7ZWT0EU
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 NCLDdV8
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 W98cbSy
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 PHWq6JM

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4052937387 :
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Mickey Reeves
Mickey Reeves
les brasiers de la colère
les brasiers de la colère
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7vHkInU Présent
ÂGE : 34 ans (04.11.1989) ♏︎
SURNOM : Scar, son pseudo pour la boxe et les courses.
STATUT : son coeur reprend enfin vie aux côtés de Zoya. elle seule parvient à lire à travers ses lignes, le comprend et l'apaise, à tel point qu'il a retiré son alliance pour elle. il reste en revanche bien marié à la mère de sa fille sur le papier.
MÉTIER : illustre champion de boxe rattrapé par ses démons, il gère aujourd'hui un bar caché, The Blind Tiger, et y dissimule ses trafics.
LOGEMENT : il (re)vit dans un loft où sa fille a enfin sa chambre et où sa petite amie passe aussi le plus clair de ses nuits, au #419 Montague Road (West End).
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 07c89FNb_o
POSTS : 6253 POINTS : 230

TW IN RP : consommation de drogues et d'alcool, violence verbale et physique, décès familial (parents), deuil, courses illégales de voitures, comportement autodestructeur, addictions, pensées noires, divorce, sexualité.
TW IRL : nc.
GENRE : Je suis un homme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : brisbane born and raised ☆ orphelin de père et de mère, aîné de sa fratrie ☆ tableau familial en morceaux comme le reste : sa femme a demandé le divorce et sa fille de huit ans souffre de ses absences ☆ multi-champion du monde, il avait de l'or au bout des gants avant de tout saboter ☆ son addiction à la drogue ne date pas d'hier ☆ une sérieuse tendance à l'autodestruction et un problème de colère jamais exorcisé ☆ se défoule sur tout ce qu'il trouve à défaut de le faire sur un ring ☆ mène une vie de violence et d'excès qui finiront par le tuer si personne ne le fait avant
RPs EN COURS : (11) elizoya (∞)zoya #7jackson #5solas #1halstonrhett #11 (ua fantômes)james (event)birdie x zoyarhett #12 (event)lashana #3

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 HYfZDnMT_o
aliyah (scénario) ☆ the reason i hold on, 'cause i need this hole gone. funny you're the broken one but i'm the only one who needed saving, 'cause when you never see the light it's hard to know which one of us is caving. not really sure how to feel about it, something in the way you move makes me feel like i can't live without you.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1k8E62hC_o
mickson #5 ☆ we're all we got in this world, when it spins, when it swirls. i'm just sorry you were there and had to witness it first hand, 'cause all i ever wanted to do was just make you proud, then of course everything always happens for a reason but it's just something we have no control over. ☆ 1234

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 2z5Eeyf7_o
leeves #7 & (∞) ☆ you make it look like it's magic 'cause i see nobody, nobody but you. i'm so used to being used so i love when you call unexpected. on that lonely night you said it wouldn't be love, but we felt the rush. it made us believe it there was only us, convinced we were broken inside. you're my favorite kind of night. ☆ 123456

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_inline_rijg9dIVsa1wsdcbg_500
little sis #3 ☆ don't know where she belongs, she wants to go home but nobody's home. be strong now. her feelings she hides, her dreams she can't find. she's losing her mind, she's falling behind. she can't find her place, she's losing her faith. she's falling from grace, she's all over the place. ☆ 12

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 MWFKR0Pq_o
miett #11 (ua) & #12 ☆ it's five am, my time again. i've soakin' up the moon, can't sleep, i'm calling and you know it's me. i'm pushing myself further, i'm just tryna feel my heartbeat beat and you can see that i'm in pain, i've fallen into emptiness. i want you 'cause we're both insane, i'm staring into the abyss, looking at myself again, trying not to lose my faith. ☆ 12345678910

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 IB03vZ5g_o
ollie (scénario) ☆ some people stay far away from the door, if there's a chance of it opening up. they hear a voice in the hall outside and hope that it just passes by. some people live with the fear of a touch and the anger of having been a fool. they will not listen to anyone, so nobody tells them a lie.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8e277d903ee12e851d228df5ec395ecb5bbad0af
sikey #2 ☆ the days, they go slow. the nights, they go fast. the method is clear, in waiting for you i think i need a distraction. i'm not staying in i'm searching for you i can never, never find you. go downtown, put the drugs in my body. step back up, i'm the life of the party. come back home and we'll get something started. ☆ 1

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 UfvXz0fB_o
reine ☆ cause unlike you i got nothing to hide, i don't pretend to have any shame. i got a box we could put all your lies in until the end of days, you know that i will be a call away. the call you make when you're all alone and i know that i will always be the one you repent when you are done. ☆ 123

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 95g414dI_o
starboy ☆ legend of the fall took the year like a bandit, bought mama a crib and a brand new wagon. now she hit the grocery shop looking lavish, star trek roof in that wraith of khan. girls get loose when they hear this song, 100 on the dash get me close to god. we don't pray for love, we just pray for cars.

zoya (sms/appels)rhett (sms)
marley (sms)august (sms)
joseph (sms)

RPs EN ATTENTE : ollie, siobhan #2, kieran #3

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 JRhytq5i_o
reeves (préliens) ☆ i was playing in the beginning, the mood all changed. i've been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage, but i kept rhyming and stepped right into the next cypher. best believe somebody's paying the pied piper, all the pain inside amplified by the fact that i can't get by with my 9-to-5. and i can't provide the right type of life for my family, these times are so hard, and it's getting even harder.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 27T9NYtm_o
waves ☆ i saw the fire in your eyes, i saw the fire when i look into your eyes. you tell me things you wanna, try, i know temptation is the devil in disguise. you risk it all to feel alive, you're offering yourself to me like sacrifice. ☆ 1

RPs TERMINÉS : 2024 ›adèle (event)vinnierhett #10lashana #2siobhan #1 (fb 2019)

2023 › aliyah 1.0rhett #2rhett #3albane #1jackson #2aliyah #1rhett #4zoya #1 (fb 2021)august #2 (rip) › rhett #5andréa #1jackson #3zoya #2wedding rowannzoya #3rhett #6aliyah #2evelyn #1 & rhett #7ethelzoya #4ruben (roaring twenties)joseph #2rhett #8zoya #5 (roaring twenties)jiyeon (roaring twenties)jackson #4lashana #1kieran #2august #3 (fb 2013)solasrhett #9zoya #6 (date)arthur

2022 › rhett #1jackson #1 (fb 2004)channing #1august #1 (fb août 2022)kieran #1 (fb 2021)joseph #1leo #1

NaNoWriMo 2023 › 50 000 mots ✓ (total : 66 762)

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 BnwBz7uW_o

AVATAR : abel tesfaye
CRÉDITS : @homemade (avatar), @loonywaltz (ub), @nairobigifs (gif profil), @nairobigifs (gifs signa), @annscollections (gif alives), @kyliez (gif lashana) @harlivygifs (gif jackson), @roseygifs (gif miett), @nairobi (gif zoya), @sophiexrph (gif reine), @sophiexrph (gif peeves), @thiskryptonite (gif waves), @driverdaily (gif solas), @ovgifs3 (gif reeves), @mapartche (dessin mickey)
DC : eddie yang (ft. lee know) & carl flanagan (ft. fionn whitehead)
PSEUDO : ladyfame (clémence)
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 09/12/2022

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptyMer 1 Nov 2023 - 10:28

scarrr liked your post

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Nptbkrg
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Zoya Lewis
Zoya Lewis
l'oeil du cyclone
l'oeil du cyclone
En ligne
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 IAeu3cF Présent
ÂGE : trente et un hivers, née le 20 août 1992.
SURNOM : Zozo c'est bon signe, Zoya c'est qu'elle énerve le monde, Lewis c'est la fin du monde
STATUT : Ils ont officiellement posé un nom sur leur relation, souhaitant tous deux construire une histoire digne de ce nom ensemble. Zoya est la plus heureuse et vous le verrez par ses yeux qui pétillent à l'évocation du nom de Mickey Reeves.
MÉTIER : Photographe à son compte, elle travaille aussi en parallèle pour la maison Weatherton.
LOGEMENT : #86 Agnes Street, avec son frère Cameron (qu'est-ce que le manque d'argent ne vous pousse pas à faire) et sa fille Chloe.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4c0544d589d41272466e3f945902342897a7b422
POSTS : 5188 POINTS : 0

TW IN RP : abandon d'enfant - stérilité - vulgarité - perte d'enfants - blessures physiques - addiction
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : Originaire de Brisbane ♡ A trois frères ♡ Passionnée par la photographie mais aussi la peinture et la cuisine ♡ Les voyages sont sa raison d'être ♡ A 25 ans, on lui annonce qu'elle ne pourra pas avoir d'enfants ♡ A 28 ans, elle tombe enceinte après une histoire d'un soir ♡ Sa fille nait en février 2021, Chloe, qu'elle élève seule (par choix) ♡ Elle tâtonne encore dans son rôle de mère.
CODE COULEUR : Elle tape des crises en #cc6699
RPs EN COURS : (11)Leeves (rp permanent) ♡ Caleb 3Leeves 7Birdoya 15James 2Penelope 1Lexie 3Lewaine 5Anthony 2Birdoya 16 Leyang 2.

(conversations téléphoniques)


professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7f564f5f389c4170aaaadfdbfaafd4fc
lewis family ♡ The family. We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
camya12345678. anthoya1
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8lzq
caleboya ♡ if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, i'll sail the world to find you, if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ♡

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 D3525088fea0a84cb9c9501c562e4a43604d5779
leeves ♡ the last few months, i've been working on me, baby, there's so much trauma in my life, i've been so cold to the ones who loved me, baby, i look back now and i realize, i remember when i held you, you begged me with your drowning eyes to stay and i regret i didn't tell you, now i can't keep you from loving him, you made up your mind ♡ 1234567.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 32a7ab9e558068384111fcf2a81c7546cd3b0656
amya ♡ i love my eyes when you look into them. i love my name when you say it. i love my heart when you touch it. i love my life when you are in it. ♡ 12345678910111213
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 C1bd6cd6c1ffd7a2ca048efefa6819e35333a5ca
birdoya ♡ we laugh at the dumbest jokes, put up with each others worst moods, go along with the craziest ideas , that's what make us the most amazing friends ♡ 1234567891011121314 15
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 443dd3854fca3f9e12908cc0c159b20df09b0502
lewaine ♡ Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down ♡ 1234.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_ncl5vcXzRA1ttqlr0o5_250
floya ♡ woo girl, need to kick off your shoes, got to take a deep breath, time to focus on you, all the big fights, long nights that you been through,i got a bottle of Tequila i been saving for you, boss up and change your life, you can have it all, no sacrifice, t know he did you wrong, we can make it right, so go and let it all hang out tonight ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f8349ebcea3bc535161a0bde8a0b2ca10616fe7
ediya ♡ count me in unannounced, drag my nails on the tile, i just follow your scent, you can't just follow my smile, all of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine, cutting me to the bone, nothing left to leave behind, you ought to keep me concealed just like i was a weapon, i didn't come for a fight but I will fight till the end, this might be your battle, might not turn out okay ♡ 12345.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 489aa9c4de0e59e16fc15e1a70066509f42cd95f
zoyanwar ♡ i don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul? i don't know where i'm going but i don't think I'm coming home and i said, i'll check in tomorrow if i don't wake up dead, this is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end. ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 940fc693f40073a47b0324fea64d0968125f1d62
eliya ♡ You got me fucked up in the head, boy, never doubted myself so much, like, am I pretty? Am I fun, boy?, I hate that I give you power over that kind of stuff. It's always one step forward and three steps back, do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand. No, I don't understand ♡ 1234.

RPs EN ATTENTE : Elijah 5 ♡
RPs TERMINÉS : FBWill #1 (janv. 2014) ♡ Zinnley #1 (oct. 2014) ♡ Birdoya #6 (nov. 2014) ♡ Zinnley 3 (sept. 2015) ♡ Eliya #3 (juil. 2017) ♡ Camya #3 (nov. 2017) ♡ Zoeya #1 (août 2018) ♡ Rhett 1 (sept.) ♡ Ediya #1 (oct. 2018) ♡ Ediya 4 (déc. 2018) ♡ Birdoya #4 (fb) (fév.2019) ♡ Zoyanwar #1 (fb) (oct.2019) .

2020Mila #1 (janv.) ♡ Lewaine #1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #1 (juin).

2021Troya #1 (août) ♡ Leeves #1Camya #1 (sept.) ♡ Zotumn #1 (oct.) ♡ Trent #2 (nov.) ♡ Swann #1 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya #2 (nov.) ♡ Zoeya #2 (nov.) ♡ Eliya #1 (nov.) ♡ Lewaine #2 (déc.) ♡ Lewis family #1 (déc.) ♡ Zoeya #3 (déc.) ♡ Birdoya #3 (déc.) ♡ Tesya #1 (déc.)

2022 Birdoya #5 & Troya #3 (fév.) ♡ Lexie #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #2 (mars) ♡ Jorbir #63 & Birdoya #8 (mai) ♡ Eliya #2 (juil.) ♡ James #1 (sept.) ♡ Amya #3 (sept) ♡ Camya #4Amya #5 (sept) ♡ Birdoya 9 (oct.) ♡ Zoyanwar 2 (déc.) ♡ Las Posadas (dec.) ♡ Mason #1 (déc.) ♡ Amya #6 (déc.) ♡ Jorbirdoya #2 (déc.) ♡ Troya #4 (déc.).

2023 Chelsea #1 (janv.) ♡ Amya #7 (janv.) ♡ Ediya #2 (fév.) ♡ Eliya 4 (fév.) ♡ Floya 1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #12 (mars) ♡ Amya #8 (mars) ♡ Camya #5 (mars) ♡ Caleboya #1 (mars) ♡ Lewaine 3Ediya #3 (avril) ♡ Leeves #2 (mai) ♡ Tesya 2 (mai) ♡ mariage Rowann (juin) ♡ Amya #9 (juin) ♡ Leeves 3 (juin) ♡ Lexie 2 (juin) ♡ Camya 6 (juin) ♡ Kieran (août) ♡ Damon #1 (août) ♡ Zinnley 2 (août) ♡ Carl 1 (août) ♡ Ediya 5 (août) ♡ Camya 7 (août) ♡ Kieran 2 (août) ♡ Leeves 4 (août) ♡ Birdoya 13 (août) ♡ Caleboya 2 (août) ♡ Damon 3 (sept) ♡ Floya 2 (sept.) ♡ Charlie 1 (sept) ♡ Amya 12 (sept) ♡ Leeves 5 (sept) ♡ Jiyeon & Mickey (sept) ♡ Lewaine 4 (sept) ♡ Leeves 6 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya 14 (nov.) ♡ Camya 8 (déc) ♡ Anthony 1 (déc.).

2024 Amya 13 (janv.) ♡ Eddie 1 (janv.) ♡ Jordan 3 (mars) ♡ Ruben 2 (mars) ♡ Kieran 3 (mars)

UAChanoya #1Rhett (slasher) ♡ Camya 2Isaac (HP) ♡ Amya #4 (bunyip) ♡ Corey 1 (bunyip) ♡ Amya 10 (momies) ♡ Damon 2 (spatial) ♡ Rhett 3 (slasher) ♡ Rhett 4 (slasher) ♡ Amya 11 (momies) ♡ Amya 13 (momies) ♡ ♡ Ruben 1 (bunyip) ♡ Damon 4 (spatial) ♡ Chanoya 2 (zombies).

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Giphy
zoddy ♡ I hate how you don't even try. I hate how you don't care. I hate how i still try to keep you in our life. ♡ 1234567#8#9.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 0b9c4fa2fe0db9e43b2d6b8afbbd5b848918cf1f
zoeya ♡ once in a while someone comes into your life and changes everything, they will cheer you up when you are down, laugh with you until your stomach hurts and make you feel at home when you are far away. No matter the distance, she will follow your arrow - wherever it may go ♡ 1234.

les anciennes histoires:

AVATAR : Phoebe Tonkin
CRÉDITS : @jo-tag (avatar) @lonelywolfgifs (gifs); UB : @loonywaltz.
DC : Gabrielle & August
PSEUDO : ellialola
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 15/08/2021

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptyJeu 2 Nov 2023 - 8:15 • following
1032 Likes Memories 3 : la vie parisienne, je t'aime #parisfashionweek #lesquaisdeseine

october, 10th

but they're watching me, judging me, making me feel so used, can't you see that all i wanna do is get a little wild, get a little high, kiss a hundred boys and not feel like i'm tied to them. if you wanna judge me, then go and load the gun, i've done nothing wrong, i'm young. s. smith + @aeairiel.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 I7IpUTV
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8UJb5dM
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4o1MzC3
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7ZWT0EU
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 NCLDdV8
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 W98cbSy
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 PHWq6JM

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4052937387 :
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Zoya Lewis
Zoya Lewis
l'oeil du cyclone
l'oeil du cyclone
En ligne
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 IAeu3cF Présent
ÂGE : trente et un hivers, née le 20 août 1992.
SURNOM : Zozo c'est bon signe, Zoya c'est qu'elle énerve le monde, Lewis c'est la fin du monde
STATUT : Ils ont officiellement posé un nom sur leur relation, souhaitant tous deux construire une histoire digne de ce nom ensemble. Zoya est la plus heureuse et vous le verrez par ses yeux qui pétillent à l'évocation du nom de Mickey Reeves.
MÉTIER : Photographe à son compte, elle travaille aussi en parallèle pour la maison Weatherton.
LOGEMENT : #86 Agnes Street, avec son frère Cameron (qu'est-ce que le manque d'argent ne vous pousse pas à faire) et sa fille Chloe.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4c0544d589d41272466e3f945902342897a7b422
POSTS : 5188 POINTS : 0

TW IN RP : abandon d'enfant - stérilité - vulgarité - perte d'enfants - blessures physiques - addiction
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : Originaire de Brisbane ♡ A trois frères ♡ Passionnée par la photographie mais aussi la peinture et la cuisine ♡ Les voyages sont sa raison d'être ♡ A 25 ans, on lui annonce qu'elle ne pourra pas avoir d'enfants ♡ A 28 ans, elle tombe enceinte après une histoire d'un soir ♡ Sa fille nait en février 2021, Chloe, qu'elle élève seule (par choix) ♡ Elle tâtonne encore dans son rôle de mère.
CODE COULEUR : Elle tape des crises en #cc6699
RPs EN COURS : (11)Leeves (rp permanent) ♡ Caleb 3Leeves 7Birdoya 15James 2Penelope 1Lexie 3Lewaine 5Anthony 2Birdoya 16 Leyang 2.

(conversations téléphoniques)


professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7f564f5f389c4170aaaadfdbfaafd4fc
lewis family ♡ The family. We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
camya12345678. anthoya1
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8lzq
caleboya ♡ if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, i'll sail the world to find you, if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ♡

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 D3525088fea0a84cb9c9501c562e4a43604d5779
leeves ♡ the last few months, i've been working on me, baby, there's so much trauma in my life, i've been so cold to the ones who loved me, baby, i look back now and i realize, i remember when i held you, you begged me with your drowning eyes to stay and i regret i didn't tell you, now i can't keep you from loving him, you made up your mind ♡ 1234567.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 32a7ab9e558068384111fcf2a81c7546cd3b0656
amya ♡ i love my eyes when you look into them. i love my name when you say it. i love my heart when you touch it. i love my life when you are in it. ♡ 12345678910111213
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 C1bd6cd6c1ffd7a2ca048efefa6819e35333a5ca
birdoya ♡ we laugh at the dumbest jokes, put up with each others worst moods, go along with the craziest ideas , that's what make us the most amazing friends ♡ 1234567891011121314 15
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 443dd3854fca3f9e12908cc0c159b20df09b0502
lewaine ♡ Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down ♡ 1234.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_ncl5vcXzRA1ttqlr0o5_250
floya ♡ woo girl, need to kick off your shoes, got to take a deep breath, time to focus on you, all the big fights, long nights that you been through,i got a bottle of Tequila i been saving for you, boss up and change your life, you can have it all, no sacrifice, t know he did you wrong, we can make it right, so go and let it all hang out tonight ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f8349ebcea3bc535161a0bde8a0b2ca10616fe7
ediya ♡ count me in unannounced, drag my nails on the tile, i just follow your scent, you can't just follow my smile, all of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine, cutting me to the bone, nothing left to leave behind, you ought to keep me concealed just like i was a weapon, i didn't come for a fight but I will fight till the end, this might be your battle, might not turn out okay ♡ 12345.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 489aa9c4de0e59e16fc15e1a70066509f42cd95f
zoyanwar ♡ i don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul? i don't know where i'm going but i don't think I'm coming home and i said, i'll check in tomorrow if i don't wake up dead, this is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end. ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 940fc693f40073a47b0324fea64d0968125f1d62
eliya ♡ You got me fucked up in the head, boy, never doubted myself so much, like, am I pretty? Am I fun, boy?, I hate that I give you power over that kind of stuff. It's always one step forward and three steps back, do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand. No, I don't understand ♡ 1234.

RPs EN ATTENTE : Elijah 5 ♡
RPs TERMINÉS : FBWill #1 (janv. 2014) ♡ Zinnley #1 (oct. 2014) ♡ Birdoya #6 (nov. 2014) ♡ Zinnley 3 (sept. 2015) ♡ Eliya #3 (juil. 2017) ♡ Camya #3 (nov. 2017) ♡ Zoeya #1 (août 2018) ♡ Rhett 1 (sept.) ♡ Ediya #1 (oct. 2018) ♡ Ediya 4 (déc. 2018) ♡ Birdoya #4 (fb) (fév.2019) ♡ Zoyanwar #1 (fb) (oct.2019) .

2020Mila #1 (janv.) ♡ Lewaine #1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #1 (juin).

2021Troya #1 (août) ♡ Leeves #1Camya #1 (sept.) ♡ Zotumn #1 (oct.) ♡ Trent #2 (nov.) ♡ Swann #1 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya #2 (nov.) ♡ Zoeya #2 (nov.) ♡ Eliya #1 (nov.) ♡ Lewaine #2 (déc.) ♡ Lewis family #1 (déc.) ♡ Zoeya #3 (déc.) ♡ Birdoya #3 (déc.) ♡ Tesya #1 (déc.)

2022 Birdoya #5 & Troya #3 (fév.) ♡ Lexie #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #2 (mars) ♡ Jorbir #63 & Birdoya #8 (mai) ♡ Eliya #2 (juil.) ♡ James #1 (sept.) ♡ Amya #3 (sept) ♡ Camya #4Amya #5 (sept) ♡ Birdoya 9 (oct.) ♡ Zoyanwar 2 (déc.) ♡ Las Posadas (dec.) ♡ Mason #1 (déc.) ♡ Amya #6 (déc.) ♡ Jorbirdoya #2 (déc.) ♡ Troya #4 (déc.).

2023 Chelsea #1 (janv.) ♡ Amya #7 (janv.) ♡ Ediya #2 (fév.) ♡ Eliya 4 (fév.) ♡ Floya 1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #12 (mars) ♡ Amya #8 (mars) ♡ Camya #5 (mars) ♡ Caleboya #1 (mars) ♡ Lewaine 3Ediya #3 (avril) ♡ Leeves #2 (mai) ♡ Tesya 2 (mai) ♡ mariage Rowann (juin) ♡ Amya #9 (juin) ♡ Leeves 3 (juin) ♡ Lexie 2 (juin) ♡ Camya 6 (juin) ♡ Kieran (août) ♡ Damon #1 (août) ♡ Zinnley 2 (août) ♡ Carl 1 (août) ♡ Ediya 5 (août) ♡ Camya 7 (août) ♡ Kieran 2 (août) ♡ Leeves 4 (août) ♡ Birdoya 13 (août) ♡ Caleboya 2 (août) ♡ Damon 3 (sept) ♡ Floya 2 (sept.) ♡ Charlie 1 (sept) ♡ Amya 12 (sept) ♡ Leeves 5 (sept) ♡ Jiyeon & Mickey (sept) ♡ Lewaine 4 (sept) ♡ Leeves 6 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya 14 (nov.) ♡ Camya 8 (déc) ♡ Anthony 1 (déc.).

2024 Amya 13 (janv.) ♡ Eddie 1 (janv.) ♡ Jordan 3 (mars) ♡ Ruben 2 (mars) ♡ Kieran 3 (mars)

UAChanoya #1Rhett (slasher) ♡ Camya 2Isaac (HP) ♡ Amya #4 (bunyip) ♡ Corey 1 (bunyip) ♡ Amya 10 (momies) ♡ Damon 2 (spatial) ♡ Rhett 3 (slasher) ♡ Rhett 4 (slasher) ♡ Amya 11 (momies) ♡ Amya 13 (momies) ♡ ♡ Ruben 1 (bunyip) ♡ Damon 4 (spatial) ♡ Chanoya 2 (zombies).

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Giphy
zoddy ♡ I hate how you don't even try. I hate how you don't care. I hate how i still try to keep you in our life. ♡ 1234567#8#9.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 0b9c4fa2fe0db9e43b2d6b8afbbd5b848918cf1f
zoeya ♡ once in a while someone comes into your life and changes everything, they will cheer you up when you are down, laugh with you until your stomach hurts and make you feel at home when you are far away. No matter the distance, she will follow your arrow - wherever it may go ♡ 1234.

les anciennes histoires:

AVATAR : Phoebe Tonkin
CRÉDITS : @jo-tag (avatar) @lonelywolfgifs (gifs); UB : @loonywaltz.
DC : Gabrielle & August
PSEUDO : ellialola
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 15/08/2021

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptyDim 5 Nov 2023 - 22:05 • following
1234 Likes Memories 4 (and the last one) : i think my boss's vibe reached me on that day. #parisfashionweek
october, 15th

@James Weatherton

but they're watching me, judging me, making me feel so used, can't you see that all i wanna do is get a little wild, get a little high, kiss a hundred boys and not feel like i'm tied to them. if you wanna judge me, then go and load the gun, i've done nothing wrong, i'm young. s. smith + @aeairiel.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 I7IpUTV
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8UJb5dM
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4o1MzC3
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professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 W98cbSy
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 PHWq6JM

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4052937387 :
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
James Weatherton
James Weatherton
le gant de velours
le gant de velours
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Hu5cwsy Présent
ÂGE : trente-deux ans (10/08/91 - lion)
SURNOM : sa femme le gratifie plus souvent d'insultes. ça tombe bien, il préfère.
STATUT : marié depuis sept ans à Cristina, dans une union aussi euphorisante qu'elle est anticonformiste, où les portes claquent et où les assiettes volent mais où le chaos côtoie la forme d'inspiration la plus pure. son cœur, lui, bat sans doute depuis plus longtemps qu'il ne veut se l'avouer pour un italien insupportable au sens du timing douteux. parce que lui avouer qu'il l'aime au moment où il pleure le décès de son père, il n'y avait bien qu'Auden pour en être capable.
MÉTIER : créateur principal et directeur artistique d'une maison de haute couture, Weatherton, entreprise familiale dont la renommée internationale constitue sa plus grande fierté. le décès de son père, à la tête de l'entreprise depuis 25 ans, est toutefois venu rebattre quelques cartes et à défaut de se sentir prêt à investir le fauteuil de CEO, il officie comme actionnaire majoritaire aux cotés du conseil d'administration, se consacrant comme à son habitude à son atelier. également co-propriétaire avec sa femme du Emerald Hotel, il lui prête main forte lorsque son emploi du temps le lui permet.
LOGEMENT : #40 Latimer Road, Logan City. une maison que le couple partage avec leur chat Shady, qui réserve en général un accueil chaleureux (non) à leurs visiteurs.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 E0RdSs94_o
POSTS : 6639 POINTS : 220

TW IN RP : alcoolisme, décès, deuil, violence verbale, relation toxique, mention de troubles de la fertilité
GENRE : Je suis un homme
ORIENTATION : J'aime tout le monde.
PETIT PLUS : exigeant, colérique et impitoyable, ses proches mériteraient une médaille pour le supporter › son besoin d'être constamment stimulé l'a poussé à épouser la femme la plus caractérielle qu'il connaisse. au fond, ils seraient prêts à tout l'un pour l'autre › elle veut des enfants, lui beaucoup moins. en revanche, il désire avoir un héritier › ne s'est jamais remis d'avoir perdu son premier amour, bien qu'il n'ait jamais rien montré de sa douleur › peu enclin à montrer ce qu'il ressent, il s'est forgé une carapace dont il est difficile de venir à bout › constamment fourré dans son atelier.
CODE COULEUR : DarkMagenta
RPs EN COURS : (09) august #2flora #3lena #1halston #3ambrose #4mickey #1shiloh #5auden #21

(ua fantôme) auden #24

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 SW6a5
willton #21 & #24 › we've been stuck now so long, we just got the start wrong. one more last try, i'ma get the ending right. you can stop this, and I must insist. that you haven't had enough, you haven't had enough. don't you need it? don't you want this at all? well, I just wish we could go back one more time and begin it, back before I lost myself somewhere in it. ❘ 12 (UA)3457891011121314 (UA)1516171819 (UA)20212223 (UA)24 (UA)

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Giphy-downsized-large
weathertineaugust #2 & flora #3 & ambrose #4 › under the surface, you don't know what you'll find until it's your time. no second chances but all we can do is try. I made up my mind. I can't see you but I hear your call. baby, hold on now, we're going home. if we make it or we don't, we won't be alone. if you're waiting all your life, you won't ever go. when I see your light shine, I know I'm home.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_inline_qmq8y7dwtb1xrhyyw_500
millie #4 › well her face is a map of the world. you can see she's a beautiful girl. and everything around her is a silver pool of light. the people who surround her feel the benefit of it. it makes you calm. she holds you captivated in her palm.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 9f0782ffdba357ee18f1bf96c908e936e3b9dc3c
shiloh #5 › look at you here, just like I remember. you feel so strange and yet so familiar. we're like two mirrors facing one another. I seen you snap, seen you gnash your teeth. seen you down and drowning out of reach. to tell the truth, I kind of missed your blues. the way your black sunglasses see right through. come to me now, close like I'm in your frame.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4utmQEIn_o

RPs EN ATTENTE : millie #4 › lashana #2

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 A71128d07c2849acf1b1d2b62a407784fca931a3
cristina (scénario libre) › so it's gonna be forever, or it's gonna go down in flames. you can tell me when it's over, if the high was worth the pain. got a long list of ex-lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane. 'cause you know I love the players, and you love the game. we'll take this way too far. it'll leave you breathless, or with a nasty scar. wait, the worst is yet to come.

RPs TERMINÉS : (2024) auden #17millie #3auden #18lashana #1auden #20auden #22

(2023) ambrose #2 & ruben #1auden #8 & cristina #3auden #9auden #10auden #11august #1auden #12malone #1mur collaboratif (event pride)ambrose #3millie #2shiloh #4auden #13eddie #2cristina #2auden #15auden #16flora #2vinnie #1

(2022) auden #3dianaarchie #14mabelauden #4andrew #1birdie #2cristina #1défilé weatherton (event)auden #5auden #6millie #1ambrose #1flora #1auden #7zoya #1diana #2murphy #1cristina #2bellamy #1shiloh #3

(2021) archie #4archie #6archie #7shiloh #1archie #8event open houseraphael #1archie #9 & mad #1archie #10channing #1mila #1eddie #1 & gabrielle #1archie #11lou #2raphael #2birthday party (halston #2)auden #1archie #13madison #2shiloh #2

(2020) archie #1archie #3itziar #1 (secret santa)lou #1birdie #1

(flashbacks) archie #2 (2007)dani #1 (juillet 2018)jordan #1 (2014)halston #1 (2019)archie #12 (2007)cristina #1 (2015)

(ua) swann (bébou)archie #5 (sorciers) (slasher) eddie #1michaelaauden #2 (gothique) eddie #3auden #14eddie #4swann #2eddie #5swann #3 (fantôme) auden #19auden #23

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Yr1u

rps abandonnés:

AVATAR : joseph quinn.
CRÉDITS : avatar @selfmade, gifs sign @harley, gif cristina @jofridapettersen, gif weathertine @ellialola, gif willton @conjuringgifs, gif millie @ninigifs, gif shiloh @stefansalvatored, dessin @mapartche, userbars @loonywaltz.
DC : rory craine (ft. david corenswet) & blake aldridge (ft. austin butler)
PSEUDO : nairobi, charlotte.
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 26/11/2020

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptyDim 5 Nov 2023 - 22:13

jweatherton liked your post

jweatherton replied to your post:
and that suits you very well, in all objectivity professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f60e

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 WU4xMn4
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 SuTRBDR
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 InF9M6m
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 KHoP2yg
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Dvuz8Pj

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Lr6hTV9f_o
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 3yMbGgA
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 FhycjZK
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EIhyBXy
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 OzMRtqs

 professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 2390413160 :
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Zoya Lewis
Zoya Lewis
l'oeil du cyclone
l'oeil du cyclone
En ligne
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 IAeu3cF Présent
ÂGE : trente et un hivers, née le 20 août 1992.
SURNOM : Zozo c'est bon signe, Zoya c'est qu'elle énerve le monde, Lewis c'est la fin du monde
STATUT : Ils ont officiellement posé un nom sur leur relation, souhaitant tous deux construire une histoire digne de ce nom ensemble. Zoya est la plus heureuse et vous le verrez par ses yeux qui pétillent à l'évocation du nom de Mickey Reeves.
MÉTIER : Photographe à son compte, elle travaille aussi en parallèle pour la maison Weatherton.
LOGEMENT : #86 Agnes Street, avec son frère Cameron (qu'est-ce que le manque d'argent ne vous pousse pas à faire) et sa fille Chloe.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4c0544d589d41272466e3f945902342897a7b422
POSTS : 5188 POINTS : 0

TW IN RP : abandon d'enfant - stérilité - vulgarité - perte d'enfants - blessures physiques - addiction
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : Originaire de Brisbane ♡ A trois frères ♡ Passionnée par la photographie mais aussi la peinture et la cuisine ♡ Les voyages sont sa raison d'être ♡ A 25 ans, on lui annonce qu'elle ne pourra pas avoir d'enfants ♡ A 28 ans, elle tombe enceinte après une histoire d'un soir ♡ Sa fille nait en février 2021, Chloe, qu'elle élève seule (par choix) ♡ Elle tâtonne encore dans son rôle de mère.
CODE COULEUR : Elle tape des crises en #cc6699
RPs EN COURS : (11)Leeves (rp permanent) ♡ Caleb 3Leeves 7Birdoya 15James 2Penelope 1Lexie 3Lewaine 5Anthony 2Birdoya 16 Leyang 2.

(conversations téléphoniques)


professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7f564f5f389c4170aaaadfdbfaafd4fc
lewis family ♡ The family. We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
camya12345678. anthoya1
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8lzq
caleboya ♡ if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, i'll sail the world to find you, if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ♡

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 D3525088fea0a84cb9c9501c562e4a43604d5779
leeves ♡ the last few months, i've been working on me, baby, there's so much trauma in my life, i've been so cold to the ones who loved me, baby, i look back now and i realize, i remember when i held you, you begged me with your drowning eyes to stay and i regret i didn't tell you, now i can't keep you from loving him, you made up your mind ♡ 1234567.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 32a7ab9e558068384111fcf2a81c7546cd3b0656
amya ♡ i love my eyes when you look into them. i love my name when you say it. i love my heart when you touch it. i love my life when you are in it. ♡ 12345678910111213
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 C1bd6cd6c1ffd7a2ca048efefa6819e35333a5ca
birdoya ♡ we laugh at the dumbest jokes, put up with each others worst moods, go along with the craziest ideas , that's what make us the most amazing friends ♡ 1234567891011121314 15
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 443dd3854fca3f9e12908cc0c159b20df09b0502
lewaine ♡ Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down ♡ 1234.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_ncl5vcXzRA1ttqlr0o5_250
floya ♡ woo girl, need to kick off your shoes, got to take a deep breath, time to focus on you, all the big fights, long nights that you been through,i got a bottle of Tequila i been saving for you, boss up and change your life, you can have it all, no sacrifice, t know he did you wrong, we can make it right, so go and let it all hang out tonight ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f8349ebcea3bc535161a0bde8a0b2ca10616fe7
ediya ♡ count me in unannounced, drag my nails on the tile, i just follow your scent, you can't just follow my smile, all of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine, cutting me to the bone, nothing left to leave behind, you ought to keep me concealed just like i was a weapon, i didn't come for a fight but I will fight till the end, this might be your battle, might not turn out okay ♡ 12345.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 489aa9c4de0e59e16fc15e1a70066509f42cd95f
zoyanwar ♡ i don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul? i don't know where i'm going but i don't think I'm coming home and i said, i'll check in tomorrow if i don't wake up dead, this is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end. ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 940fc693f40073a47b0324fea64d0968125f1d62
eliya ♡ You got me fucked up in the head, boy, never doubted myself so much, like, am I pretty? Am I fun, boy?, I hate that I give you power over that kind of stuff. It's always one step forward and three steps back, do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand. No, I don't understand ♡ 1234.

RPs EN ATTENTE : Elijah 5 ♡
RPs TERMINÉS : FBWill #1 (janv. 2014) ♡ Zinnley #1 (oct. 2014) ♡ Birdoya #6 (nov. 2014) ♡ Zinnley 3 (sept. 2015) ♡ Eliya #3 (juil. 2017) ♡ Camya #3 (nov. 2017) ♡ Zoeya #1 (août 2018) ♡ Rhett 1 (sept.) ♡ Ediya #1 (oct. 2018) ♡ Ediya 4 (déc. 2018) ♡ Birdoya #4 (fb) (fév.2019) ♡ Zoyanwar #1 (fb) (oct.2019) .

2020Mila #1 (janv.) ♡ Lewaine #1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #1 (juin).

2021Troya #1 (août) ♡ Leeves #1Camya #1 (sept.) ♡ Zotumn #1 (oct.) ♡ Trent #2 (nov.) ♡ Swann #1 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya #2 (nov.) ♡ Zoeya #2 (nov.) ♡ Eliya #1 (nov.) ♡ Lewaine #2 (déc.) ♡ Lewis family #1 (déc.) ♡ Zoeya #3 (déc.) ♡ Birdoya #3 (déc.) ♡ Tesya #1 (déc.)

2022 Birdoya #5 & Troya #3 (fév.) ♡ Lexie #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #2 (mars) ♡ Jorbir #63 & Birdoya #8 (mai) ♡ Eliya #2 (juil.) ♡ James #1 (sept.) ♡ Amya #3 (sept) ♡ Camya #4Amya #5 (sept) ♡ Birdoya 9 (oct.) ♡ Zoyanwar 2 (déc.) ♡ Las Posadas (dec.) ♡ Mason #1 (déc.) ♡ Amya #6 (déc.) ♡ Jorbirdoya #2 (déc.) ♡ Troya #4 (déc.).

2023 Chelsea #1 (janv.) ♡ Amya #7 (janv.) ♡ Ediya #2 (fév.) ♡ Eliya 4 (fév.) ♡ Floya 1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #12 (mars) ♡ Amya #8 (mars) ♡ Camya #5 (mars) ♡ Caleboya #1 (mars) ♡ Lewaine 3Ediya #3 (avril) ♡ Leeves #2 (mai) ♡ Tesya 2 (mai) ♡ mariage Rowann (juin) ♡ Amya #9 (juin) ♡ Leeves 3 (juin) ♡ Lexie 2 (juin) ♡ Camya 6 (juin) ♡ Kieran (août) ♡ Damon #1 (août) ♡ Zinnley 2 (août) ♡ Carl 1 (août) ♡ Ediya 5 (août) ♡ Camya 7 (août) ♡ Kieran 2 (août) ♡ Leeves 4 (août) ♡ Birdoya 13 (août) ♡ Caleboya 2 (août) ♡ Damon 3 (sept) ♡ Floya 2 (sept.) ♡ Charlie 1 (sept) ♡ Amya 12 (sept) ♡ Leeves 5 (sept) ♡ Jiyeon & Mickey (sept) ♡ Lewaine 4 (sept) ♡ Leeves 6 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya 14 (nov.) ♡ Camya 8 (déc) ♡ Anthony 1 (déc.).

2024 Amya 13 (janv.) ♡ Eddie 1 (janv.) ♡ Jordan 3 (mars) ♡ Ruben 2 (mars) ♡ Kieran 3 (mars)

UAChanoya #1Rhett (slasher) ♡ Camya 2Isaac (HP) ♡ Amya #4 (bunyip) ♡ Corey 1 (bunyip) ♡ Amya 10 (momies) ♡ Damon 2 (spatial) ♡ Rhett 3 (slasher) ♡ Rhett 4 (slasher) ♡ Amya 11 (momies) ♡ Amya 13 (momies) ♡ ♡ Ruben 1 (bunyip) ♡ Damon 4 (spatial) ♡ Chanoya 2 (zombies).

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Giphy
zoddy ♡ I hate how you don't even try. I hate how you don't care. I hate how i still try to keep you in our life. ♡ 1234567#8#9.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 0b9c4fa2fe0db9e43b2d6b8afbbd5b848918cf1f
zoeya ♡ once in a while someone comes into your life and changes everything, they will cheer you up when you are down, laugh with you until your stomach hurts and make you feel at home when you are far away. No matter the distance, she will follow your arrow - wherever it may go ♡ 1234.

les anciennes histoires:

AVATAR : Phoebe Tonkin
CRÉDITS : @jo-tag (avatar) @lonelywolfgifs (gifs); UB : @loonywaltz.
DC : Gabrielle & August
PSEUDO : ellialola
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 15/08/2021

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptySam 25 Nov 2023 - 22:51 • following
5487 Likes I'm so proud of you and all these beautiful things that happen to you. You deserved it, i love you so much  @Rory Craine
november, 15th

but they're watching me, judging me, making me feel so used, can't you see that all i wanna do is get a little wild, get a little high, kiss a hundred boys and not feel like i'm tied to them. if you wanna judge me, then go and load the gun, i've done nothing wrong, i'm young. s. smith + @aeairiel.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 I7IpUTV
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8UJb5dM
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4o1MzC3
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7ZWT0EU
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 NCLDdV8
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 W98cbSy
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 PHWq6JM

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4052937387 :
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Rory Craine
Rory Craine
l'océan des possibles
l'océan des possibles
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 MTtf4TM Présent
ÂGE : trente-trois ans (19/03/91 - poisson)
SURNOM : Craine pour la plupart des gens.
STATUT : comblé de bonheur d'avoir épousé Swann le 2 juin dernier, après sept ans d'amour, il est rempli de fierté à l'idée que son mari porte enfin officiellement son nom. leur fille Robin (22.02.2023), adoptée par le couple en mai 2023, parfait encore un peu plus le tableau : il a tout ce dont il a toujours rêvé.
MÉTIER : acteur, il a effectué un retour au premier plan remarqué grâce à son dernier film, primé à La Berlinale 2023, qui lui a ouvert de nombreuses portes et valu d'être choisi pour camper le rôle titre d'un ambitieux projet : un biopic centré sur la vie de John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. le grand écran lui tend plus que jamais les bras mais il caresse aussi l'espoir de réaliser un autre de ses rêves : passer derrière la caméra.
LOGEMENT : #84 Agnes Street, à Bayside. Swann et lui goûtent à la tranquillité du bord de mer avec leur fille Robin et Brownie, leur berger australien, dans un endroit qui leur ressemble.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 ZcCq2LXC_o
POSTS : 11703 POINTS : 230

TW IN RP : anxiété, adoption, alcoolisme d'un proche (mère), surexposition médiatique.
GENRE : Je suis un homme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : très proche de sa famille, il idéalise ses ainés et surprotège ses petites sœurs › a pratiqué le football australien durant son adolescence mais a du arrêter après une blessure au genou › la comédie a été la lumière au bout du tunnel lorsqu'il ne croyait plus en rien › s'en est pris physiquement à un réalisateur qui avait agressé sa co-star › idéaliste et romantique, il a concrétisé son plus grand rêve en fondant une famille › sensible et dévoué aux autres › anxieux par nature › bénévole à l'hôpital depuis août 2020.
CODE COULEUR : DarkSlateBlue
RPs EN COURS : (08) scarlett #1micah #2nina #2meet & greet (shining stars agency)zoya #5swann #59 › jesse #1

(ua zombie) swann #58

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 X6xpyO7y_o
rowann #57 & #58 & #59 › you make my heart feel like it's summer when the rain is pouring down. you make my whole world feel so right when it's wrong. that's how I know you are the one. when we are together, you make me feel like my mind is free, and my dreams are reachable. life, it's easy to be scared of with you, I am prepared for what is yet to come. 'cause our two hearts will make it easy. joining up the pieces together, making one. ❘ 12345678910111213 (UA)14 (UA)15 (UA)16171819202122232425262728 (UA)2930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 (UA)52 (UA)53545556575859

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Aef869127908b208a5526e1c4338ec7dc0513144
nina #2 › in our family portrait we look pretty happy. we look pretty normal, let's go back to that. in our family portrait we look pretty happy. let's play pretend, act like it goes naturally. can we work it out? can we be a family? i promise i'll be better, mommy i'll do anything.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 747ecf971eec0f73abb4b5b353cb4bea9f4c6e54
cringer #12 › i've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason. bringing something we must learn and we are led to those. who help us most to grow if we let them, and we help them in return. i know i'm who i am today because i knew you. like a comet pulled from orbit as it passes the sun. who can say if i've been changed for the better but because i knew you, i have been changed for good.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Fefa0977125a54e87deabb53211653484c220162
lewaine #5 › she's not the type to give herself enough love. she lives her life, hand in a tight glove. i wish that i could fix it, i could fix it for you. i'll follow you way down wherever you may go. i'll follow you way down to your deepest low. i'll always be around wherever life takes you. you know i'll follow you.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Feccf874498610fdb6f0dfe34035dba6141f3dfc
ruben #4 › one week, and four years. you know my ways, I know your fears. but then there's a misunderstanding. but what will it take to hear me out? communication breaks, then trust starts to fray. unmet needs forty ways. why not go for it? it's a harder thing to do than to say.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 GVMA6aOW_o

RPs EN ATTENTE : penny #12 › mabel #1

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Ac7a416e3d335ee3bb19a8f9e74ac3cba7861f10
wendy (scénario libre) › you belong among the wildflowers, you belong in a boat out at sea. you belong with your love on your arm, you belong somewhere you feel free. you deserve deepest of cover, you belong in that home by and by. you belong among the wildflowers, you belong somewhere close to me. far away from your trouble and worry. you belong somewhere you feel free.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 5f0fb260fc63b1bac46fdea6a4de4ce3828f0c72
garrett (scénario libre) › there's a bond that brothers know, and it gets stronger as they grow. a love that time and miles can't come between. we disagree but in the end, there will never be two closer friends. and brotherly love is something we all need. they share the same last name and the same color eyes, but they fight like tigers over one old red bike. but, they've got something special, it's brotherly love.

RPs TERMINÉS : (2024) eddie #1swann #57

(2023)swann #38swann #39swann #40swann #41garrett #1swann #42mariage rowannswann #44swann #45 (event pride)rosalie #8zoya #3wyatt #2swann #46 (survival academy)swann #47 (survival academy)swann #48 (survival academy)swann #49swann #50ruben #3penny #11swann #55nina #1zoya #4luz #1

(2022) swann #21maisieswann #22swann #24swann #25swann #26rosalie #6swann #27ruben #1murphy #2swann #29wendyfamily chaos & swann #30arthurswann #31grace #1shining stars agencyswann #32swann #33swann #34penny #10rosalie #7swann #35swann #36las posadashalston #1 (secret santa)ruben #2

(2021) penny #4penny #5swann #5, lucia #1 & matt #1 (léolie's wedding)penny #6 (blind test)clyde #1raphael #1rosalie #1rosalie #2 & wyatt #1swann #6sohan #2penny #7wendy & micahchez mileschez eddiechez thomaschez les crainechez charlie & léocraines #1chloe #2matt #2swann #7wendy #1swann #8ivy #1garrett #1jean #1swann #9micah #1swann #12michaela #1mariage calex (swann #17)penny #8stellaswann #16 & alexswann #18rosalie #4murphy #1 & swann #20swann #19swann #23 & zoya #2penny #9

(2020) jessian #1swann #1penny #1lily #1penny #2swann #2heather #1may #1penny #3erin #1sohan #1ava #2charlie #1le noël du royaume enchanté

(flashbacks) chloe #1 (2012)clément #1 (2016)swann #3 (2018)freddy #1 (2019)ava #1 (2015)swann #4 (2018)swann #10 (2016)swann #11 & maddy #1 (2018)zoya (2020)zoya #2 (2021)swann #56 (2017)

(ua) swann #28 (slasher) rowann #13rowann #14rowann #15 (zombie) swann #51swann #53 (gothique) swann #52swann #54

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Inu8

AVATAR : david corenswet.
CRÉDITS : avatar @harley, gif profil @davidcorenswct, gifs sign @spiderliliez, bann profil @zaja, gifs rowann & ruben @harley, gif nina @thcrns, gif cringer @gwennifergifs, gif lewaine @lonelywolfgifs, gif wendy @harley, gif garrett @lomapacks, dessin @mapartche, userbars @loonywaltz.
DC : james weatherton (ft. joseph quinn) & blake aldridge (ft. austin butler)
PSEUDO : nairobi, charlotte.
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 24/11/2019

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptyDim 26 Nov 2023 - 22:21

rorycraine liked your post

rorycraine replied to your post:
you're the sweetest, i love you professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f496 professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f496

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 JTdVfXP
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 QqLqwzn
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 QoPDAKU
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 E0B9M70
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Hod8yO6

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 HZjB4DU
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 872289volunteer
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 WJ4yJXe
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 GmWTCGB
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Lcds5AP
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Qi7UeVN

 professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 394614564 :
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Zoya Lewis
Zoya Lewis
l'oeil du cyclone
l'oeil du cyclone
En ligne
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 IAeu3cF Présent
ÂGE : trente et un hivers, née le 20 août 1992.
SURNOM : Zozo c'est bon signe, Zoya c'est qu'elle énerve le monde, Lewis c'est la fin du monde
STATUT : Ils ont officiellement posé un nom sur leur relation, souhaitant tous deux construire une histoire digne de ce nom ensemble. Zoya est la plus heureuse et vous le verrez par ses yeux qui pétillent à l'évocation du nom de Mickey Reeves.
MÉTIER : Photographe à son compte, elle travaille aussi en parallèle pour la maison Weatherton.
LOGEMENT : #86 Agnes Street, avec son frère Cameron (qu'est-ce que le manque d'argent ne vous pousse pas à faire) et sa fille Chloe.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4c0544d589d41272466e3f945902342897a7b422
POSTS : 5188 POINTS : 0

TW IN RP : abandon d'enfant - stérilité - vulgarité - perte d'enfants - blessures physiques - addiction
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : Originaire de Brisbane ♡ A trois frères ♡ Passionnée par la photographie mais aussi la peinture et la cuisine ♡ Les voyages sont sa raison d'être ♡ A 25 ans, on lui annonce qu'elle ne pourra pas avoir d'enfants ♡ A 28 ans, elle tombe enceinte après une histoire d'un soir ♡ Sa fille nait en février 2021, Chloe, qu'elle élève seule (par choix) ♡ Elle tâtonne encore dans son rôle de mère.
CODE COULEUR : Elle tape des crises en #cc6699
RPs EN COURS : (11)Leeves (rp permanent) ♡ Caleb 3Leeves 7Birdoya 15James 2Penelope 1Lexie 3Lewaine 5Anthony 2Birdoya 16 Leyang 2.

(conversations téléphoniques)


professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7f564f5f389c4170aaaadfdbfaafd4fc
lewis family ♡ The family. We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
camya12345678. anthoya1
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8lzq
caleboya ♡ if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, i'll sail the world to find you, if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ♡

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 D3525088fea0a84cb9c9501c562e4a43604d5779
leeves ♡ the last few months, i've been working on me, baby, there's so much trauma in my life, i've been so cold to the ones who loved me, baby, i look back now and i realize, i remember when i held you, you begged me with your drowning eyes to stay and i regret i didn't tell you, now i can't keep you from loving him, you made up your mind ♡ 1234567.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 32a7ab9e558068384111fcf2a81c7546cd3b0656
amya ♡ i love my eyes when you look into them. i love my name when you say it. i love my heart when you touch it. i love my life when you are in it. ♡ 12345678910111213
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 C1bd6cd6c1ffd7a2ca048efefa6819e35333a5ca
birdoya ♡ we laugh at the dumbest jokes, put up with each others worst moods, go along with the craziest ideas , that's what make us the most amazing friends ♡ 1234567891011121314 15
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 443dd3854fca3f9e12908cc0c159b20df09b0502
lewaine ♡ Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down ♡ 1234.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_ncl5vcXzRA1ttqlr0o5_250
floya ♡ woo girl, need to kick off your shoes, got to take a deep breath, time to focus on you, all the big fights, long nights that you been through,i got a bottle of Tequila i been saving for you, boss up and change your life, you can have it all, no sacrifice, t know he did you wrong, we can make it right, so go and let it all hang out tonight ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f8349ebcea3bc535161a0bde8a0b2ca10616fe7
ediya ♡ count me in unannounced, drag my nails on the tile, i just follow your scent, you can't just follow my smile, all of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine, cutting me to the bone, nothing left to leave behind, you ought to keep me concealed just like i was a weapon, i didn't come for a fight but I will fight till the end, this might be your battle, might not turn out okay ♡ 12345.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 489aa9c4de0e59e16fc15e1a70066509f42cd95f
zoyanwar ♡ i don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul? i don't know where i'm going but i don't think I'm coming home and i said, i'll check in tomorrow if i don't wake up dead, this is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end. ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 940fc693f40073a47b0324fea64d0968125f1d62
eliya ♡ You got me fucked up in the head, boy, never doubted myself so much, like, am I pretty? Am I fun, boy?, I hate that I give you power over that kind of stuff. It's always one step forward and three steps back, do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand. No, I don't understand ♡ 1234.

RPs EN ATTENTE : Elijah 5 ♡
RPs TERMINÉS : FBWill #1 (janv. 2014) ♡ Zinnley #1 (oct. 2014) ♡ Birdoya #6 (nov. 2014) ♡ Zinnley 3 (sept. 2015) ♡ Eliya #3 (juil. 2017) ♡ Camya #3 (nov. 2017) ♡ Zoeya #1 (août 2018) ♡ Rhett 1 (sept.) ♡ Ediya #1 (oct. 2018) ♡ Ediya 4 (déc. 2018) ♡ Birdoya #4 (fb) (fév.2019) ♡ Zoyanwar #1 (fb) (oct.2019) .

2020Mila #1 (janv.) ♡ Lewaine #1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #1 (juin).

2021Troya #1 (août) ♡ Leeves #1Camya #1 (sept.) ♡ Zotumn #1 (oct.) ♡ Trent #2 (nov.) ♡ Swann #1 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya #2 (nov.) ♡ Zoeya #2 (nov.) ♡ Eliya #1 (nov.) ♡ Lewaine #2 (déc.) ♡ Lewis family #1 (déc.) ♡ Zoeya #3 (déc.) ♡ Birdoya #3 (déc.) ♡ Tesya #1 (déc.)

2022 Birdoya #5 & Troya #3 (fév.) ♡ Lexie #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #2 (mars) ♡ Jorbir #63 & Birdoya #8 (mai) ♡ Eliya #2 (juil.) ♡ James #1 (sept.) ♡ Amya #3 (sept) ♡ Camya #4Amya #5 (sept) ♡ Birdoya 9 (oct.) ♡ Zoyanwar 2 (déc.) ♡ Las Posadas (dec.) ♡ Mason #1 (déc.) ♡ Amya #6 (déc.) ♡ Jorbirdoya #2 (déc.) ♡ Troya #4 (déc.).

2023 Chelsea #1 (janv.) ♡ Amya #7 (janv.) ♡ Ediya #2 (fév.) ♡ Eliya 4 (fév.) ♡ Floya 1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #12 (mars) ♡ Amya #8 (mars) ♡ Camya #5 (mars) ♡ Caleboya #1 (mars) ♡ Lewaine 3Ediya #3 (avril) ♡ Leeves #2 (mai) ♡ Tesya 2 (mai) ♡ mariage Rowann (juin) ♡ Amya #9 (juin) ♡ Leeves 3 (juin) ♡ Lexie 2 (juin) ♡ Camya 6 (juin) ♡ Kieran (août) ♡ Damon #1 (août) ♡ Zinnley 2 (août) ♡ Carl 1 (août) ♡ Ediya 5 (août) ♡ Camya 7 (août) ♡ Kieran 2 (août) ♡ Leeves 4 (août) ♡ Birdoya 13 (août) ♡ Caleboya 2 (août) ♡ Damon 3 (sept) ♡ Floya 2 (sept.) ♡ Charlie 1 (sept) ♡ Amya 12 (sept) ♡ Leeves 5 (sept) ♡ Jiyeon & Mickey (sept) ♡ Lewaine 4 (sept) ♡ Leeves 6 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya 14 (nov.) ♡ Camya 8 (déc) ♡ Anthony 1 (déc.).

2024 Amya 13 (janv.) ♡ Eddie 1 (janv.) ♡ Jordan 3 (mars) ♡ Ruben 2 (mars) ♡ Kieran 3 (mars)

UAChanoya #1Rhett (slasher) ♡ Camya 2Isaac (HP) ♡ Amya #4 (bunyip) ♡ Corey 1 (bunyip) ♡ Amya 10 (momies) ♡ Damon 2 (spatial) ♡ Rhett 3 (slasher) ♡ Rhett 4 (slasher) ♡ Amya 11 (momies) ♡ Amya 13 (momies) ♡ ♡ Ruben 1 (bunyip) ♡ Damon 4 (spatial) ♡ Chanoya 2 (zombies).

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Giphy
zoddy ♡ I hate how you don't even try. I hate how you don't care. I hate how i still try to keep you in our life. ♡ 1234567#8#9.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 0b9c4fa2fe0db9e43b2d6b8afbbd5b848918cf1f
zoeya ♡ once in a while someone comes into your life and changes everything, they will cheer you up when you are down, laugh with you until your stomach hurts and make you feel at home when you are far away. No matter the distance, she will follow your arrow - wherever it may go ♡ 1234.

les anciennes histoires:

AVATAR : Phoebe Tonkin
CRÉDITS : @jo-tag (avatar) @lonelywolfgifs (gifs); UB : @loonywaltz.
DC : Gabrielle & August
PSEUDO : ellialola
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 15/08/2021

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptyMar 28 Nov 2023 - 22:06 • following
1405 Likes The calm before the storm
november, 25th

but they're watching me, judging me, making me feel so used, can't you see that all i wanna do is get a little wild, get a little high, kiss a hundred boys and not feel like i'm tied to them. if you wanna judge me, then go and load the gun, i've done nothing wrong, i'm young. s. smith + @aeairiel.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 I7IpUTV
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8UJb5dM
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4o1MzC3
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7ZWT0EU
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 NCLDdV8
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 W98cbSy
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 PHWq6JM

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4052937387 :
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Mickey Reeves
Mickey Reeves
les brasiers de la colère
les brasiers de la colère
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7vHkInU Présent
ÂGE : 34 ans (04.11.1989) ♏︎
SURNOM : Scar, son pseudo pour la boxe et les courses.
STATUT : son coeur reprend enfin vie aux côtés de Zoya. elle seule parvient à lire à travers ses lignes, le comprend et l'apaise, à tel point qu'il a retiré son alliance pour elle. il reste en revanche bien marié à la mère de sa fille sur le papier.
MÉTIER : illustre champion de boxe rattrapé par ses démons, il gère aujourd'hui un bar caché, The Blind Tiger, et y dissimule ses trafics.
LOGEMENT : il (re)vit dans un loft où sa fille a enfin sa chambre et où sa petite amie passe aussi le plus clair de ses nuits, au #419 Montague Road (West End).
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 07c89FNb_o
POSTS : 6253 POINTS : 230

TW IN RP : consommation de drogues et d'alcool, violence verbale et physique, décès familial (parents), deuil, courses illégales de voitures, comportement autodestructeur, addictions, pensées noires, divorce, sexualité.
TW IRL : nc.
GENRE : Je suis un homme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : brisbane born and raised ☆ orphelin de père et de mère, aîné de sa fratrie ☆ tableau familial en morceaux comme le reste : sa femme a demandé le divorce et sa fille de huit ans souffre de ses absences ☆ multi-champion du monde, il avait de l'or au bout des gants avant de tout saboter ☆ son addiction à la drogue ne date pas d'hier ☆ une sérieuse tendance à l'autodestruction et un problème de colère jamais exorcisé ☆ se défoule sur tout ce qu'il trouve à défaut de le faire sur un ring ☆ mène une vie de violence et d'excès qui finiront par le tuer si personne ne le fait avant
RPs EN COURS : (11) elizoya (∞)zoya #7jackson #5solas #1halstonrhett #11 (ua fantômes)james (event)birdie x zoyarhett #12 (event)lashana #3

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 HYfZDnMT_o
aliyah (scénario) ☆ the reason i hold on, 'cause i need this hole gone. funny you're the broken one but i'm the only one who needed saving, 'cause when you never see the light it's hard to know which one of us is caving. not really sure how to feel about it, something in the way you move makes me feel like i can't live without you.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1k8E62hC_o
mickson #5 ☆ we're all we got in this world, when it spins, when it swirls. i'm just sorry you were there and had to witness it first hand, 'cause all i ever wanted to do was just make you proud, then of course everything always happens for a reason but it's just something we have no control over. ☆ 1234

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 2z5Eeyf7_o
leeves #7 & (∞) ☆ you make it look like it's magic 'cause i see nobody, nobody but you. i'm so used to being used so i love when you call unexpected. on that lonely night you said it wouldn't be love, but we felt the rush. it made us believe it there was only us, convinced we were broken inside. you're my favorite kind of night. ☆ 123456

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_inline_rijg9dIVsa1wsdcbg_500
little sis #3 ☆ don't know where she belongs, she wants to go home but nobody's home. be strong now. her feelings she hides, her dreams she can't find. she's losing her mind, she's falling behind. she can't find her place, she's losing her faith. she's falling from grace, she's all over the place. ☆ 12

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 MWFKR0Pq_o
miett #11 (ua) & #12 ☆ it's five am, my time again. i've soakin' up the moon, can't sleep, i'm calling and you know it's me. i'm pushing myself further, i'm just tryna feel my heartbeat beat and you can see that i'm in pain, i've fallen into emptiness. i want you 'cause we're both insane, i'm staring into the abyss, looking at myself again, trying not to lose my faith. ☆ 12345678910

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 IB03vZ5g_o
ollie (scénario) ☆ some people stay far away from the door, if there's a chance of it opening up. they hear a voice in the hall outside and hope that it just passes by. some people live with the fear of a touch and the anger of having been a fool. they will not listen to anyone, so nobody tells them a lie.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8e277d903ee12e851d228df5ec395ecb5bbad0af
sikey #2 ☆ the days, they go slow. the nights, they go fast. the method is clear, in waiting for you i think i need a distraction. i'm not staying in i'm searching for you i can never, never find you. go downtown, put the drugs in my body. step back up, i'm the life of the party. come back home and we'll get something started. ☆ 1

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 UfvXz0fB_o
reine ☆ cause unlike you i got nothing to hide, i don't pretend to have any shame. i got a box we could put all your lies in until the end of days, you know that i will be a call away. the call you make when you're all alone and i know that i will always be the one you repent when you are done. ☆ 123

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 95g414dI_o
starboy ☆ legend of the fall took the year like a bandit, bought mama a crib and a brand new wagon. now she hit the grocery shop looking lavish, star trek roof in that wraith of khan. girls get loose when they hear this song, 100 on the dash get me close to god. we don't pray for love, we just pray for cars.

zoya (sms/appels)rhett (sms)
marley (sms)august (sms)
joseph (sms)

RPs EN ATTENTE : ollie, siobhan #2, kieran #3

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 JRhytq5i_o
reeves (préliens) ☆ i was playing in the beginning, the mood all changed. i've been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage, but i kept rhyming and stepped right into the next cypher. best believe somebody's paying the pied piper, all the pain inside amplified by the fact that i can't get by with my 9-to-5. and i can't provide the right type of life for my family, these times are so hard, and it's getting even harder.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 27T9NYtm_o
waves ☆ i saw the fire in your eyes, i saw the fire when i look into your eyes. you tell me things you wanna, try, i know temptation is the devil in disguise. you risk it all to feel alive, you're offering yourself to me like sacrifice. ☆ 1

RPs TERMINÉS : 2024 ›adèle (event)vinnierhett #10lashana #2siobhan #1 (fb 2019)

2023 › aliyah 1.0rhett #2rhett #3albane #1jackson #2aliyah #1rhett #4zoya #1 (fb 2021)august #2 (rip) › rhett #5andréa #1jackson #3zoya #2wedding rowannzoya #3rhett #6aliyah #2evelyn #1 & rhett #7ethelzoya #4ruben (roaring twenties)joseph #2rhett #8zoya #5 (roaring twenties)jiyeon (roaring twenties)jackson #4lashana #1kieran #2august #3 (fb 2013)solasrhett #9zoya #6 (date)arthur

2022 › rhett #1jackson #1 (fb 2004)channing #1august #1 (fb août 2022)kieran #1 (fb 2021)joseph #1leo #1

NaNoWriMo 2023 › 50 000 mots ✓ (total : 66 762)

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 BnwBz7uW_o

AVATAR : abel tesfaye
CRÉDITS : @homemade (avatar), @loonywaltz (ub), @nairobigifs (gif profil), @nairobigifs (gifs signa), @annscollections (gif alives), @kyliez (gif lashana) @harlivygifs (gif jackson), @roseygifs (gif miett), @nairobi (gif zoya), @sophiexrph (gif reine), @sophiexrph (gif peeves), @thiskryptonite (gif waves), @driverdaily (gif solas), @ovgifs3 (gif reeves), @mapartche (dessin mickey)
DC : eddie yang (ft. lee know) & carl flanagan (ft. fionn whitehead)
PSEUDO : ladyfame (clémence)
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 09/12/2022

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptyMer 29 Nov 2023 - 0:05

scarrr liked your post

scarrr commented :

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Nptbkrg
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Zoya Lewis
Zoya Lewis
l'oeil du cyclone
l'oeil du cyclone
En ligne
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 IAeu3cF Présent
ÂGE : trente et un hivers, née le 20 août 1992.
SURNOM : Zozo c'est bon signe, Zoya c'est qu'elle énerve le monde, Lewis c'est la fin du monde
STATUT : Ils ont officiellement posé un nom sur leur relation, souhaitant tous deux construire une histoire digne de ce nom ensemble. Zoya est la plus heureuse et vous le verrez par ses yeux qui pétillent à l'évocation du nom de Mickey Reeves.
MÉTIER : Photographe à son compte, elle travaille aussi en parallèle pour la maison Weatherton.
LOGEMENT : #86 Agnes Street, avec son frère Cameron (qu'est-ce que le manque d'argent ne vous pousse pas à faire) et sa fille Chloe.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4c0544d589d41272466e3f945902342897a7b422
POSTS : 5188 POINTS : 0

TW IN RP : abandon d'enfant - stérilité - vulgarité - perte d'enfants - blessures physiques - addiction
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : Originaire de Brisbane ♡ A trois frères ♡ Passionnée par la photographie mais aussi la peinture et la cuisine ♡ Les voyages sont sa raison d'être ♡ A 25 ans, on lui annonce qu'elle ne pourra pas avoir d'enfants ♡ A 28 ans, elle tombe enceinte après une histoire d'un soir ♡ Sa fille nait en février 2021, Chloe, qu'elle élève seule (par choix) ♡ Elle tâtonne encore dans son rôle de mère.
CODE COULEUR : Elle tape des crises en #cc6699
RPs EN COURS : (11)Leeves (rp permanent) ♡ Caleb 3Leeves 7Birdoya 15James 2Penelope 1Lexie 3Lewaine 5Anthony 2Birdoya 16 Leyang 2.

(conversations téléphoniques)


professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7f564f5f389c4170aaaadfdbfaafd4fc
lewis family ♡ The family. We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
camya12345678. anthoya1
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8lzq
caleboya ♡ if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, i'll sail the world to find you, if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ♡

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 D3525088fea0a84cb9c9501c562e4a43604d5779
leeves ♡ the last few months, i've been working on me, baby, there's so much trauma in my life, i've been so cold to the ones who loved me, baby, i look back now and i realize, i remember when i held you, you begged me with your drowning eyes to stay and i regret i didn't tell you, now i can't keep you from loving him, you made up your mind ♡ 1234567.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 32a7ab9e558068384111fcf2a81c7546cd3b0656
amya ♡ i love my eyes when you look into them. i love my name when you say it. i love my heart when you touch it. i love my life when you are in it. ♡ 12345678910111213
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 C1bd6cd6c1ffd7a2ca048efefa6819e35333a5ca
birdoya ♡ we laugh at the dumbest jokes, put up with each others worst moods, go along with the craziest ideas , that's what make us the most amazing friends ♡ 1234567891011121314 15
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 443dd3854fca3f9e12908cc0c159b20df09b0502
lewaine ♡ Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down ♡ 1234.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_ncl5vcXzRA1ttqlr0o5_250
floya ♡ woo girl, need to kick off your shoes, got to take a deep breath, time to focus on you, all the big fights, long nights that you been through,i got a bottle of Tequila i been saving for you, boss up and change your life, you can have it all, no sacrifice, t know he did you wrong, we can make it right, so go and let it all hang out tonight ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f8349ebcea3bc535161a0bde8a0b2ca10616fe7
ediya ♡ count me in unannounced, drag my nails on the tile, i just follow your scent, you can't just follow my smile, all of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine, cutting me to the bone, nothing left to leave behind, you ought to keep me concealed just like i was a weapon, i didn't come for a fight but I will fight till the end, this might be your battle, might not turn out okay ♡ 12345.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 489aa9c4de0e59e16fc15e1a70066509f42cd95f
zoyanwar ♡ i don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul? i don't know where i'm going but i don't think I'm coming home and i said, i'll check in tomorrow if i don't wake up dead, this is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end. ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 940fc693f40073a47b0324fea64d0968125f1d62
eliya ♡ You got me fucked up in the head, boy, never doubted myself so much, like, am I pretty? Am I fun, boy?, I hate that I give you power over that kind of stuff. It's always one step forward and three steps back, do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand. No, I don't understand ♡ 1234.

RPs EN ATTENTE : Elijah 5 ♡
RPs TERMINÉS : FBWill #1 (janv. 2014) ♡ Zinnley #1 (oct. 2014) ♡ Birdoya #6 (nov. 2014) ♡ Zinnley 3 (sept. 2015) ♡ Eliya #3 (juil. 2017) ♡ Camya #3 (nov. 2017) ♡ Zoeya #1 (août 2018) ♡ Rhett 1 (sept.) ♡ Ediya #1 (oct. 2018) ♡ Ediya 4 (déc. 2018) ♡ Birdoya #4 (fb) (fév.2019) ♡ Zoyanwar #1 (fb) (oct.2019) .

2020Mila #1 (janv.) ♡ Lewaine #1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #1 (juin).

2021Troya #1 (août) ♡ Leeves #1Camya #1 (sept.) ♡ Zotumn #1 (oct.) ♡ Trent #2 (nov.) ♡ Swann #1 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya #2 (nov.) ♡ Zoeya #2 (nov.) ♡ Eliya #1 (nov.) ♡ Lewaine #2 (déc.) ♡ Lewis family #1 (déc.) ♡ Zoeya #3 (déc.) ♡ Birdoya #3 (déc.) ♡ Tesya #1 (déc.)

2022 Birdoya #5 & Troya #3 (fév.) ♡ Lexie #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #2 (mars) ♡ Jorbir #63 & Birdoya #8 (mai) ♡ Eliya #2 (juil.) ♡ James #1 (sept.) ♡ Amya #3 (sept) ♡ Camya #4Amya #5 (sept) ♡ Birdoya 9 (oct.) ♡ Zoyanwar 2 (déc.) ♡ Las Posadas (dec.) ♡ Mason #1 (déc.) ♡ Amya #6 (déc.) ♡ Jorbirdoya #2 (déc.) ♡ Troya #4 (déc.).

2023 Chelsea #1 (janv.) ♡ Amya #7 (janv.) ♡ Ediya #2 (fév.) ♡ Eliya 4 (fév.) ♡ Floya 1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #12 (mars) ♡ Amya #8 (mars) ♡ Camya #5 (mars) ♡ Caleboya #1 (mars) ♡ Lewaine 3Ediya #3 (avril) ♡ Leeves #2 (mai) ♡ Tesya 2 (mai) ♡ mariage Rowann (juin) ♡ Amya #9 (juin) ♡ Leeves 3 (juin) ♡ Lexie 2 (juin) ♡ Camya 6 (juin) ♡ Kieran (août) ♡ Damon #1 (août) ♡ Zinnley 2 (août) ♡ Carl 1 (août) ♡ Ediya 5 (août) ♡ Camya 7 (août) ♡ Kieran 2 (août) ♡ Leeves 4 (août) ♡ Birdoya 13 (août) ♡ Caleboya 2 (août) ♡ Damon 3 (sept) ♡ Floya 2 (sept.) ♡ Charlie 1 (sept) ♡ Amya 12 (sept) ♡ Leeves 5 (sept) ♡ Jiyeon & Mickey (sept) ♡ Lewaine 4 (sept) ♡ Leeves 6 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya 14 (nov.) ♡ Camya 8 (déc) ♡ Anthony 1 (déc.).

2024 Amya 13 (janv.) ♡ Eddie 1 (janv.) ♡ Jordan 3 (mars) ♡ Ruben 2 (mars) ♡ Kieran 3 (mars)

UAChanoya #1Rhett (slasher) ♡ Camya 2Isaac (HP) ♡ Amya #4 (bunyip) ♡ Corey 1 (bunyip) ♡ Amya 10 (momies) ♡ Damon 2 (spatial) ♡ Rhett 3 (slasher) ♡ Rhett 4 (slasher) ♡ Amya 11 (momies) ♡ Amya 13 (momies) ♡ ♡ Ruben 1 (bunyip) ♡ Damon 4 (spatial) ♡ Chanoya 2 (zombies).

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Giphy
zoddy ♡ I hate how you don't even try. I hate how you don't care. I hate how i still try to keep you in our life. ♡ 1234567#8#9.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 0b9c4fa2fe0db9e43b2d6b8afbbd5b848918cf1f
zoeya ♡ once in a while someone comes into your life and changes everything, they will cheer you up when you are down, laugh with you until your stomach hurts and make you feel at home when you are far away. No matter the distance, she will follow your arrow - wherever it may go ♡ 1234.

les anciennes histoires:

AVATAR : Phoebe Tonkin
CRÉDITS : @jo-tag (avatar) @lonelywolfgifs (gifs); UB : @loonywaltz.
DC : Gabrielle & August
PSEUDO : ellialola
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 15/08/2021

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptyMer 27 Déc 2023 - 22:51 • following
1405 Likes F*ck you, Olga!
november, 30th

but they're watching me, judging me, making me feel so used, can't you see that all i wanna do is get a little wild, get a little high, kiss a hundred boys and not feel like i'm tied to them. if you wanna judge me, then go and load the gun, i've done nothing wrong, i'm young. s. smith + @aeairiel.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 I7IpUTV
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8UJb5dM
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4o1MzC3
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7ZWT0EU
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 NCLDdV8
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 W98cbSy
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 PHWq6JM

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4052937387 :
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Zoya Lewis
Zoya Lewis
l'oeil du cyclone
l'oeil du cyclone
En ligne
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 IAeu3cF Présent
ÂGE : trente et un hivers, née le 20 août 1992.
SURNOM : Zozo c'est bon signe, Zoya c'est qu'elle énerve le monde, Lewis c'est la fin du monde
STATUT : Ils ont officiellement posé un nom sur leur relation, souhaitant tous deux construire une histoire digne de ce nom ensemble. Zoya est la plus heureuse et vous le verrez par ses yeux qui pétillent à l'évocation du nom de Mickey Reeves.
MÉTIER : Photographe à son compte, elle travaille aussi en parallèle pour la maison Weatherton.
LOGEMENT : #86 Agnes Street, avec son frère Cameron (qu'est-ce que le manque d'argent ne vous pousse pas à faire) et sa fille Chloe.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4c0544d589d41272466e3f945902342897a7b422
POSTS : 5188 POINTS : 0

TW IN RP : abandon d'enfant - stérilité - vulgarité - perte d'enfants - blessures physiques - addiction
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : Originaire de Brisbane ♡ A trois frères ♡ Passionnée par la photographie mais aussi la peinture et la cuisine ♡ Les voyages sont sa raison d'être ♡ A 25 ans, on lui annonce qu'elle ne pourra pas avoir d'enfants ♡ A 28 ans, elle tombe enceinte après une histoire d'un soir ♡ Sa fille nait en février 2021, Chloe, qu'elle élève seule (par choix) ♡ Elle tâtonne encore dans son rôle de mère.
CODE COULEUR : Elle tape des crises en #cc6699
RPs EN COURS : (11)Leeves (rp permanent) ♡ Caleb 3Leeves 7Birdoya 15James 2Penelope 1Lexie 3Lewaine 5Anthony 2Birdoya 16 Leyang 2.

(conversations téléphoniques)


professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7f564f5f389c4170aaaadfdbfaafd4fc
lewis family ♡ The family. We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
camya12345678. anthoya1
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8lzq
caleboya ♡ if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, i'll sail the world to find you, if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ♡

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 D3525088fea0a84cb9c9501c562e4a43604d5779
leeves ♡ the last few months, i've been working on me, baby, there's so much trauma in my life, i've been so cold to the ones who loved me, baby, i look back now and i realize, i remember when i held you, you begged me with your drowning eyes to stay and i regret i didn't tell you, now i can't keep you from loving him, you made up your mind ♡ 1234567.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 32a7ab9e558068384111fcf2a81c7546cd3b0656
amya ♡ i love my eyes when you look into them. i love my name when you say it. i love my heart when you touch it. i love my life when you are in it. ♡ 12345678910111213
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 C1bd6cd6c1ffd7a2ca048efefa6819e35333a5ca
birdoya ♡ we laugh at the dumbest jokes, put up with each others worst moods, go along with the craziest ideas , that's what make us the most amazing friends ♡ 1234567891011121314 15
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 443dd3854fca3f9e12908cc0c159b20df09b0502
lewaine ♡ Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down ♡ 1234.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_ncl5vcXzRA1ttqlr0o5_250
floya ♡ woo girl, need to kick off your shoes, got to take a deep breath, time to focus on you, all the big fights, long nights that you been through,i got a bottle of Tequila i been saving for you, boss up and change your life, you can have it all, no sacrifice, t know he did you wrong, we can make it right, so go and let it all hang out tonight ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f8349ebcea3bc535161a0bde8a0b2ca10616fe7
ediya ♡ count me in unannounced, drag my nails on the tile, i just follow your scent, you can't just follow my smile, all of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine, cutting me to the bone, nothing left to leave behind, you ought to keep me concealed just like i was a weapon, i didn't come for a fight but I will fight till the end, this might be your battle, might not turn out okay ♡ 12345.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 489aa9c4de0e59e16fc15e1a70066509f42cd95f
zoyanwar ♡ i don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul? i don't know where i'm going but i don't think I'm coming home and i said, i'll check in tomorrow if i don't wake up dead, this is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end. ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 940fc693f40073a47b0324fea64d0968125f1d62
eliya ♡ You got me fucked up in the head, boy, never doubted myself so much, like, am I pretty? Am I fun, boy?, I hate that I give you power over that kind of stuff. It's always one step forward and three steps back, do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand. No, I don't understand ♡ 1234.

RPs EN ATTENTE : Elijah 5 ♡
RPs TERMINÉS : FBWill #1 (janv. 2014) ♡ Zinnley #1 (oct. 2014) ♡ Birdoya #6 (nov. 2014) ♡ Zinnley 3 (sept. 2015) ♡ Eliya #3 (juil. 2017) ♡ Camya #3 (nov. 2017) ♡ Zoeya #1 (août 2018) ♡ Rhett 1 (sept.) ♡ Ediya #1 (oct. 2018) ♡ Ediya 4 (déc. 2018) ♡ Birdoya #4 (fb) (fév.2019) ♡ Zoyanwar #1 (fb) (oct.2019) .

2020Mila #1 (janv.) ♡ Lewaine #1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #1 (juin).

2021Troya #1 (août) ♡ Leeves #1Camya #1 (sept.) ♡ Zotumn #1 (oct.) ♡ Trent #2 (nov.) ♡ Swann #1 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya #2 (nov.) ♡ Zoeya #2 (nov.) ♡ Eliya #1 (nov.) ♡ Lewaine #2 (déc.) ♡ Lewis family #1 (déc.) ♡ Zoeya #3 (déc.) ♡ Birdoya #3 (déc.) ♡ Tesya #1 (déc.)

2022 Birdoya #5 & Troya #3 (fév.) ♡ Lexie #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #2 (mars) ♡ Jorbir #63 & Birdoya #8 (mai) ♡ Eliya #2 (juil.) ♡ James #1 (sept.) ♡ Amya #3 (sept) ♡ Camya #4Amya #5 (sept) ♡ Birdoya 9 (oct.) ♡ Zoyanwar 2 (déc.) ♡ Las Posadas (dec.) ♡ Mason #1 (déc.) ♡ Amya #6 (déc.) ♡ Jorbirdoya #2 (déc.) ♡ Troya #4 (déc.).

2023 Chelsea #1 (janv.) ♡ Amya #7 (janv.) ♡ Ediya #2 (fév.) ♡ Eliya 4 (fév.) ♡ Floya 1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #12 (mars) ♡ Amya #8 (mars) ♡ Camya #5 (mars) ♡ Caleboya #1 (mars) ♡ Lewaine 3Ediya #3 (avril) ♡ Leeves #2 (mai) ♡ Tesya 2 (mai) ♡ mariage Rowann (juin) ♡ Amya #9 (juin) ♡ Leeves 3 (juin) ♡ Lexie 2 (juin) ♡ Camya 6 (juin) ♡ Kieran (août) ♡ Damon #1 (août) ♡ Zinnley 2 (août) ♡ Carl 1 (août) ♡ Ediya 5 (août) ♡ Camya 7 (août) ♡ Kieran 2 (août) ♡ Leeves 4 (août) ♡ Birdoya 13 (août) ♡ Caleboya 2 (août) ♡ Damon 3 (sept) ♡ Floya 2 (sept.) ♡ Charlie 1 (sept) ♡ Amya 12 (sept) ♡ Leeves 5 (sept) ♡ Jiyeon & Mickey (sept) ♡ Lewaine 4 (sept) ♡ Leeves 6 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya 14 (nov.) ♡ Camya 8 (déc) ♡ Anthony 1 (déc.).

2024 Amya 13 (janv.) ♡ Eddie 1 (janv.) ♡ Jordan 3 (mars) ♡ Ruben 2 (mars) ♡ Kieran 3 (mars)

UAChanoya #1Rhett (slasher) ♡ Camya 2Isaac (HP) ♡ Amya #4 (bunyip) ♡ Corey 1 (bunyip) ♡ Amya 10 (momies) ♡ Damon 2 (spatial) ♡ Rhett 3 (slasher) ♡ Rhett 4 (slasher) ♡ Amya 11 (momies) ♡ Amya 13 (momies) ♡ ♡ Ruben 1 (bunyip) ♡ Damon 4 (spatial) ♡ Chanoya 2 (zombies).

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Giphy
zoddy ♡ I hate how you don't even try. I hate how you don't care. I hate how i still try to keep you in our life. ♡ 1234567#8#9.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 0b9c4fa2fe0db9e43b2d6b8afbbd5b848918cf1f
zoeya ♡ once in a while someone comes into your life and changes everything, they will cheer you up when you are down, laugh with you until your stomach hurts and make you feel at home when you are far away. No matter the distance, she will follow your arrow - wherever it may go ♡ 1234.

les anciennes histoires:

AVATAR : Phoebe Tonkin
CRÉDITS : @jo-tag (avatar) @lonelywolfgifs (gifs); UB : @loonywaltz.
DC : Gabrielle & August
PSEUDO : ellialola
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 15/08/2021

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptyMer 27 Déc 2023 - 22:58 • following
1234 Likes I think this little princess is happy with this new big Christmas tree!
december, 16th

but they're watching me, judging me, making me feel so used, can't you see that all i wanna do is get a little wild, get a little high, kiss a hundred boys and not feel like i'm tied to them. if you wanna judge me, then go and load the gun, i've done nothing wrong, i'm young. s. smith + @aeairiel.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 I7IpUTV
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8UJb5dM
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4o1MzC3
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7ZWT0EU
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 NCLDdV8
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 W98cbSy
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 PHWq6JM

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4052937387 :
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Anthony Lewis
Anthony Lewis
la force tranquille
la force tranquille
ÂGE : 36 ans (16 février 1988)
SURNOM : Tony, Tone, sans compter la tripotée de surnoms que trouve sa fratrie pour l'emmerder. c'est ce qui arrive quand on est l'aîné.
STATUT : En couple avec sa meilleure amie, sa partenaire de chic et de choc depuis qu’il a l’âge de compter et écrire. Une folie pour lui que de se dire en couple …
MÉTIER : associé du paternel au Tasty Tazzy & sous-chef en cuisine
LOGEMENT : bayside
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_nyydacJLfP1smetzyo4_250
POSTS : 876 POINTS : 40

TW IN RP : mention d'adultère. peur de l'engagement
TW IRL : transphobie et violence envers les animaux.
GENRE : Je suis un homme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
RPs EN COURS : ■■□□□□ (2/6)
zoya #2
penelope #21

RPs TERMINÉS : cf, fiche de liens
AVATAR : Jack Falahee
CRÉDITS : tillmidnight (avatar) KLM (gif #2)
DC : Edison Dorn, aka Spanky & Molly Biggs & Ugo De Luca
PSEUDO : éms, émilie
Fluide/non-binaire (iel/ellui)
INSCRIT LE : 11/12/2023

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptyMer 27 Déc 2023 - 23:29

ton(e) commented :
what a cutie !  professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f60d

❝ Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.❞

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 I7IpUTV
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Zoya Lewis
Zoya Lewis
l'oeil du cyclone
l'oeil du cyclone
En ligne
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 IAeu3cF Présent
ÂGE : trente et un hivers, née le 20 août 1992.
SURNOM : Zozo c'est bon signe, Zoya c'est qu'elle énerve le monde, Lewis c'est la fin du monde
STATUT : Ils ont officiellement posé un nom sur leur relation, souhaitant tous deux construire une histoire digne de ce nom ensemble. Zoya est la plus heureuse et vous le verrez par ses yeux qui pétillent à l'évocation du nom de Mickey Reeves.
MÉTIER : Photographe à son compte, elle travaille aussi en parallèle pour la maison Weatherton.
LOGEMENT : #86 Agnes Street, avec son frère Cameron (qu'est-ce que le manque d'argent ne vous pousse pas à faire) et sa fille Chloe.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4c0544d589d41272466e3f945902342897a7b422
POSTS : 5188 POINTS : 0

TW IN RP : abandon d'enfant - stérilité - vulgarité - perte d'enfants - blessures physiques - addiction
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : Originaire de Brisbane ♡ A trois frères ♡ Passionnée par la photographie mais aussi la peinture et la cuisine ♡ Les voyages sont sa raison d'être ♡ A 25 ans, on lui annonce qu'elle ne pourra pas avoir d'enfants ♡ A 28 ans, elle tombe enceinte après une histoire d'un soir ♡ Sa fille nait en février 2021, Chloe, qu'elle élève seule (par choix) ♡ Elle tâtonne encore dans son rôle de mère.
CODE COULEUR : Elle tape des crises en #cc6699
RPs EN COURS : (11)Leeves (rp permanent) ♡ Caleb 3Leeves 7Birdoya 15James 2Penelope 1Lexie 3Lewaine 5Anthony 2Birdoya 16 Leyang 2.

(conversations téléphoniques)


professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7f564f5f389c4170aaaadfdbfaafd4fc
lewis family ♡ The family. We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
camya12345678. anthoya1
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8lzq
caleboya ♡ if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, i'll sail the world to find you, if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ♡

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 D3525088fea0a84cb9c9501c562e4a43604d5779
leeves ♡ the last few months, i've been working on me, baby, there's so much trauma in my life, i've been so cold to the ones who loved me, baby, i look back now and i realize, i remember when i held you, you begged me with your drowning eyes to stay and i regret i didn't tell you, now i can't keep you from loving him, you made up your mind ♡ 1234567.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 32a7ab9e558068384111fcf2a81c7546cd3b0656
amya ♡ i love my eyes when you look into them. i love my name when you say it. i love my heart when you touch it. i love my life when you are in it. ♡ 12345678910111213
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 C1bd6cd6c1ffd7a2ca048efefa6819e35333a5ca
birdoya ♡ we laugh at the dumbest jokes, put up with each others worst moods, go along with the craziest ideas , that's what make us the most amazing friends ♡ 1234567891011121314 15
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 443dd3854fca3f9e12908cc0c159b20df09b0502
lewaine ♡ Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down ♡ 1234.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_ncl5vcXzRA1ttqlr0o5_250
floya ♡ woo girl, need to kick off your shoes, got to take a deep breath, time to focus on you, all the big fights, long nights that you been through,i got a bottle of Tequila i been saving for you, boss up and change your life, you can have it all, no sacrifice, t know he did you wrong, we can make it right, so go and let it all hang out tonight ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f8349ebcea3bc535161a0bde8a0b2ca10616fe7
ediya ♡ count me in unannounced, drag my nails on the tile, i just follow your scent, you can't just follow my smile, all of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine, cutting me to the bone, nothing left to leave behind, you ought to keep me concealed just like i was a weapon, i didn't come for a fight but I will fight till the end, this might be your battle, might not turn out okay ♡ 12345.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 489aa9c4de0e59e16fc15e1a70066509f42cd95f
zoyanwar ♡ i don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul? i don't know where i'm going but i don't think I'm coming home and i said, i'll check in tomorrow if i don't wake up dead, this is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end. ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 940fc693f40073a47b0324fea64d0968125f1d62
eliya ♡ You got me fucked up in the head, boy, never doubted myself so much, like, am I pretty? Am I fun, boy?, I hate that I give you power over that kind of stuff. It's always one step forward and three steps back, do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand. No, I don't understand ♡ 1234.

RPs EN ATTENTE : Elijah 5 ♡
RPs TERMINÉS : FBWill #1 (janv. 2014) ♡ Zinnley #1 (oct. 2014) ♡ Birdoya #6 (nov. 2014) ♡ Zinnley 3 (sept. 2015) ♡ Eliya #3 (juil. 2017) ♡ Camya #3 (nov. 2017) ♡ Zoeya #1 (août 2018) ♡ Rhett 1 (sept.) ♡ Ediya #1 (oct. 2018) ♡ Ediya 4 (déc. 2018) ♡ Birdoya #4 (fb) (fév.2019) ♡ Zoyanwar #1 (fb) (oct.2019) .

2020Mila #1 (janv.) ♡ Lewaine #1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #1 (juin).

2021Troya #1 (août) ♡ Leeves #1Camya #1 (sept.) ♡ Zotumn #1 (oct.) ♡ Trent #2 (nov.) ♡ Swann #1 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya #2 (nov.) ♡ Zoeya #2 (nov.) ♡ Eliya #1 (nov.) ♡ Lewaine #2 (déc.) ♡ Lewis family #1 (déc.) ♡ Zoeya #3 (déc.) ♡ Birdoya #3 (déc.) ♡ Tesya #1 (déc.)

2022 Birdoya #5 & Troya #3 (fév.) ♡ Lexie #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #2 (mars) ♡ Jorbir #63 & Birdoya #8 (mai) ♡ Eliya #2 (juil.) ♡ James #1 (sept.) ♡ Amya #3 (sept) ♡ Camya #4Amya #5 (sept) ♡ Birdoya 9 (oct.) ♡ Zoyanwar 2 (déc.) ♡ Las Posadas (dec.) ♡ Mason #1 (déc.) ♡ Amya #6 (déc.) ♡ Jorbirdoya #2 (déc.) ♡ Troya #4 (déc.).

2023 Chelsea #1 (janv.) ♡ Amya #7 (janv.) ♡ Ediya #2 (fév.) ♡ Eliya 4 (fév.) ♡ Floya 1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #12 (mars) ♡ Amya #8 (mars) ♡ Camya #5 (mars) ♡ Caleboya #1 (mars) ♡ Lewaine 3Ediya #3 (avril) ♡ Leeves #2 (mai) ♡ Tesya 2 (mai) ♡ mariage Rowann (juin) ♡ Amya #9 (juin) ♡ Leeves 3 (juin) ♡ Lexie 2 (juin) ♡ Camya 6 (juin) ♡ Kieran (août) ♡ Damon #1 (août) ♡ Zinnley 2 (août) ♡ Carl 1 (août) ♡ Ediya 5 (août) ♡ Camya 7 (août) ♡ Kieran 2 (août) ♡ Leeves 4 (août) ♡ Birdoya 13 (août) ♡ Caleboya 2 (août) ♡ Damon 3 (sept) ♡ Floya 2 (sept.) ♡ Charlie 1 (sept) ♡ Amya 12 (sept) ♡ Leeves 5 (sept) ♡ Jiyeon & Mickey (sept) ♡ Lewaine 4 (sept) ♡ Leeves 6 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya 14 (nov.) ♡ Camya 8 (déc) ♡ Anthony 1 (déc.).

2024 Amya 13 (janv.) ♡ Eddie 1 (janv.) ♡ Jordan 3 (mars) ♡ Ruben 2 (mars) ♡ Kieran 3 (mars)

UAChanoya #1Rhett (slasher) ♡ Camya 2Isaac (HP) ♡ Amya #4 (bunyip) ♡ Corey 1 (bunyip) ♡ Amya 10 (momies) ♡ Damon 2 (spatial) ♡ Rhett 3 (slasher) ♡ Rhett 4 (slasher) ♡ Amya 11 (momies) ♡ Amya 13 (momies) ♡ ♡ Ruben 1 (bunyip) ♡ Damon 4 (spatial) ♡ Chanoya 2 (zombies).

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Giphy
zoddy ♡ I hate how you don't even try. I hate how you don't care. I hate how i still try to keep you in our life. ♡ 1234567#8#9.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 0b9c4fa2fe0db9e43b2d6b8afbbd5b848918cf1f
zoeya ♡ once in a while someone comes into your life and changes everything, they will cheer you up when you are down, laugh with you until your stomach hurts and make you feel at home when you are far away. No matter the distance, she will follow your arrow - wherever it may go ♡ 1234.

les anciennes histoires:

AVATAR : Phoebe Tonkin
CRÉDITS : @jo-tag (avatar) @lonelywolfgifs (gifs); UB : @loonywaltz.
DC : Gabrielle & August
PSEUDO : ellialola
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 15/08/2021

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptyJeu 28 Déc 2023 - 12:09 • following
1405 Likes and i think this little one is happy too (and so cute with his beanie) :l:
december, 16th

@Mickey Reeves

but they're watching me, judging me, making me feel so used, can't you see that all i wanna do is get a little wild, get a little high, kiss a hundred boys and not feel like i'm tied to them. if you wanna judge me, then go and load the gun, i've done nothing wrong, i'm young. s. smith + @aeairiel.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 I7IpUTV
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8UJb5dM
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4o1MzC3
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7ZWT0EU
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 NCLDdV8
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 W98cbSy
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 PHWq6JM

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4052937387 :
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Zoya Lewis
Zoya Lewis
l'oeil du cyclone
l'oeil du cyclone
En ligne
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 IAeu3cF Présent
ÂGE : trente et un hivers, née le 20 août 1992.
SURNOM : Zozo c'est bon signe, Zoya c'est qu'elle énerve le monde, Lewis c'est la fin du monde
STATUT : Ils ont officiellement posé un nom sur leur relation, souhaitant tous deux construire une histoire digne de ce nom ensemble. Zoya est la plus heureuse et vous le verrez par ses yeux qui pétillent à l'évocation du nom de Mickey Reeves.
MÉTIER : Photographe à son compte, elle travaille aussi en parallèle pour la maison Weatherton.
LOGEMENT : #86 Agnes Street, avec son frère Cameron (qu'est-ce que le manque d'argent ne vous pousse pas à faire) et sa fille Chloe.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4c0544d589d41272466e3f945902342897a7b422
POSTS : 5188 POINTS : 0

TW IN RP : abandon d'enfant - stérilité - vulgarité - perte d'enfants - blessures physiques - addiction
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : Originaire de Brisbane ♡ A trois frères ♡ Passionnée par la photographie mais aussi la peinture et la cuisine ♡ Les voyages sont sa raison d'être ♡ A 25 ans, on lui annonce qu'elle ne pourra pas avoir d'enfants ♡ A 28 ans, elle tombe enceinte après une histoire d'un soir ♡ Sa fille nait en février 2021, Chloe, qu'elle élève seule (par choix) ♡ Elle tâtonne encore dans son rôle de mère.
CODE COULEUR : Elle tape des crises en #cc6699
RPs EN COURS : (11)Leeves (rp permanent) ♡ Caleb 3Leeves 7Birdoya 15James 2Penelope 1Lexie 3Lewaine 5Anthony 2Birdoya 16 Leyang 2.

(conversations téléphoniques)


professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7f564f5f389c4170aaaadfdbfaafd4fc
lewis family ♡ The family. We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
camya12345678. anthoya1
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8lzq
caleboya ♡ if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, i'll sail the world to find you, if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ♡

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 D3525088fea0a84cb9c9501c562e4a43604d5779
leeves ♡ the last few months, i've been working on me, baby, there's so much trauma in my life, i've been so cold to the ones who loved me, baby, i look back now and i realize, i remember when i held you, you begged me with your drowning eyes to stay and i regret i didn't tell you, now i can't keep you from loving him, you made up your mind ♡ 1234567.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 32a7ab9e558068384111fcf2a81c7546cd3b0656
amya ♡ i love my eyes when you look into them. i love my name when you say it. i love my heart when you touch it. i love my life when you are in it. ♡ 12345678910111213
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 C1bd6cd6c1ffd7a2ca048efefa6819e35333a5ca
birdoya ♡ we laugh at the dumbest jokes, put up with each others worst moods, go along with the craziest ideas , that's what make us the most amazing friends ♡ 1234567891011121314 15
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 443dd3854fca3f9e12908cc0c159b20df09b0502
lewaine ♡ Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down ♡ 1234.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_ncl5vcXzRA1ttqlr0o5_250
floya ♡ woo girl, need to kick off your shoes, got to take a deep breath, time to focus on you, all the big fights, long nights that you been through,i got a bottle of Tequila i been saving for you, boss up and change your life, you can have it all, no sacrifice, t know he did you wrong, we can make it right, so go and let it all hang out tonight ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f8349ebcea3bc535161a0bde8a0b2ca10616fe7
ediya ♡ count me in unannounced, drag my nails on the tile, i just follow your scent, you can't just follow my smile, all of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine, cutting me to the bone, nothing left to leave behind, you ought to keep me concealed just like i was a weapon, i didn't come for a fight but I will fight till the end, this might be your battle, might not turn out okay ♡ 12345.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 489aa9c4de0e59e16fc15e1a70066509f42cd95f
zoyanwar ♡ i don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul? i don't know where i'm going but i don't think I'm coming home and i said, i'll check in tomorrow if i don't wake up dead, this is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end. ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 940fc693f40073a47b0324fea64d0968125f1d62
eliya ♡ You got me fucked up in the head, boy, never doubted myself so much, like, am I pretty? Am I fun, boy?, I hate that I give you power over that kind of stuff. It's always one step forward and three steps back, do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand. No, I don't understand ♡ 1234.

RPs EN ATTENTE : Elijah 5 ♡
RPs TERMINÉS : FBWill #1 (janv. 2014) ♡ Zinnley #1 (oct. 2014) ♡ Birdoya #6 (nov. 2014) ♡ Zinnley 3 (sept. 2015) ♡ Eliya #3 (juil. 2017) ♡ Camya #3 (nov. 2017) ♡ Zoeya #1 (août 2018) ♡ Rhett 1 (sept.) ♡ Ediya #1 (oct. 2018) ♡ Ediya 4 (déc. 2018) ♡ Birdoya #4 (fb) (fév.2019) ♡ Zoyanwar #1 (fb) (oct.2019) .

2020Mila #1 (janv.) ♡ Lewaine #1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #1 (juin).

2021Troya #1 (août) ♡ Leeves #1Camya #1 (sept.) ♡ Zotumn #1 (oct.) ♡ Trent #2 (nov.) ♡ Swann #1 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya #2 (nov.) ♡ Zoeya #2 (nov.) ♡ Eliya #1 (nov.) ♡ Lewaine #2 (déc.) ♡ Lewis family #1 (déc.) ♡ Zoeya #3 (déc.) ♡ Birdoya #3 (déc.) ♡ Tesya #1 (déc.)

2022 Birdoya #5 & Troya #3 (fév.) ♡ Lexie #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #2 (mars) ♡ Jorbir #63 & Birdoya #8 (mai) ♡ Eliya #2 (juil.) ♡ James #1 (sept.) ♡ Amya #3 (sept) ♡ Camya #4Amya #5 (sept) ♡ Birdoya 9 (oct.) ♡ Zoyanwar 2 (déc.) ♡ Las Posadas (dec.) ♡ Mason #1 (déc.) ♡ Amya #6 (déc.) ♡ Jorbirdoya #2 (déc.) ♡ Troya #4 (déc.).

2023 Chelsea #1 (janv.) ♡ Amya #7 (janv.) ♡ Ediya #2 (fév.) ♡ Eliya 4 (fév.) ♡ Floya 1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #12 (mars) ♡ Amya #8 (mars) ♡ Camya #5 (mars) ♡ Caleboya #1 (mars) ♡ Lewaine 3Ediya #3 (avril) ♡ Leeves #2 (mai) ♡ Tesya 2 (mai) ♡ mariage Rowann (juin) ♡ Amya #9 (juin) ♡ Leeves 3 (juin) ♡ Lexie 2 (juin) ♡ Camya 6 (juin) ♡ Kieran (août) ♡ Damon #1 (août) ♡ Zinnley 2 (août) ♡ Carl 1 (août) ♡ Ediya 5 (août) ♡ Camya 7 (août) ♡ Kieran 2 (août) ♡ Leeves 4 (août) ♡ Birdoya 13 (août) ♡ Caleboya 2 (août) ♡ Damon 3 (sept) ♡ Floya 2 (sept.) ♡ Charlie 1 (sept) ♡ Amya 12 (sept) ♡ Leeves 5 (sept) ♡ Jiyeon & Mickey (sept) ♡ Lewaine 4 (sept) ♡ Leeves 6 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya 14 (nov.) ♡ Camya 8 (déc) ♡ Anthony 1 (déc.).

2024 Amya 13 (janv.) ♡ Eddie 1 (janv.) ♡ Jordan 3 (mars) ♡ Ruben 2 (mars) ♡ Kieran 3 (mars)

UAChanoya #1Rhett (slasher) ♡ Camya 2Isaac (HP) ♡ Amya #4 (bunyip) ♡ Corey 1 (bunyip) ♡ Amya 10 (momies) ♡ Damon 2 (spatial) ♡ Rhett 3 (slasher) ♡ Rhett 4 (slasher) ♡ Amya 11 (momies) ♡ Amya 13 (momies) ♡ ♡ Ruben 1 (bunyip) ♡ Damon 4 (spatial) ♡ Chanoya 2 (zombies).

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Giphy
zoddy ♡ I hate how you don't even try. I hate how you don't care. I hate how i still try to keep you in our life. ♡ 1234567#8#9.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 0b9c4fa2fe0db9e43b2d6b8afbbd5b848918cf1f
zoeya ♡ once in a while someone comes into your life and changes everything, they will cheer you up when you are down, laugh with you until your stomach hurts and make you feel at home when you are far away. No matter the distance, she will follow your arrow - wherever it may go ♡ 1234.

les anciennes histoires:

AVATAR : Phoebe Tonkin
CRÉDITS : @jo-tag (avatar) @lonelywolfgifs (gifs); UB : @loonywaltz.
DC : Gabrielle & August
PSEUDO : ellialola
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 15/08/2021

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptyJeu 4 Jan 2024 - 23:58 • following
1234 Likes Happy New Year  professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f378  
january, 1st

but they're watching me, judging me, making me feel so used, can't you see that all i wanna do is get a little wild, get a little high, kiss a hundred boys and not feel like i'm tied to them. if you wanna judge me, then go and load the gun, i've done nothing wrong, i'm young. s. smith + @aeairiel.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 I7IpUTV
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8UJb5dM
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4o1MzC3
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7ZWT0EU
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 NCLDdV8
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 W98cbSy
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 PHWq6JM

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4052937387 :
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Zoya Lewis
Zoya Lewis
l'oeil du cyclone
l'oeil du cyclone
En ligne
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 IAeu3cF Présent
ÂGE : trente et un hivers, née le 20 août 1992.
SURNOM : Zozo c'est bon signe, Zoya c'est qu'elle énerve le monde, Lewis c'est la fin du monde
STATUT : Ils ont officiellement posé un nom sur leur relation, souhaitant tous deux construire une histoire digne de ce nom ensemble. Zoya est la plus heureuse et vous le verrez par ses yeux qui pétillent à l'évocation du nom de Mickey Reeves.
MÉTIER : Photographe à son compte, elle travaille aussi en parallèle pour la maison Weatherton.
LOGEMENT : #86 Agnes Street, avec son frère Cameron (qu'est-ce que le manque d'argent ne vous pousse pas à faire) et sa fille Chloe.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4c0544d589d41272466e3f945902342897a7b422
POSTS : 5188 POINTS : 0

TW IN RP : abandon d'enfant - stérilité - vulgarité - perte d'enfants - blessures physiques - addiction
TW IRL : /
GENRE : Je suis une femme
ORIENTATION : Je n'aime que ma moitié.
PETIT PLUS : Originaire de Brisbane ♡ A trois frères ♡ Passionnée par la photographie mais aussi la peinture et la cuisine ♡ Les voyages sont sa raison d'être ♡ A 25 ans, on lui annonce qu'elle ne pourra pas avoir d'enfants ♡ A 28 ans, elle tombe enceinte après une histoire d'un soir ♡ Sa fille nait en février 2021, Chloe, qu'elle élève seule (par choix) ♡ Elle tâtonne encore dans son rôle de mère.
CODE COULEUR : Elle tape des crises en #cc6699
RPs EN COURS : (11)Leeves (rp permanent) ♡ Caleb 3Leeves 7Birdoya 15James 2Penelope 1Lexie 3Lewaine 5Anthony 2Birdoya 16 Leyang 2.

(conversations téléphoniques)


professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7f564f5f389c4170aaaadfdbfaafd4fc
lewis family ♡ The family. We are a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
camya12345678. anthoya1
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8lzq
caleboya ♡ if you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, i'll sail the world to find you, if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, i'll be the light to guide you ♡

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 D3525088fea0a84cb9c9501c562e4a43604d5779
leeves ♡ the last few months, i've been working on me, baby, there's so much trauma in my life, i've been so cold to the ones who loved me, baby, i look back now and i realize, i remember when i held you, you begged me with your drowning eyes to stay and i regret i didn't tell you, now i can't keep you from loving him, you made up your mind ♡ 1234567.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 32a7ab9e558068384111fcf2a81c7546cd3b0656
amya ♡ i love my eyes when you look into them. i love my name when you say it. i love my heart when you touch it. i love my life when you are in it. ♡ 12345678910111213
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 C1bd6cd6c1ffd7a2ca048efefa6819e35333a5ca
birdoya ♡ we laugh at the dumbest jokes, put up with each others worst moods, go along with the craziest ideas , that's what make us the most amazing friends ♡ 1234567891011121314 15
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 443dd3854fca3f9e12908cc0c159b20df09b0502
lewaine ♡ Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down ♡ 1234.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Tumblr_ncl5vcXzRA1ttqlr0o5_250
floya ♡ woo girl, need to kick off your shoes, got to take a deep breath, time to focus on you, all the big fights, long nights that you been through,i got a bottle of Tequila i been saving for you, boss up and change your life, you can have it all, no sacrifice, t know he did you wrong, we can make it right, so go and let it all hang out tonight ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 1f8349ebcea3bc535161a0bde8a0b2ca10616fe7
ediya ♡ count me in unannounced, drag my nails on the tile, i just follow your scent, you can't just follow my smile, all of your flaws are aligned with this mood of mine, cutting me to the bone, nothing left to leave behind, you ought to keep me concealed just like i was a weapon, i didn't come for a fight but I will fight till the end, this might be your battle, might not turn out okay ♡ 12345.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 489aa9c4de0e59e16fc15e1a70066509f42cd95f
zoyanwar ♡ i don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul? i don't know where i'm going but i don't think I'm coming home and i said, i'll check in tomorrow if i don't wake up dead, this is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end. ♡ 12.
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 940fc693f40073a47b0324fea64d0968125f1d62
eliya ♡ You got me fucked up in the head, boy, never doubted myself so much, like, am I pretty? Am I fun, boy?, I hate that I give you power over that kind of stuff. It's always one step forward and three steps back, do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand. No, I don't understand ♡ 1234.

RPs EN ATTENTE : Elijah 5 ♡
RPs TERMINÉS : FBWill #1 (janv. 2014) ♡ Zinnley #1 (oct. 2014) ♡ Birdoya #6 (nov. 2014) ♡ Zinnley 3 (sept. 2015) ♡ Eliya #3 (juil. 2017) ♡ Camya #3 (nov. 2017) ♡ Zoeya #1 (août 2018) ♡ Rhett 1 (sept.) ♡ Ediya #1 (oct. 2018) ♡ Ediya 4 (déc. 2018) ♡ Birdoya #4 (fb) (fév.2019) ♡ Zoyanwar #1 (fb) (oct.2019) .

2020Mila #1 (janv.) ♡ Lewaine #1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #1 (juin).

2021Troya #1 (août) ♡ Leeves #1Camya #1 (sept.) ♡ Zotumn #1 (oct.) ♡ Trent #2 (nov.) ♡ Swann #1 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya #2 (nov.) ♡ Zoeya #2 (nov.) ♡ Eliya #1 (nov.) ♡ Lewaine #2 (déc.) ♡ Lewis family #1 (déc.) ♡ Zoeya #3 (déc.) ♡ Birdoya #3 (déc.) ♡ Tesya #1 (déc.)

2022 Birdoya #5 & Troya #3 (fév.) ♡ Lexie #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #1 (mars) ♡ Amya #2 (mars) ♡ Jorbir #63 & Birdoya #8 (mai) ♡ Eliya #2 (juil.) ♡ James #1 (sept.) ♡ Amya #3 (sept) ♡ Camya #4Amya #5 (sept) ♡ Birdoya 9 (oct.) ♡ Zoyanwar 2 (déc.) ♡ Las Posadas (dec.) ♡ Mason #1 (déc.) ♡ Amya #6 (déc.) ♡ Jorbirdoya #2 (déc.) ♡ Troya #4 (déc.).

2023 Chelsea #1 (janv.) ♡ Amya #7 (janv.) ♡ Ediya #2 (fév.) ♡ Eliya 4 (fév.) ♡ Floya 1 (mars) ♡ Birdoya #12 (mars) ♡ Amya #8 (mars) ♡ Camya #5 (mars) ♡ Caleboya #1 (mars) ♡ Lewaine 3Ediya #3 (avril) ♡ Leeves #2 (mai) ♡ Tesya 2 (mai) ♡ mariage Rowann (juin) ♡ Amya #9 (juin) ♡ Leeves 3 (juin) ♡ Lexie 2 (juin) ♡ Camya 6 (juin) ♡ Kieran (août) ♡ Damon #1 (août) ♡ Zinnley 2 (août) ♡ Carl 1 (août) ♡ Ediya 5 (août) ♡ Camya 7 (août) ♡ Kieran 2 (août) ♡ Leeves 4 (août) ♡ Birdoya 13 (août) ♡ Caleboya 2 (août) ♡ Damon 3 (sept) ♡ Floya 2 (sept.) ♡ Charlie 1 (sept) ♡ Amya 12 (sept) ♡ Leeves 5 (sept) ♡ Jiyeon & Mickey (sept) ♡ Lewaine 4 (sept) ♡ Leeves 6 (nov.) ♡ Birdoya 14 (nov.) ♡ Camya 8 (déc) ♡ Anthony 1 (déc.).

2024 Amya 13 (janv.) ♡ Eddie 1 (janv.) ♡ Jordan 3 (mars) ♡ Ruben 2 (mars) ♡ Kieran 3 (mars)

UAChanoya #1Rhett (slasher) ♡ Camya 2Isaac (HP) ♡ Amya #4 (bunyip) ♡ Corey 1 (bunyip) ♡ Amya 10 (momies) ♡ Damon 2 (spatial) ♡ Rhett 3 (slasher) ♡ Rhett 4 (slasher) ♡ Amya 11 (momies) ♡ Amya 13 (momies) ♡ ♡ Ruben 1 (bunyip) ♡ Damon 4 (spatial) ♡ Chanoya 2 (zombies).

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Giphy
zoddy ♡ I hate how you don't even try. I hate how you don't care. I hate how i still try to keep you in our life. ♡ 1234567#8#9.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 0b9c4fa2fe0db9e43b2d6b8afbbd5b848918cf1f
zoeya ♡ once in a while someone comes into your life and changes everything, they will cheer you up when you are down, laugh with you until your stomach hurts and make you feel at home when you are far away. No matter the distance, she will follow your arrow - wherever it may go ♡ 1234.

les anciennes histoires:

AVATAR : Phoebe Tonkin
CRÉDITS : @jo-tag (avatar) @lonelywolfgifs (gifs); UB : @loonywaltz.
DC : Gabrielle & August
PSEUDO : ellialola
Femme (elle)
INSCRIT LE : 15/08/2021

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 EmptySam 20 Jan 2024 - 9:03 • following
1765 Likes Paris FW 2024, here we come!
january, 17th

but they're watching me, judging me, making me feel so used, can't you see that all i wanna do is get a little wild, get a little high, kiss a hundred boys and not feel like i'm tied to them. if you wanna judge me, then go and load the gun, i've done nothing wrong, i'm young. s. smith + @aeairiel.

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 I7IpUTV
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 8UJb5dM
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4o1MzC3
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 7ZWT0EU
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 NCLDdV8
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 W98cbSy
professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 PHWq6JM

professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 4052937387 :
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Message(#) Sujet: Re: ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) professionnal - ≈ zoya lewis (instagram) - Page 3 Empty

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≈ zoya lewis (instagram)

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